Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1178 Jingmen Great World

Chapter 1178 Jingmen Great World

Chen Xinghe had already run far away.

When diverting Cang Ji's attention for the death talisman, he shattered the star chariot into a galaxy, and took his figure through the secret door at a very high speed, traversing 28 times in an instant, and he was really willing.

The moment the star chariot completely dissipated, he was already close to a hazy star cluster.

A lot of stars floated in front of him, and he suddenly felt a wave of aura.

"Big Thousand World?" Chen Xinghe raised his eyebrows with joy, recalled his memory and compared it carefully, and said in surprise, "It's still so far away? This direction should be Jingmen Great World. I wonder if I can find a place to hide."

Speed, everything because of speed.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe's speed is very fast, and the obstruction of the void is very small, and he can maintain this extreme speed for a few days.

Unexpectedly, after flying at extreme speed for half a month, I saw a spot of light like a silkworm cocoon, and the Jingmen Great World was in the center of this spot.

From the moment I saw the light spot, I still haven't arrived after flying straight for five days, but the light spot has enlarged a lot.

The next day, it was like standing under the city gate and looking at the city wall, and the distance was shortened a lot.

Even though Cang Ji didn't seem to be chasing him, Chen Xinghe didn't dare to be careless at all.

This kind of cultivator is unpredictable, God knows if there are hidden tricks on him, so the danger may still be there, and he needs to find a place to seal off his aura and hide it deep.

Seeing that he was approaching the Jingmen Great World, instead of slowing down, Chen Xinghe sped up slightly, pierced through the Qingming layer and broke into the Gangfeng layer, and fell towards the ground with unmatched strength.

When he was a hundred feet away from the ground, his figure suddenly stopped, and the sword shadow appeared a Taiji whirlwind, and he slashed fiercely behind him.

Silently, the sword shadow cut off the cause and effect behind him.However, this kind of cutting is limited to the current level. Maybe there are some unique means beyond cognition, so this cutting is probably useless.

Chen Xinghe could not help but frown slightly as he led the star force to explore this place.

Jingmen Great World has a high content of aura, which is more of a fire element. There are volcanoes within three thousand miles nearby, and there are even more terrifying flame mountains in the distance. It is simply a world of flames.

The problem is not here, the Jingmen Great World is mentioned in the classics, but this is not the scene.

"Why are there so many volcanoes? There are so many changes. Finding places where the volcanoes are concentrated may interfere with Taoist Cangji's perception of me." Chen Xinghe jumped up and went to the densely populated places to have a look.

From this point of view, a new problem emerged.

There is not a single monk in the city.

Really not, it's all commonplace, not even a monk in the Qi refining period, at most there are some quacks.

This situation is not normal.

As soon as Chen Xinghe soared into the sky, he suddenly found that his cultivation had weakened.

"No, it's not right here." He was just about to fly into the sky, but unexpectedly his body suddenly became heavier, and he couldn't go up when he was a thousand feet into the air.

With a change of mind, Chen Xinghe came to the second city.

After scanning the spiritual sense, there were still no monks.

"Spiritual Qi is so strong, there should be a lot of fire root monks."

Chen Xinghe fell back to the ground, feeling that his body was getting heavier, as if he was about to fall into the ground.

At this time, the right hand actively conveyed the consciousness: "You must leave within three days!"

Just this sentence, and no sound.

"Hey, you should clarify the reason behind this! Don't just say this without beginning or end!"


Chen Xinghe patted his forehead, knowing that there would be no second sentence.

To be honest, it is very good that the right hand can say something at a critical moment, it is better than playing dead before, at least knowing that he is alive.

"Three days! Only three days? Why should I leave?"

"The body is getting heavier and heavier, what happened to this ghost place?"

He moved out again, wanting to find a way to leave in the shortest possible time, he no longer cared much about whether Taoist Cangji came after him.

The world of Jingmen is so weird, I am afraid that Cang Ji will fall into it when he comes, but that guy is so powerful, maybe there is a way to leave.

After walking through several cities in a row, and trying their best to locate with star power, they finally found a dilapidated cave on the edge of a giant volcano.

Didn't say anything, hurried to the past.

There is only a small amount of lava restrictions left in this dilapidated cave, which should have been extremely large in size. Judging from the half-collapsed buildings, the weather back then was no worse than that of a sect like the Moon Moth Sect.

However, all the magic tools, magic treasures, heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are helpful to practice have disappeared, leaving only a few scarred walls telling how glorious this place used to be.

Chen Xinghe searched carefully, and brought out a large gold box.

After opening it, I was surprised to find that it was full of exercises and secret methods.

Without jade slips, this sect named Donghua Sect engraved the inheritance of Taoism in crystal balls the size of walnuts.

So many crystal balls, white crystals, red crystals, amethysts, blue crystals, gold crystals.

Among them, Jin Jingjing recorded the highest level of cultivation methods, and even recorded several immortal methods.

However, these are not what Chen Xinghe wants. He wants to know what happened in Jingmen Great World?It's so terrifying, if you want to leave, where should you start?

Soon, he found the answer in a black crystal ball.

There is only this black crystal ball in the box, and there are rows of small silver characters written in it, so it's hard not to notice it.

"The corpse of an ancient immortal was discovered in the Jingmen Great World? This immortal seemed to be fighting against demonization during his life. The four major sects worked together to explore the mysteries of the immortal. As a result, some taboos were violated. The corpse suddenly fell into the depths of the earth."

"In just three years, everything related to practice in the Jingmen Great World fell. The monks suffered even more, their bodies became heavier and heavier, and they fell into the depths of the ground! Every volcano is a powerful monk who fell into the sky. A passage through the center of the earth."

"No monk can escape this catastrophe. The higher the level of cultivation, the faster the fall."

"Naturally, everyone doesn't want to sit still and try every means to leave. However, the traction force from the center of the earth is too strong. The only almost successful case is to stimulate the most powerful volcanic eruption and fly into the sky with the help of the eruption."

"At this point, the cultivation world of the Jingmen Great World is completely destroyed, and it will be buried with the corpse of that immortal."

Chen Xinghe was stunned for a while, then put away the box and left.

He is going to find the most powerful volcano in Jingmen Great World, and find a way to stimulate the eruption of the volcano. If others can't do it, it doesn't mean he can't.

Just after walking out of Dong Hua Sect, a dazzling light appeared in the distance.

"Boom..." The sound was accompanied by a large amount of dust and smoke.

Chen Xinghe was overjoyed, the pulling force from the center of the earth was weakening, it was Taoist Cangji.

It was indeed Taoist Cangji, he chased after Jingmen Great World and noticed that there was an anomaly here, and immediately flew high like Chen Xinghe.

However, his body was unimaginably heavy, forcing him to fight against the abnormality, causing huge waves between the heaven and the earth.

The vicinity of Donghuazong is where the most volcanoes are located.

In a hurry, Chen Xinghe immediately released his flying sword to attack those small volcanoes.

"Boom, boom, boom..." There was a lot of movement, Taoist Cangji felt the vibration and flew towards this place.

Chen Xinghe went straight to the largest volcano in the Donghua Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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