Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1182 The Root of Purgatory

Chapter 1182 The Root of Purgatory
In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

The great world of Jingmen is still struggling with dark clouds.

Every day at noon, the darkness will turn into a huge face, opening its mouth wide to face the void.

The surrounding area has become a spiritual desert.

Don't talk about spiritual energy, even the mysterious and evil energy disappeared without a trace, which shows how fierce the absorption is.

The huge face breathed out the corpse gas, and the surrounding world would suffer in this way for ten or eight years.

Chen Xinghe didn't leave, he wanted to get rid of this cancer.

Another three days later, a huge tiger demon suddenly flew towards the Jingmen Great World.

He leaped thousands of miles and melted into the black cloud with a "plop".

The cold wind was blowing, and the ears were whistling again and again, and the tiger demon's eyes were blank.

When the huge figure was still five hundred feet away from the ground, a huge banana leaf was suddenly released, and the tiger's claws stepped on it and fluttered to the ground.

It's only been a few days?The sky is full of black goose feather snow, and the ground is still warm, but most of the volcanoes are close to extinguishing.

In those towns, people were shivering, not knowing what was happening, and praying for a quick return to normal.

The aura of corpses in some mass graves is high, and some corpses have changed.

The tiger demon transformed into Chen Xinghe's appearance.

Suddenly, the tiger demon's eyes became blank again, and he froze in place.

After a while, the tiger demon returned to normal, patted his chest and said to himself: "Fortunately, after the house is seized, a little spirit control can go back and forth at will."

Chen Xinghe heaved a sigh of relief, these days he went to the nearby world to catch young men.

This tiger demon is one of them. It is very evil. It will devour more than a hundred towns every hundred years. It has already cultivated to the late stage of transformation.

During the duel, the Tiger Demon had no power to fight back against Chen Xinghe, and the Lingbao-level flying sword alone tortured him to death.

As a result, there was one less evil in the area, and Chen Xinghe had an extra big bug in his pocket.

At this moment, the tiger demon came near the volcano that Taoist Cangji smashed out, roared and reappeared, and ran towards the crater at top speed.

The pressure was terrible, but the body was very strong, so I hurried to reach the crater in half an hour.

The tiger demon transformed into Chen Xinghe again, looked down for a moment and jumped down.

Yes, he jumped.

He took the initiative to jump down to explore the center of the earth.

The figure suddenly accelerated, like a small stone thrown into a lake, causing a circle of ripples.

The magma in the upper layer almost solidified, plunged into thousands of feet and heated up rapidly.

The temperature is very high and the pressure is also high. Fortunately, the tiger demon is powerful, so the temperature is not worth mentioning.

Chen Xinghe wants to see where the earth's core will drag him to.

But the underground is changing too fast, it seems that this is no longer the way for Taoist Cangji to fall.

There are rumbles and loud noises underground all the time, and the stones are squeezed against each other, making people feel panicked.

Since Chen Xinghe walked down on his own initiative, he walked very fast and did not form a volcano on the ground.

Suddenly, there was a bright light ahead.

The magma rivers converge here, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the tiger's fur is a little curled.

There were roars from both sides of the river bank, and figures appeared, looking like human torches.

Those are flaming corpses that are burning all the time, and there are a lot of them.

It seems that the monks who fell into the ground are all here, feeling the breath of living creatures and immediately attacking, plunged into the magma river.

Seeing lines of fire swimming over, Chen Xinghe glanced around and smiled, his feet lightly treading like white streaks in the waves.

The sides of the magma river were like dumplings, hundreds of torches smashed down one after another, and soon nearly ten thousand lines of fire gathered behind them.

Fortunately, the river is getting wider and wider, forming a sea of ​​fire, otherwise the river would be blocked by these fire corpses.

Suddenly, a huge figure stood up in front of him. From the outline, it should be a mountain giant, but now it has turned into a giant corpse.

Many huge corpses stretched out their hands to grab them.

Chen Xinghe stepped lightly with his feet, and his speed suddenly increased to an unimaginable level, while the fire corpses around him hopped in place, contributing all their strength.

The figure is still falling, and there are sea eyes under the sea of ​​fire.

There was a muffled sound echoing in my ears, the squeezing force was getting stronger and stronger, and the dragging force was getting stronger and stronger.

About half an hour later, Chen Xinghe was startled the moment his figure pierced through Haiyan.

There are actually a lot of corpses in ambush here.

Surrounded by corpse aura all over their bodies, and possessing a powerful ability to resist fire, they are piled together like seaweed.

There are too many, this is the first time Chen Xinghe has seen this kind of scene, corpses piled on top of each other, rippling back and forth.

In a moment, many corpses collided with each other.

At the same time, the power of the flames rose sharply.

A certain kind of mutated Taoism combined forces to confine them, this is the rhythm of cutting flesh and blood one by one!
Chen Xinghe's figure rotated, and under the circle of Tai Chi, these "seaweeds" not only did not entangle him, but formed a huge thrust.

The figure accelerated through the sea eye, and then fell into purgatory.

The surrounding area is still bright red.

Chen Xinghe probably understood that the underground has formed unique regulations, and those who are weak can only become fire corpses.

Strong strength can definitely withstand the attacks of these fire corpses, but so what?Still have to sink into the center of the earth under the drag of a powerful force.

So in the process of falling, you can stay where you are at whatever level you are.

Chen Xinghe guessed that if he fell like this, he would definitely encounter the corpse of the God Transformation Stage.

The strata are protruding, there are plains, hills, and lakes, and the fire corpses of the Yuanying period appeared, and there is not a small space for activities.

This situation is very similar to deliberately raising a corpse.

"The fairy corpse raises the corpse, what is this for?"

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath and suddenly thought of Han Tianzong.

Because in the legend, the Han Tianzong fought against Purgatory, but where is Purgatory?

According to the memory of the Demon Peak of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, the formation of purgatory is related to the corpse of the immortal. Now that it is connected, the corpse of the immortal is the root of the formation of purgatory.

So in the Han Tianzong's exercises, is there a way to counter these fire corpses?

You must know that the Moon Moth Sect is in the same line as the Hantian Sect, he doesn't know the Hantian Sect's exercises, but he is familiar with the Moon Moth Sect's exercises!

Turning your mind around and thinking about it, inspiration suddenly springs up.

The main reason is that the environment is here, and it is easy to find the direction through the front line by following the map.

Step-by-step deduction, and soon found a secret method, called chill paste.

"The tree has no leaves at the end of the year, and the branches are covered with frost at night. The traveler is always toil, and the lonely sky doesn't know."

A little frost gathers, and the artistic conception becomes lofty.

Chen Xinghe was overjoyed, although it was only a little cold, it was the key to breaking the defense.

Just when he realized the method, a fire monkey appeared.

"The stage of transformation? This monkey is definitely in the stage of transformation, so I just took him to try."

Chen Xinghe rubbed a bunch of tiger hair from his body, flicked it lightly, the tiger hair turned into a brush and touched the monkey's brow.

"Zhizhi..." the monkey grinned ferociously.

It's just that no matter how powerful he is, how can he withstand the lock of an expert like Chen Xinghe?
With a bruise between the eyebrows, the cold paste entered the brain smoothly, and the monkey was suddenly sluggish, and lay down stiffly.

Suddenly, the pulling force increased, Chen Xinghe quickly stopped the fire monkey, and plunged towards a huge mass of darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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