Chapter 1183
The body of the tiger demon continued to drift, the flames were too strong, and the hair all over his body was scorched and curled.

Chen Xinghe felt that he could persist, so he didn't care about the flames.

He's working on the fire monkey he just got.

This monkey has practiced for many years, and finally reached the stage of transforming into a god. In the Jingmen Great World, it is also a big demon who stomps his feet and trembles three times.

Who knows that when the catastrophe arrives, the body will die and the road will disappear!

Chen Xinghe didn't care how the monkey was doing well when he was alive, what he cared about was how the monkey died.

"The soul seems to have been forcibly taken away. The body has undergone a change under the presence of corpse energy, and its strength should have become greater. It has increased resistance to the power of the five elements."

Suddenly, darkness engulfed the tiger demon.

Somewhere, the soul is attracted, and wants to follow a certain track and rush to a certain place.

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe's eyes lit up for a moment, and then the sockets of his eyes dimmed.

The body of the tiger demon lay quietly in the dark torrent, dragged by the mysterious force, and drifted towards the unknown area.

Chen Xinghe has already returned through the channel of seizing the house.

He is more afraid of the power of soul-destroying, so he dodges first, leaving the body of the tiger demon to drift with the tide.

At this moment, the soul returned to the body and hurriedly prepared the magic talisman.

These talismans are very simple, just to seal the chill stickers.

Then, Chen Xinghe took out thirteen substitutes, including a fox demon, a succubus, a sky ghost, and a fat monk.

These avatars are not good things, let alone fox demons, demons, sky ghosts and so on, and that big monk is not a good thing, I don't know how many girl cultivators have been killed.

Although these avatars are in the stage of transforming gods, none of them are in the late stage of transforming gods.

It is extremely easy to capture them, and they will faint when they are shaken hard, and it is even easier to occupy their bodies.

Thirteen avatars were thrown towards Jingmen Great World from different locations, and they were estimated to arrive in two hours.

Chen Xinghe let out a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged in the void and waited quietly.

An hour later, the tiger demon opened his eyes.

The darkness remained in front of his eyes, and there were several corpses lying beside him.

All of them were fire corpses in the stage of transforming gods, and a frost formed on their brows.

"Still drifting?" Chen Xinghe felt a little bored, but fortunately, the previous soul-stirring power had disappeared, and the surroundings were quiet, and there was no abnormality.

After a while, finally something happened.

It is Qianyuan Earth Fire.

This fire is produced by the Kongming Stone, which is blue-green in color, and it looks a little strange from a distance.

Chen Xinghe collected some casually, pinched it between his fingers and played with it for a while.

There are a few fire corpses lying beside them, but even if they have magic weapons and treasures on their bodies, there is no way to seize them and use them if their right hands are not here.

"The spirituality of the magic weapon and the magic weapon has been greatly lost, what the hell! Where is Cang Ji? There is no star power to use, and it seems to be blind."

The tiger demon floated like this, and when the time came, Chen Xinghe started to rush.

The other thirteen doubles are falling and need to be taken care of by him one by one.

After arranging the thirteen substitutes, Chen Xinghe returned to the tiger demon body again, because this body made the fastest progress.

The change came as expected, later than expected, but it came at last.

That is the fire corpse in the fusion stage, not many, there is only one at present.

Don't look at there is only one body, but the land is torn apart, and the corpse is immeasurable.

As soon as he appeared, the aura he brought was overwhelming, and even if he wasn't a fire corpse, he would almost turn into a fire corpse!
The hair on the tiger demon's body was burning, and the clothes on his body were wiped out in ashes.Luckily, I only brought a few plantain leaves, otherwise I couldn't resist the burning of any good things.

Chen Xinghe would not be stuck by this fire corpse.

This guy is powerful, but he is not flexible enough, he can only stir up fire and persecute him.

The banana leaves slammed hard, and the flames couldn't get close.

Taking advantage of this time, Chen Xinghe shoveled over with a shovel, and let the fire corpse stand behind him and explode, there was nothing he could do about it.

As a result, one just passed over here, and another one came behind.

Chen Xinghe knew at a glance that this newcomer had suffered a great loss under Cang Ji's hands, half of his body was sunken, although he recovered a little with the help of the ground fire, but he was still far away from recovery!
Seeing such a fire corpse, naturally he would not let it go.

A blast of chill pierced into the center of Huo Corpse's eyebrows, but only faint hoarfrost appeared, worthy of a monk in the fusion period.

Even though the damage wasn't serious, Chen Xinghe could tell that the fire corpse was slowing down.

It's good to be slow, and it can kill time. It would be great if there are more injured fire corpses ahead.

Don't tell me, this wish will come true soon.

I don't know how Cang Ji struggled underground, almost all high-level fire corpses were injured.

Chen Xinghe was very picky, and specially selected those fire corpses with high levels, serious injuries, and strong bodies.

This challenge lasted for a day and a night, and when there was a terrifying fire in front of him, he immediately lurked and wrapped his body in banana leaves to restrain his breath.

"Mother! How did the old man survive the fire corpse during the tribulation period? He is too powerful."

"Don't come, don't come, I'm just a little bug."

The prayer was not working this time, the terrifying coercion broke through the air, and the big hand shot it in the air.

"Pa..." Fortunately, Chen Xinghe reacted quickly and dodged in time.

"Papapa..." One palm was faster than one palm, and one palm was stronger than one palm.

Chen Xinghe unexpectedly caught them all, and counterattacked from time to time.

Naturally, he didn't have this level of cultivation, and it was all the spontaneous resistance of the fire corpse in the fusion stage that he had done before.

Without these shields to resist, the tiger demon lasted less than ten breaths.

However, this fire corpse was tyrannical in the end, persisted for a hundred breaths, tried his best to slow down its speed slightly, and then was shot to death with a "snap".

That's right, when he died, most of his body was turned into fly ash, and the smaller half of his body was swallowed up. If Chen Xinghe hadn't cut off the passage to seize the house in time, the corpse fire might burn to the body from the air.

"Second one!" Chen Xinghe immediately activated the second substitute.

The dive was not going well this time, and was eaten by the huge corpse fish in one bite.

The third stand-in was besieged while traveling through a geode, and the fight ended disastrously.

The fourth and fifth doubles also did not go well.

It doesn't matter, there are nine more, a total of fourteen including the tiger demon.

The fat monk came on stage.

It was still near Donghuazong, falling along the passage made by Cang Ji.

"Oh! This is too fat."

"The flower picker is still so fat, can't you make yourself more sunny and handsome?"

"Poor those nuns, how desperate are they when they face this pig? Fortunately, those pictures were cut off when the house was seized. In addition, I got rid of this fat pig as revenge for them."

Chen Xinghe's heart was wide and his body was fat, he slid all the way down the magma.

What he never expected was that this monk was lucky enough to avoid many dangers and come to the site of the fire corpse during the tribulation period again.

Roaring in the distance, it seems that they are fighting.

what 's wrong?
The fat monk crawled over tremblingly, wearing a black cassock, hoping to cover it up.


Chen Xinghe saw the altar, it was the one that Cang Ji left in the cave to plot against the younger monks.

There is something on the altar, too far away, the light is dim, and I can't see clearly.

Several powerful fire corpses are besieging.

"Could it be that the old man hasn't dealt with the fairy corpse yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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