Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1184 Becoming a Immortal is Difficult!

Chapter 1184 Becoming a Immortal is Difficult!

Chen Xinghe watched from afar, not daring to go forward.

Just kidding, what level are those fire corpses in front?What can he do with a body that doesn't even reach the late stage of transformation?
The fire corpse was unable to attack for a long time, and was a little impatient.

The light and shadow on the altar flew around, rising and shrinking, unexpectedly blocking all the attacks of the fire corpse.

A day later, the breath of the fire corpse became weaker and weaker.

They had no choice but to return angrily, howling in the distance.

Chen Xinghe switched perspectives through various substitutes, and had almost figured out the underground situation.

These fire corpses are not friendly to each other and have their own territories.

Headed by the five fire corpses during the tribulation period, five underground kingdoms were built, and the fire corpses under his command were divided into territories according to their ranks.

The location of the altar does not belong to the five major fire corpse kingdoms, it seems to be above the five major kingdoms.

The front became quiet, and those fire corpses left during the tribulation period were too fast to notice the fat monk lying on the ground at all.

Chen Xinghe slowly touched it, he was particularly curious about Cang Ji's current state.

It was getting close, and it took half an hour to get close.

This altar is in the shape of a gossip, with thick smoke billowing from it.

Yingyingchuochuo saw two figures, one sitting and one standing.

Chen Xinghe used his eyesight to observe the outline, and found that the figure sitting cross-legged in the center of the altar should be Cang Ji.

Then look at the figure standing behind Cang Ji, dressed gorgeously, with outstanding appearance, awe-inspiring and unattainable.

"Could this be the fairy corpse?" Just as he was pondering, his chubby body tightened suddenly, and he flew straight towards the center of the altar.

Cang Ji suddenly opened his eyes, looked directly at Chen Xinghe's soul and said, "I never thought that you could win the house in this way."

Just as Chen Xinghe was about to cut off the Duoshe passage, he stopped suddenly, looked carefully at Cang Ji and the immortal corpse behind him, and said, "You actually want to swallow this immortal corpse?"

"Hahaha!" Cang Ji laughed loudly: "It's not just this fairy corpse? I want to swallow this great world. When everything is broken up and restored, that's when I ascend to the sky."

Chen Xinghe looked him up and down: "You have crossed the catastrophe and become a Mahayana monk now? Do you want to go one step further and become an immortal immediately?"

Cang Ji put away his smile, looked coldly at Chen Xinghe and said, "It's hard to become an immortal these days! A long time ago, immortals wanted to enjoy immortal blessings forever, but how could there be so many immortal blessings? Some immortals have more, and other immortals have less Accounted for some. Being able to endure hardships for many years to ascend through the tribulation, which one would be less motivated? Which one would be willing to let go? In addition to the fickleness of the sky, a catastrophe hit the 33rd floor sky tilted and shattered, and became the current Chihuangtian, Yuxuantian, and Yuanqingtian. Countless immortals fell in a battle of immortals back then, and the one behind me is one of them, and the immortal world closed the ascension channel to prevent future generations of monks from becoming immortals!"

Speaking of this, Cang Ji's breath became colder, and he said angrily: "We wait for the monks to be unable to become immortals, and we can only watch ourselves wither, do you know what kind of mood it is? No, you are still so young, you don't know! After so many years of brewing, many old guys older than me have lost patience and drove the demon world to invade the Scarlet Emperor Heaven. Although this Dao has achieved Mahayana monks three times, the merits and good luck are not as good as those old guys, so they can only retreat to transform the nearby world For my own dojo, waiting for the opportunity to march to the fairyland. Do you know why this place is called Jingmen Great World? Because this is the portal world of the 56 Great Thousand Worlds in Beisu. If other Mahayana monks want to come in, they can only pass through this place. Over the past few years, the portal world has been transformed into a purgatory! But this is also good, saving a lot of effort in this way, can strengthen the defense, put aside the coveting of the outside world, and rule the land as king."

Chen Xinghe's mind turned rapidly, and he suddenly said: "Mahayana monks are like you who occupy the territory and become kings, waiting for the opportunity to attack the Ascension Passage?"

"Hahaha!" Cang Ji laughed loudly: "That's right, most Mahayanas are like me, enclosing a piece of world to absorb luck, watching the wind direction and waiting for the opportunity! The change of Jingmen was far beyond expectations, but this fairy corpse Come just in time, let me spy on many mysteries."

Chen Xinghe suddenly ran forward, and said: "You tell me all this to buy time, regardless of the truth, if you can kill me quickly, can you waste so much talk?"

With a whoosh, the chill discounted.

"Bold!" Bits of Frost flew towards the center of Cang Ji's brows, who would have guessed that a black smoke would roll in halfway, and Frost would disappear.

"So that's how it is. With the fairy corpse behind you, the fire corpse can't come to the altar, but the living things can be attracted by the fairy corpse! Come on! Let me see how powerful you are." The black cassock turned into a black Zen staff, attacking Cang Ji with the sound of wind and thunder.

Just hearing a "bang", the black Zen staff fell into the smoke and dust, and Cang Ji and the fairy corpse suddenly became extraordinarily high and out of reach.

"The Dharma of Great Compassion, Light and Darkness!"

Chen Xinghe clasped his palms together, black Buddha light erupted all over his body, and his body shriveled suddenly, which strongly interfered with everything around him.

Cang Ji's eyes changed slightly, and he returned to the same place with the immortal corpse, no longer looking far away, nor out of reach.

"Old man, even if you have achieved Mahayana three times, I don't believe that you can subdue this fairy corpse in such a short period of time." Chen Xinghe's voice echoed on the altar.

"Hmph, why do you think I'm talking nonsense with you? Speaking of it, I have to thank you for sending this body, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be sitting there for years without being able to move." Chen Xinghe suddenly felt bad, his body Suddenly stopped, the inside of the body turned upside down, as if it was about to be torn apart from the inside by something.

This feeling reminded him of Yan Hongyi, that old woman whose body was torn apart and turned into Cang Ji from the inside.

Chen Xinghe's reaction was extremely quick, he cut off the Duoshe passage and fled to other substitutes nearby.

"Huh?" There was a surprise from behind, and then the second double was also immobilized.

Fortunately, this immobilization is not as tyrannical as on the altar.

"Explode!" Chen Xinghe immediately exploded, and replaced the substitute again.

What frightened him a little was that after replacing several substitutes in a row, Cang Ji was able to follow the clues to find him.

Mahayana monks are really powerful, if you don't accept it, you can't do it.

Nothing happened until there were only three stand-ins left, and Chen Xinghe was so shocked that he gasped.

However, he didn't go back, but quickly rushed to the altar with the fox demon double.

Don't look at Cang Ji being so tyrannical, but Chen Xinghe is not a vegetarian, he has already seen a clue.

When Cang Ji resented the difficulty of becoming an immortal, Chen Xinghe did not sit idle, and secretly activated the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, using the remaining calamity power near the altar to invade the altar.

You must know that these tribulation forces themselves come from Cang Ji, so you can get a glimpse of the mystery.

Cang Ji is not optimistic right now, wanting to scare him away?Next life!
About an hour later, Cang Ji suddenly showed an angry expression.

He knew that the kid was coming again, but the problem was that he was now occupying the body of a fat monk, and his cultivation was only at the middle stage of transformation.

Chen Xinghe laughed straight: "Old man! We are both in the mid-stage of transformation, how about practicing at the same level and see who is better?"

(End of this chapter)

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