Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1186: Chapter of Returning My Way

Chapter 1186: Chapter of Returning My Way
Cang Ji was so angry that he vomited blood.

That kid fought him over and over again, how many times is this the first time?He came back with the body of a succubus.

He had never seen such a shameless junior!

If he could get up, he could poke this little turtle to death with a little finger.

Chen Xinghe laughed straight, and said in a tone of exasperation: "Old man! You have lived for so many years, why are you not satisfied?"

"Junior, do you believe that I will destroy your spirit later?"

"I believe it, I believe it too much. If I were your age, I'm afraid I could kill a monk like me with just one look. How could I blow my beard and stare like you?"

"Ahhh..." Cang Ji's whole body exploded with aura.

Very strong, but not too strong, Chen Xinghe stepped back thirteen steps, and finally stopped, eight balls of Taiji air appeared on his limbs.

Chen Xinghe smiled: "That's it? Old man, can you do it? Come on, show off your under-the-box tricks, and the doubles behind me will be more calm when they come over."

Cang Ji was so angry that his face was distorted, his eyes turned sideways, and black streaks suddenly appeared on the whisk.

Chen Xinghe dodged out of the altar.

"Roar..." The black poisonous flood dragon danced its body, and charged towards the opposite side with overwhelming momentum.

"Hahaha, old man, are you so good at water? Knowing that those fire corpses like to bombard and kill living things, you let this dragon out."

"Hmph, this dragon is in the fusion stage, what do you think you have the chance of winning?"

"Flood dragon at the fusion stage?" Chen Xinghe was a little surprised. The Mahayana cultivator is not ordinary, and he actually raises a flood dragon at the fusion stage. Compared with his thunder dragon mount, it is far behind!
Jiaolong squinted his eyes and flicked his tail, Chen Xinghe thought it was not good.

This tail wagging is really extraordinary, if it's the main body here, it shouldn't be difficult to block it with the physical training of the fit period.

But this succubus body...

"Pfft..." The succubus burst and dissipated, and when it reappeared, it was already standing firmly three hundred feet away.

Succubus!It all depends on charm characters and confusing characters.

Charm characters are for the opposite sex, and confusion characters are for the same sex.

As soon as Cangji released the flood dragon, Chen Xinghe began to confuse him secretly. What he used was not the succubus method, but the core secret method of the Wanmo sect.

"Huh?" Cang Ji saw Chen Xinghe dodging the Jiaolong's attack, and was shocked like an electric shock in his heart: "Myriad Demon Sect's secret technique? Is this kid sent by Wanmo Sect to Qingtian Sect's elaboration?"

He didn't know that the Qingtian Sect had gone from decline to disintegration, and he didn't know that the Wanmo Sect was so powerful, but it was cut off by this junior in front of him.

All in all, Cang Ji was a little apprehensive.

Because the old guys he was worried about belonged to the Qingtian Sect and the Wanmo Sect, and their backgrounds sometimes caused headaches for a cultivator like him.

Chen Xinghe avoided Jiaolong's dangerous attack and quickly shifted his shape, the underground was in chaos for a while.

The fire corpse smells of fresh meat, so why not come over?

Cang Ji thought that Jiaolong could kill this junior before those fire corpses arrived, but he didn't expect that this little ghost was very vigilant, and he was proficient in the secret art of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

Jiaolong was so frightened that he ran back quickly!Unexpectedly, that fairy corpse suddenly opened its mouth, and swallowed it into its stomach while Cang Ji burst out drinking.

Chen Xinghe was overjoyed when he landed on the altar, and immediately took a few steps forward and said, "Old Man, so you haven't been able to control this fairy corpse yet."

"Pfft..." Cang Ji spat out a mouthful of blood.

This time I really vomited blood, and I couldn't vomit any more.

"Ah! Old Man, are you okay? You must hold on, if you can't hold on, we're all going to die."

Cang Ji hates it!He really wanted to ignore and kill the ant, but the fairy corpse was staring at him behind him, so he couldn't move now.

"How dare you!" Cang Ji roared suddenly.

Chen Xinghe is already ready, he has been waiting for this moment for a long time, it can be said that he has been preparing for this moment since the first double.

A strand of hair cut between Cang Ji and the immortal corpse.

This strand of hair carried the magic of chaos.

The most powerful technique of Wanmozong, Dayantian Demonization, is all suppressed on this strand of hair.

Just this strand disturbed the atmosphere between Cang Ji and the immortal corpse.

It's messed up, totally messed up!
Cang Ji had to reorganize the altar in the shortest possible time, otherwise this ceremony would cause a backlash, which would eventually cause a great loss of his skill.

"Give me a reversal!"

The majesty of Mahayana is like the coming of gods and Buddhas, and it is terrifying to be in it.

The altar erupted into the sky with bright light, and while the immortal corpse was fixed, it also fixed Chen Xinghe, and the spirit retreated immediately, wanting to cut off the passage to seize the house.

"It's late!" The majestic voice came out, supporting the Duoshe passageway, preventing Chen Xinghe from cutting it through.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xinghe was like a boat in a storm.

However, there are not many things in this world that can make Chen Xinghe panic.

His spirit returned to his body and became one with the primordial spirit.

"Let me see what is so mysterious about you?" A majesty burst into Chen Xinghe's mind, and huge power filled Chen Xinghe's whole body.

However, these forces are like mud cows sinking into the sea and have no effect.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe's primordial spirit became illusory, and Cang Ji couldn't remember how many times he was surprised. He looked carefully at Pang Daqi and said, "This is your confidence? Arranging a Zhou Tian Xingdou array in your body?"

The voice was far-reaching, and he faced it calmly: "Not only the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, but also the Taiji sword formation. Thank you for sending such a huge force, so that the formation can be fully charged again."

"Immortal method, remote light." Cang Ji showed a tyrannical method, all the light and darkness in the void gathered, forming a huge cage in an instant.

"Is this the second best thing to imprison me?" Chen Xinghe was unmoved, and suddenly shouted: "Take!"

The right hand erupted, and Cang Ji was surprised to find that his own spiritual consciousness was held by the sword array, and a strange suction formed a channel through the spiritual consciousness.

"Huh? You want to win the chapter of the Great Altar?"

Chen Xinghe didn't know the chapter of the Great Altar, he was only responsible for restraining the opponent's ray of consciousness, trying to let his right hand damage the fly whisk in Cang Ji's arms.

He thinks that this whisk has an extraordinary level, at least it should be a spiritual treasure, right?Maybe it's still an innate spirit treasure.

To be honest, with such a distance, I don't know whether my right hand can take a wave.

Unexpectedly, the right hand did not go towards the whisk, but towards the altar.

At this moment, I don't care so much anymore. Since my right hand is interested in the altar, let's devour the altar!
Half a quarter of an hour later, Cang Ji cursed: "Bastard!"

At this time, it was he who wanted to withdraw, to cut through the passage to seize the house.

However, Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation and Sword Formation suppressed him with all their might, holding back his ray of consciousness.

"Cut!" Cang Ji was also ruthless, he didn't want this wisp of divine consciousness, he directly destroyed the body of the succubus, decisively chose to retreat.

Soon, Chen Xinghe realized something was wrong, his right hand was a little crazy!
No, the right hand is really crazy, and it actually draws power from him to maintain the channel for seizing the house.

Amid Cang Ji's deep roar, Zhou Tian's star array and sword array became dim, and the star stones and chaotic strange stones stored in the alchemy furnace were quickly consumed.

"Boom..." The figure of the giant kun appeared in the void. It was so huge, but it seemed to be stacked with the right hand.

Chen Xinghe was about to take a closer look, when the giant kun swallowed it in one gulp, Cang Ji yelled in disbelief: "No, give me back the chapter of the great way."

(End of this chapter)

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