Chapter 1187

"Right hand, did you destroy that altar?"

"No! A quarter."

It was so concise again, after giving the answer, the right hand was completely silent.

Chen Xinghe was taken aback for a moment, and he had an intuition in his heart that the silence of his right hand might last for a long time.

After working hard and unyieldingly, he finally made a wedding dress for his right hand.

I didn't feel that my right hand was about to come out, and my body training and spiritual treasures didn't move at all.

It's not nothing, Taoist Cangji left behind a ray of consciousness.

"A Mahayana monk has a ray of spiritual consciousness, which contains everything, and hides the secrets of the soul, which is indescribable!"


Chen Xinghe's eyes turned cold: "I always feel that with Cang Ji's clever plan, how can I be so cheap, so..."

Suddenly, he took out the black market greeting card, waved lightly in all directions, and then sat cross-legged quietly waiting for a response.

Three days later, a pleasant voice came through the black market greeting card.

"Which fellow daoist summoned the black market dealer? It's Xiaomei Yang in Sanyangdong, Xushan, Xiadong."

"I'm Chen Xinghe, Qing Tianzong."

"Ah? It's Daoist Chen. My little sister is very familiar with Brother Dao's name. Speaking of which, the long-billed penguin just showed off in the circle a few days ago. Seeing how he looks like a villain, I get angry when I think about it."

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Yang knows Fellow Daoist Yue, so it's much more convenient. I don't know where Fellow Daoist Yue is now? I've found him a huge deal here."

"Brother Dao doesn't know, that penguin is very stingy and stingy. If you do business with him, people will say you have been taken advantage of in a thousand years! Our three brothers and sisters in Sanyangdong are different. For big customers, we are willing to give up profits, as long as there is some profit, we can conclude a deal! What we are looking for is long-term development.”

Chen Xinghe didn't believe her nonsense, he pondered for a while and said, "I really have a big deal involving Mahayana monks and immortal corpses, I don't know if you have the authority to make decisions?"

"What?" The other party screamed, and shouted out of composure: "You are not joking, are you? Mahayana period?"

"Yes! You can verify that I have taken the opportunity to cut off a ray of spiritual consciousness of a Mahayana monk, and have clearly explored the location of this Mahayana monk and the immortal corpse, and have confronted them several times! In addition, the elders of the division said this The reason why a Mahayana monk can restrain the immortal corpse is because of the original altar he sat down."

Chen Xinghe inadvertently mentioned the elders of the teacher's sect, naturally to give himself a foothold!Otherwise, how could it be possible for him to do this level of transactions in his young stage of transformation?
"Altar of Origin? It can make the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period resist the five declines of heaven and man, and increase the altar of origin for Mahayana monks? This..."

The voice paused for a while, and then he said again: "Brother Daoist, please wait a moment, this transaction has exceeded the scope of authority. If you reply to Brother Dao after two hours, you will definitely not disappoint fellow Daoist."

"Okay, I'm right here, anytime." Chen Xinghe closed his eyes and calmed down, his injuries hadn't healed yet, and he needed time to recuperate.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiaomei Yang communicated in time: "Brother Daoist Ming, I have already contacted 26 black market merchants, including two seniors in the tribulation period."

Chen Xinghe nodded and asked, "Okay, shall we submit the Mahayana cultivator's spiritual consciousness now?"

"Yes, it can be submitted now to increase the certainty of this transaction."

"Take it!" Chen Xinghe didn't miss it at all, Youdao was reluctant that the child would not be a wolf, and Cang Ji was a scheming person, wouldn't he do something when he cut off his consciousness?
Taking a step back, even if he didn't have time to do something, Chen Xinghe didn't have time to guess, so he decided to pass on the risk.

Thanks to Elder Wanmo Zongyan, his black market post helped a lot.

black market!

This is a dark market composed of foreign monks, and they can fight for treasures at any cost.

As long as the value is high enough, Chen Xinghe believes that these guys will dare to do anything. As long as they show a possibility, they will soon attract a group of evil beasts.

Of course, empty talk is not enough, you need to fan the flames and stir up the atmosphere.

It is no exaggeration to say that this ray of consciousness is a crowbar, which can pry out a brilliant future and solve Chan'er's problems.

The other party verified it for a day and a night, and finally a deep voice came over: "Friends of Taoism have a deep scheming, let us use our hands to verify this ray of divine consciousness."

As soon as Chen Xinghe heard the voice, he knew that these black market dealers were in trouble, but he didn't care, and said directly: "It's fine as long as it's true."

"That's right, as long as it's true." The other party put away his melancholy and asked, "How do we trade next?"

"It's easy to say! I will send you the general situation, and you will know it at a glance! Since you can cut off a piece of the opponent's spiritual consciousness with the cultivation base of the transformation stage, you have a strong lineup. After a thorough plan, you will seize the altar, assassinate the Mahayana, and suppress the immortals." Is the corpse still within reach?"

What Chen Xinghe said was light and easy, he immediately sent the doubles into the ground from all directions, and at the same time how several big doubles faced off against Taoist Cangji, without any concealment, they were all sent there.

The black market merchants immediately worked together to study how much advantage they could gain in this matter.

I don't know what role the two cultivators Yang Xiaomei mentioned played in this discussion. Chen Xinghe felt that this witch was not telling the truth, maybe there were more than two monks during the tribulation period, after all, this transaction involved Mahayana.

Whether he is true or not?Chen Xinghe just waited to reap the benefits.

After a long time, it was Yang Xiaomei who spoke again.

"I don't know what brother wants to buy from our black market? At least give my little sister a direction?"

Chen Xinghe raised his eyebrows and said, "So you are going to accept this deal?"

Yang Xiaomei didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly: "The pie is too tempting, even if it is poisonous, I want to eat it."

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that the guy on the altar is very weak, he is afraid that he will soon be unable to restrain the immortal corpse, as long as you prepare properly, the chances of success are very high." Chen Xinghe comforted him and immediately asked: "How many do you have?" An innate spiritual treasure?"

"Innate Spirit Treasure?" Yang Xiaomei had a headache for a while: "Overseas is barren, and Xiantian Spirit Treasure is extremely rare. As long as there is one, it will fall into the hands of seniors. Where will it be sold?"

Chen Xinghe frowned and said: "That Mahayana monk on the altar, the dust whisk in his hand is very likely to be a congenital spiritual treasure, isn't it because I am a loser that his mother opened the door for a loser, and a loser got home?"

"This?" Yang Xiaomei hurriedly said: "Brother Dao can select from the core list of the black market. If you are not satisfied, we will discuss it later."

"Alright!" Chen Xinghe wanted to see what treasures the black market could provide.

The reason why he dared to do business here unscrupulously was because he had a way to erase the coordinates.

The black market has been spied on more than a dozen times, but none of them succeeded.

If you want to lock a star king in the starry sky, you are asking for trouble for yourself.

Therefore, Chen Xinghe's indifferent attitude made the black market even more afraid to make mistakes, so he could only obediently trade and put out those unrealistic thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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