Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1202 The Smelly Beggar

Chapter 1202 The Smelly Beggar

Chen Xinghe took in a subordinate named Su Cheng.

This person was very intelligent, and secretly arranged a clever arrangement to lead a Guo family member who had been abroad for many years to the Guo family.

The Guo family hall was played brilliantly.

Two hours later, the sound of a piano stirred up dust.

It turns out that the great monk's real ability lies in the sound of the piano.

Chen Xinghe watched from a distance, and didn't pay attention at first, but when the great monk died, he turned around and left with a sigh.

"My lord, what do you see?" Su Cheng quickly caught up with the lord.

"The Guo family is unfathomable, and for Xin Weiran's unexpected indulgence, it's no wonder that the black market will say that he has controlled the Guo family! When things go wrong, there must be demons. After watching this battle, I found that the demons here are not small. So retreat for the time being and attack the Guo family slowly."

"Yes!" Su Cheng took the order.

The two drifted away, although they were far away from Guo's house, they were still cautious and did not want to reveal their traces.

In this way, three years have passed.

There is an extra disheveled beggar on Danyuan Street in Qingbaicheng.

Why do you say stinky beggar?Because it's really stinky, not to mention the stinky smell, which can make people faint.

Not only was it stinky, but pus was running out of his body. Every day when he was sleeping in the alley, a puddle of pus would flow from his body.

The discharge of pus was not the limit. It was difficult to move when he was begging for food, and his limbs were obviously seriously injured.

So pitiful, yet his body was stiff and his face was frighteningly dark. Some people said that he could not live for three days, but he survived for three years.

He is really a person with a near lifespan, struggling every day on the line of life and death.

Because of the stink and misery, even street gangsters are unwilling to approach him, except for a few scheming beggars who occasionally help him, no one cares about this down-and-out person.

This kind of person is already worse than a dog, and living is simply a kind of torment.

The day was sunny and sunny, flowers were in full bloom on Danyuan Street, ostriches were singing together, and there were thousands of auspicious colors.

Time is running out, the rings are jingling.

It is said that Guo Biyu, the Goddess of the Guo family, was going to go to the Thousand Buddha Temple to offer incense. Danyuan Street was the only way to go.

This Goddess Guo Biyu wanted to imitate her sister and recruit a son-in-law, but none of these crazy bees and butterflies satisfied her.

The car floated down from the sky, and when it was moving forward, it suddenly encountered more than a dozen beggars who came forward to beg.

"Get out!" A young man flicked his sleeves, wanting to blast these beggars to death, but under the protection of a layer of Buddha's light, his sleeves burst.

"This?" The man stared.

"Hahaha, idiot, don't even look at this place. The Thousand Buddha Temple is opposite. How can you let these beggars be killed wantonly?"

At this time, a few beggars rushed over pushing their wheelchairs and shouted: "Masters, please do me a favor! Our brother is about to die, it's too miserable, we are too miserable!"

"Get out, get out, it stinks too much." The beggars and butterflies all changed their colors. Why is this beggar in a wheelchair so smelly?
This time they didn't kill the beggar and drove the strong wind to slap the beggar, but the Buddha's light appeared in time and protected the beggar again.

There was a sneer coming from the other side of the incense car: "It's ridiculous, Biyu is going to offer incense, but you are killing here! Before you reach the gate of the temple, you hate those monks first."

Several people were taken aback when they heard this, and quickly said: "The stench is too bad. We help Biyu resist it out of love! Isn't it just a few beggars? Give them a few top-quality spirit stones and they will be able to extend their blessings!"

Brother Young Master quickly threw out a few top-quality spirit stones with a magnanimous face.

"Thank you nobles, I dare not disturb you nobles, we..." The beggars were overjoyed, but before they could finish speaking, the man in the wheelchair was swaying, his mouth and eyes were crooked and pus was all over his body.

"Get out, don't bother us!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

At this time, a voice came from the incense car: "Why is the road to incense so difficult?"

Crazy Bee Langdie understood, immediately took out the elixir and said, "Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Feed the elixir to this beggar."


A few beggars rely on the wheelchair to make money, otherwise why do they feed from time to time?But these pills look expensive, how could they be willing to give this stinky guy to eat?So scramble up in a hurry.

"You!" The bees and butterflies were furious. If it weren't for the protection of the Buddha's light, they would be able to exterminate these ants by raising their hands.

Suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared, glanced at him and said, "You can't do this little thing well?"

"Well done, well done!" A peach-eyed man squeezed his nose and approached slightly, crushing the pill and ejecting it.

The beggar is not stupid, he hastily opened his mouth to swallow the medicine gas, and his complexion improved a little, but it didn't improve for a long time, seeing his pus-soothing body trembling, he looked very painful.

"This is? The medicine is wrong?"

"It's really bad."

A Hong voice suddenly came from the temple in front of her: "Female benefactor, good and evil will be repaid, good and evil will be repaid, misfortune and good fortune will be inherited, and she will take care of herself, and there will be no one to replace her."

"This?" Qianying suddenly looked at the stinky beggar who ruined her mood.

"Take him back to the mansion, clean the dirt, and save his life." The woman adjusted her mood, bowed solemnly to the Buddhist temple, and then returned to the car, suddenly her heart moved, and she said: "Who can save this dying man?" I will agree with him to enter the Guo family."

"Really? Really?"

"I have a piece of jade here, which can protect him well."

"I am proficient in medical theory, and I will surely succeed."

Under the excitement of the crowd, this pus-smelling beggar became a favorite.

So Goddess Guo returned home.

Her mood gradually improved, because she had seen the stinky beggar and was about to die, so she was afraid that it would be difficult to treat him!Even if it is cured, someone will worsen it under jealousy.


Get rid of these idiots.

In this way, a beggar was rescued by the "kind-hearted" Goddess Guo back to Guo's house. In order to help this difficult person encountered on the way to incense, the goddess even spared no effort to save her.

In less than half an hour, people outside the mansion had already sung praises, and even wrote poems for Goddess Guo to make her famous.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The beggar was rinsed with spirit water one ladle after another, but it didn't seem to be of much use, so the beggar was sent to the spirit spring to soak.

Unexpectedly, the Lingquan water turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally someone saw that something was wrong.

"What is the origin of this beggar? He actually polluted a spiritual spring."

"I'm afraid he is also a monk, and he has lost his temper, but Guan Qi is dying, can he really be saved?"

"Oh, look at my means."

Some people sneered, thinking that it would be better if it was a bit difficult, and Guo Biyu could be taken down soon.

A hundred or so monks began to treat him, but they never expected that the more he rescued, the worse his breath became, and the more he rescued, the more rickety he became.

Two days later, this stinky beggar destroyed another Lingquan spring, which made people dumbfounded.

Many people don't believe in evil, even if they don't have the heart to be a son-in-law, they are still willing to give it a try.

In the past one and a half months, many ambitious monks withered.

It is really impossible to save him, and few people take action now, because the beggar is already unconscious, and barely hangs his life by soaking in the spiritual spring.If you are not absolutely sure, if you take another shot, you may save someone in the blink of an eye.

Guo Biyu was very happy, a stinky beggar helped her block all the bees and butterflies, it was really good.

However, a monk surnamed Su came this day and wanted to give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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