Chapter 1203
"My lord!" Two masked figures suddenly appeared, possessed and knelt down.

"What's wrong?" Xin Weiran asked casually.

"Guo Biyu decided to take in a son-in-law. The other party claimed to be Su Weiran. We checked and found that this monk is from Yunbin City, and he is a disciple of the female yellow sect in Yunbin City."

"Su Weiran?" Xin Weiran narrowed his eyes and said, "Is this a provocation?"

"It's a joke. His original name is Su Jie. He has made some achievements in alchemy. He saw the right time to rescue the beggar."

"Beggar?" Xin Weiran was puzzled.

"Yes, Guo Biyu brought back a dying beggar on the way to incense, and said that whoever saves the beggar can be her husband-in-law. All those who are willing to save each other, but they return home! I heard that someone almost succeeded, but was caught Competitors destroyed it, so that the beggar fell into a coma, as if he was dead. Yesterday Su Jie challenged and tried boldly, and it finally paid off. As a result, someone sabotaged it again, and he used strong methods to stop it."

"Beggar, Su Jie?"

Xin Weiran suddenly asked: "Have you found Chen Xinghe?"

"I found it. He has secretly plotted against the fairy begonia in the Lan Family's Yunting Treasure Garden for the past few years. Recently, he made a sudden attack and succeeded. Only then did we track down his trace."

"That fairy begonia?" Xin Weiran got up and paced, his mind was taken away from Guo Biyu's son-in-law.

"Yes, I heard that this crabapple is a relic of the fairy world. It is extremely precious and loved by the ancestors of the Lan family. I don't know what use Chen Xinghe took it for?"

"Go and investigate, as long as I find out everything related to this crabapple, I have an intuition that Chen Xinghe is watching us from the dark."

"Yes!" The masked man led away, a smile appeared on the corner of Xin Weiran's mouth, and he said lightly: "Come on! Come on! So what are you doing carefully? You have to talk about the truth with your subordinates."

Guo Biyu's appointment of a son-in-law is an important matter for the Guo family.

Speaking of this son-in-law, she was very satisfied.

He looks good, his bone age is not high, he looks good, and his cultivation is not weak, he is already in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and there is hope for improvement.

More importantly, she is elegant and masculine, but also willing to make her happy. In the past few days, she feels that the whole world is bright, as if she suddenly returned to the time when she was a girl, with the heart of cardamom.

Guo Biyu is in love, really in love, even if she is asked to marry this man instead of accepting a son-in-law, she is willing.

No matter how you look at it, this husband is in line with her appetite.

I have to say that Mrs. Su is very skillful, and he can control Guo Biyu to death, but these are not the main points, the fun has just begun.

The Guo family once again recruited a son-in-law, attracting many monks to watch, but in terms of connections and cultivation, this younger sister is not as good as her stunningly talented older sister, otherwise Xin Weiran would not be able to gain power again and again.

So during the ten-month period, there was only a burst of excitement, and the marriage was over.

The newlyweds are like glue, they get tired of being together every day, and they don't even bother to practice.

But to Guo Biyu's delight, her husband is willing to use dual cultivation techniques to help her improve by self-impairing her cultivation, which is very rare.

Looking at my husband's daily life, he is really kind-hearted. He likes to make some jokes on weekdays, but it doesn't hurt!

No, I went to see that stinky beggar again, saying that I wanted to save the matchmaker.

Sixteen spiritual springs were abolished in a row in the mansion. Fortunately, such consumption was deducted from the husband's monthly regulations, and no one else could say anything more.

"My lord!" Grandpa Su half-kneeled on the side of Lingquan and reported: "The plan is going well, and the fairy begonia has attracted Xin Weiran's attention, so I shouldn't be able to take care of this side for the time being."

"Hehe, it's up to you! One hundred and eight acacia flowers and this fairy begonia will help you give birth to a precious child early."

"Thank you, my lord, for making it perfect!" Su Cheng sincerely thanked him. He was not a monk with a strong foundation, and it was not easy to practice in the early years. After studying with the new lord for a long time, he finally finalized the plan.

Although Xin Weiran entered the Guo family, it is not easy for such a monk to have a son and a half daughter, and it is normal to be infertile for a hundred years or a thousand years.

The key point is here, Chen Xinghe and Su Cheng have also engaged in a marriage, and they will not make Guo Biyu wait so long.

Under this careful planning, this year Xin Weiran will feel as uncomfortable as eating flies.

"Go! With your wisdom, you should be able to do whatever you want in this position. Whatever Xin Weiran wants, I want you to get it all."

"Yes!" Su Cheng took the order to retreat.

Chen Xinghe continued to soak in the spiritual spring. He suffered a great crime in the past few years.

One and a half years of life, two years of death, three years of death, four years of obscurity, and five years of exhaustion. I thought I was young and had already advanced to the fusion stage, so I could afford it!As a result, in the second year, the test of the end of life is really the end of life, and all the life essence is burned out.

If he hadn't been rich and bought a powerful pill from the black market, the most difficult days would have really come to an end.

Fortunately, a single spark can start a prairie fire, and a little life essence was excavated, and he survived, but it was equally difficult to die in the third year.

His body is haggard, stiff and not bent, and he struggles with coping every day in order to extend his lifespan.

It was hard to get used to being dead, and in the fourth year, his face turned black and his body smelled bad.

In the fifth year, if he hadn't tried his best to suppress the pus, the stench and pus could poison a city of monks to death.

It can be seen that the five declines of heaven and man are not a joke, but Chen Xinghe is not bad, because he has the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld.

The five declines of heaven and man are also doomed. I don’t know how the right hand did it. It actually moved to the peak experience of the transformation stage. In one year, it crossed the barrier and entered the fusion stage. After three years of consolidating his cultivation, he gradually approached the late stage of fusion.

Who would have thought that Chen Xinghe entered the territory so quickly, even he himself did not think of it, but his right hand is so eager, the crisis is probably not small.

After surviving the five declines of heaven and man, you can stand firmly in the later stage of integration, but you need someone to make a raft, so that you can climb high and look far away.

Chen Xinghe thought to himself: "Come on! Let the storm come more violently. The Guo family dares to disobey me. I don't mind killing people, because the upper limit of the life and death book is about to be reached, and more killings are needed..."

In this way, the weather is smooth.

Everything is calm, Xin Weiran is ready to face that person, but the other person suddenly disappears, there is a trace of doubt in his heart, he always feels that that person is peeping.

It's just his fate, his luck, and his background, how can a little guy from the lower realm understand it?Maybe that brat noticed something and got scared?

Just when Xin Weiran was about to feel relieved, something big happened.

Good news came from Guo Biyu's mansion that this younger sister, who imitated her older sister and recruited a son-in-law, was pregnant!

Not only was she pregnant, but she was pregnant with two children at once, and she was building a foundation for the fetus in the mansion.

This news is tantamount to a thunderclap, which means that the Guo family's eldest son has a son, and his wife's belly has not moved yet!
Sure enough, the atmosphere of the big house of the Guo family changed. In less than half a month, Guo Biyu's influence increased sharply. An old ancestor of the Guo family went out to watch it. Put out some thoughts that shouldn't be there, and send a generous gift.

(End of this chapter)

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