Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1204 7 Grandma

Chapter 1204
"Huh la la..." The huge palace lantern collapsed, and a woman with disheveled hair said angrily, "Why did this happen? My younger sister has a low level of cultivation and is not welcome. Why did she suddenly become pregnant?"

"Perhaps it is because of her low strength that she conceived so quickly." Xin Weiran said with a cold face, standing on the jade steps and looking at the collapsed palace lantern, seemingly casually said.

"Aren't you very capable? Handle this matter for me, or get out of Guo's house, and the cooperation will be terminated."

"End?" Xin Weiran showed a gloomy expression on his face.

"What? Do you really think that I can cover the sky with one hand in the Guo family? If you compare the dispute of family interests to a game of chess, and Guo Biyu is suddenly killed, not only will you become a chess player, but you will also have the upper hand, understand?"

"Don't worry, she won't give birth to those two children. There will be news today. You have made some achievements in helping you run the Guo family over the years."

"You've already made a move? Why didn't you notify me first?" Guo Lingxiu's eyes flashed a trace of displeasure.

"It's a trivial matter, it's not worth alarming Lingxiu." Xin Weiran said indifferently.

Suddenly, a guard came quickly, knelt down on the ground, and presented the secret report with both hands.

Xin Weiran took the secret report, and frowned when he saw half of it, and when he read the whole thing, his anger rose.

"What? Failed? Hahaha, I suddenly feel a lot better."

"Is there any expert around your sister? The people I sent to poison her are all dead, and several hidden secret lines have been removed together! If Chen Xinghe really did a good thing, he has grown a lot over the years."

"The young emperor of the Qingtian sect? Huh, a family that has fallen, but the remaining luck has just exploded. How can it compare with my Guo family?"

"Yes! How does the defeated sect compare with the Huanghuang Guo family? But he assisted the successor of the Guo family, which is different! It has changed from an external dispute to an internal dispute."

"Okay, that's all you can do. You might have seen it before, but once this Chen is involved, everything seems wrong."

"Lingxiu, we are allies, we shouldn't tear each other down, and now we are even more allies, because Chen Xinghe has completely pushed you toward me."

"Are you so sure that this guy is playing tricks?"

"Yes, although there is no evidence, but I have an intuition that this guy is playing tricks, and he seems to have nothing to fear by coercing the emperor to make the princes."

"Hmph, have nothing to worry about? Just watch! I have a hundred ways to kill that little bitch!" Guo Lingxiu waved her hand lightly when she said this.

The collapsed palace lantern suddenly became black mist, a pair of green eyes jumped out, and he asked strangely, "So it's Xiu'er! I haven't looked for Laoshen for a long time, and I thought you didn't plan to contact Laoshen in this life!"

"Grandma Qitai, Xiu'er has something to ask you. As for the sacrifice? Don't worry, Xiu'er will spare no effort to cooperate! Besides, haven't you always wanted to find a young body? I have a younger sister, Guo Biyu, a concubine, who also I really don't know what it means to learn from me in recruiting a son-in-law."

"Xiu'er, don't worry, there are many grievances and grievances in the mansion, Grandma Seventh is in charge of you, no one can endanger your status."

"Thank you, grandma Qitai. To kill her, it's best to dig out the child in her belly and give it to me. One is enough. Haha, one is enough."

"It should be, it should be..."

The black mist and green eyes quickly dissipated.

Tonight, very dark.

Guo Biyu's house was as bright as day.

Guo Biyu has been very careful since she was pregnant with twins.

She is not stupid, she is used to all kinds of intrigue in the big family, how can she not know what the child in her belly means?Especially her first-born sister, who was like a moat hanging over her head, made her very worried.

Fortunately, my husband is a good man, he guarded her carefully, and he has excellent medical skills, so he caught the black hand who poisoned her.

It doesn't matter who is behind the scenes. The important thing is that the child must be born with more care and then brought up.

She knew that after she was pregnant with these two children, it would be impossible to talk to her elder sister face to face, and the two had become sworn enemies.

Yes, sworn enemy, not exaggerating at all,

It's just that there are too many ghost tricks in the big family, and she is a little worried about gain and loss, for fear that she won't be able to keep the two dolls in her stomach.

"Don't worry, I'm here. If you want to touch you and our children, you need to step over my corpse first!" Mrs. Su said with a determined face.

"Husband!" Guo Biyu's eyes were full of tears. She has experienced too much these days, and her character is growing rapidly.

"Don't be afraid! How can the Guo family's mansion put the heirs in a disadvantageous position? Especially the old ancestor came to see it specially. If you move you, you are against the old ancestor."

Hearing these words, Guo Biyu felt a little relieved.

However, a trace of black air was passing through the ground, and it felt wrong just approaching the mansion.

Some people do it by ingesting the earth's energy, just like encountering a ghost hitting a wall. No matter how you go around, you can only come to a poisonous spring in the end.

"You don't want to live anymore?" A sentence came lightly.

"Who are you?" Green eyes shot around.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You're a difficult old thing. Isn't it too dishonest to use a clone to come and commit murder?"

"Death!" The dark clouds spread and rolled like thunder.

With a "snap", the red skull thumped backwards, the clouds of smoke that enveloped its figure disappeared, and it felt a tingling pain on its cheeks.

"Thousands of ghosts devour the heart..." With a roar, the place became smoky, but the thunder was loud and the rain was light, and all the sneakiness disappeared instantly.

"who are you?"

"Bang bang bang..." The light and shadow flickered, the two faced each other for a moment, and Grandma Qi knew that she had kicked the iron plate. How could that little bitch Guo Biyu have such an expert guard?
"Since I'm here, can I ask you to go back?" There was a trace of distaste in the voice: "What's the difference between you and dead? You can't even be used as a raft. Huh? Hiding the body in the world of Xuanyuan Sword?"

"You? How did you notice it?" Grandma Qitai suddenly realized that something was wrong with this operation.

"I have friends over there, hehe, it seems to be developing well recently, find something for Gu Yuesheng and Xiaolan to do." The tone was very casual, but Grandma Qi's heart tightened when she heard it.

"Junior, do you think you can cover the sky with one hand?"

"You don't need to cover the sky with one hand, it's enough to cover you." When the words fell, the red skull fell into the poisonous water, unable to break free no matter what.

From this moment on, everything returned to calm, without a trace of abnormality, as if nothing happened.

Seven days later, Guo Biyu's house was still calm, and Guo Lingxiu realized something was wrong.

The Qitai grandma, who was always in danger, turned off like this?How is it possible, what is so weird about Guo Biyu's house?
Guo Lingxiu had no choice but to plan with Xin Weiran.

What Xin Weiran said is right, they have become staunch allies in this matter, they can rely on the power of the Guo family externally, but internally, especially against Guo Biyu who is pregnant with two children, they can only use their own strength, the nature is completely different .

Seven days later, there was a scream from the poisonous spring.

"Let me go, my lord, let me go, I am willing to drive you!"

"Go and kill Guo Lingxiu." The ice-cold voice made Seventh Grandma feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

(End of this chapter)

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