Chapter 1209

In front of the poisonous spring, flames were shining everywhere, and the golden gourds were spinning, shining brilliantly.

Countless pictures are superimposed, which is the perception of fire, and fire virtue is included in it.

Chen Xinghe had to admit that the virtue of fire is extraordinary, intertwined with the luck of humanity, it cannot be destroyed by human power.

"Take it!" All of a sudden, a small box appeared, no matter what kind of virtue or fire he had, he put everything in it, including Xin Weiran who turned into the God of Fire Virtue.

"The box of ten thousand cuts?" Xin Weiran's heart tightened, and he cursed in his heart: "Useless things, you can't even run away."

It was said that Guo Lingxiu would not run away, but in fact he was the same, and was taken in with a "whoosh", leaving only a golden gourd floating in the air, continuing to spray billions of golden lights.

This gourd is really powerful, condensing the virtue of fire, endless and boundless, even the consciousness can be burned to ashes.

Chen Xinghe could see clearly that if he wanted to kill Xin Weiran, he had to sever the connection between him and this gourd, but this gourd can gather the virtues of fire, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a holy weapon of merit.

This means that Xin Weiran has excellent luck and has become a climate.

"Since that's the case, let's take it on behalf of your believers!" Chen Xinghe's voice turned solemn, and he began to urge the five evils of heaven and man to be poisoned.

The golden gourd immediately cast a layer of shadow, followed by another layer, and soon reached the fifth layer.

The God of Fire Virtue does not say that there is no boundless life, just like Xin Weiran said, the position of Fire Virtue cannot be demoted.

However, no matter how long life is boundless, there are also ups and downs of fortune, and the catastrophe of life reduction will climb up.

Those believers were in catastrophe, so they could only pray to the gods wholeheartedly, hoping that Huode would save them from suffering.

Just as they expected, the god of fire and morality tried his best to solve the disaster for the believers.

These believers have eliminated the disaster and solved the problem, but this good corpse of Xin Weiran was damaged again and again, and year after year it was wiped out.

Chen Xinghe shook his shoulders, and suddenly felt lighter.

Just brisk?How can this work?

As a result, the half-life calamity broke out in an all-round way, and 2000 years of lifespan were quickly replenished.

This is a lifespan of 2000 years. Before, it was more uncomfortable than living like a year. Every day, I had to find a way to extract a little life, and I was almost reduced to extracting oil from the bone dregs.

Because Chen Xinghe has great karma and great secrets, he can increase his lifespan by 2000 years, and God of Fire Virtue will lose 30,000 years of lifespan.

Fifteen to one is very unreasonable, but it is the truth.

If you continue to absorb it, the God of Fire Virtue can't take it anymore, 30,000 years of lifespan!That's not a joke, it's too much.

Therefore, he could only use his trump card in advance.

Without any warning, a gap appeared in the box of myriad moats, and it was through this gap that Huo De's body escaped, grabbed the golden gourd and ran away.

What surprised Xin Weiran was that he caught the gourd, but it was not genuine, it was the projection from before.

"Oops!" As soon as the two words came out, he sank into the mud, the surrounding sky was dark, and he fell into the box of thousands of moats again.

Chen Xinghe has already made up the gap, and the box seems to be closed. If he thinks about it again, he will have to pay a huge price, and it will definitely not be easy in a short time.

The box slammed loudly, and the Huode Shenjun obviously knew that the situation was not good, and began to use all his strength to break free from the shackles!However, Shouyuan lost too much.

In just a quarter of an hour, the 120,000-year lifespan was folded in. The way of incense is very remarkable, but it can't stand such a seizure. The original source has been damaged, and God knows if there is a chance to recover in this life.

Chen Xinghe's body trembled slightly, knowing that he had completely stripped himself of the influence of half-life calamity, but there will be life-end calamity next, which is the source of evil.

"Let go of me!" Guo Lingxiu roared angrily.

As soon as she called out, Chen Xinghe remembered that there was a very good girl with a strong youthful vibe in front of her.

"Since you have colluded with Xin Weiran, you will definitely not end well! For the sake of my godson and goddaughter, please go to the underworld." As soon as the words fell, the catastrophe of dying erupted.

"You dare!" Guo Lingxiu really didn't believe that anyone in the world would dare to kill her, but Chen Xinghe didn't care about it, as his cultivation level was high, no matter how high the status was, a child from a big family would still be an ordinary person.

"No, don't, let me go, I'll tell you where Xin Weiran is!" Guo Lingxiu was terrified, and she was really scared at this moment.

However, it was too late, her whole body shriveled in an instant, she was hundreds of years old, her breath became a flame in the wind, she was dying!
After a while, there was no Guo Lingxiu in the world anymore, she was crisp and neat, without any sloppiness.

The Guo family's ancestral hall immediately shook, Guo Lingxiu was a descendant of the direct line, and she died for no reason like this!This is a major event that has never happened in seven 8000 years.

Dozens of figures lifted into the air to locate them, and a few moments later several elders of the ancestral hall came out, traced their traces, and said in astonishment: "The tiger talisman was stolen, did Lingxiu go to the Biyu Mansion? Damn it."

What else do you not understand?What kind of temperament is Guo Lingxiu, who doesn't know?That girl is used to domineering, she has not yet given birth to an heir, Guo Biyu has become pregnant just after getting married, how can she let it go?

It's not that the family is unprepared, it's just that the person sent to monitor didn't report back, so something must have gone wrong.

However, Guo Lingxiu actually died, and died in Guo Biyu's residence, which makes people think deeply.

"Go, go and see!"

Many figures flew towards Guo Biyu's mansion.

At the same time, Chen Xinghe had released Su Cheng and his wife, and after a brief explanation, he continued to lie down and soak in the pool.

Guo Biyu gasped when she saw the old corpse of Guo Lingxiu, knowing that she didn't have time to ask more questions, she quickly deployed people to restore order in the mansion.

Chen Xinghe smiled slightly: "As a mother, you are strong! Under Su Cheng's guidance, this woman has grown up very fast! It's a pity that Xin Weiran has never appeared! The mere good corpse holds all living beings, do you really think I dare not kill them?"

At this point, golden bubbles appeared in the pool, but the surrounding scene was returning to its original appearance. All the filth and toxins turned into swirls and pressed into the golden bubbles, preventing them from emerging.

Half an hour later, Guo Biyu greeted the elders and uncles in the main hall of the mansion. Her wedding day was never so lively.

Naturally, some people didn't want to let go of this opportunity and started threatening, but Guo Biyu cried and said that her sister was fine and came here to gossip, but her cheap brother-in-law suddenly became violent and killed her sister in a very strange way.

She was frightened, completely frightened, and she didn't have time to rescue her. She only heard cheap brother-in-law laugh contemptuously, and then walked away.

"Xin Weiran killed Lingxiu? How is it possible? Don't talk nonsense."

Guo Biyu quit, and proudly said: "Uncle Six should think about whether he should say it before he speaks. Am I lying about such an insignificant matter? If you don't believe me, find Xin Weiran. He is the murderer of my sister." .”

"Irrelevant trifle?"

"Yes! For me, the biggest thing right now is raising a baby."

In a word, this sixth uncle choked to death.

(End of this chapter)

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