Chapter 1210
Xin Weiran may not know that his wife has died, the murderer is at large, but his name is on the most wanted list.

Who told Guo Biyu to swear to the sky that Xin Weiran was on the run?

Now that Guo Lingxiu died, with the two babies in her stomach, who could oppose her in the sparsely populated Guo family?

No, unless they want to die too.

Guo Biyu's mother is expensive because of her son, and once she gains power, there is no limit.

Guo Lingxiu's property will soon be transferred to Guo Biyu's name, and the elders have already begun to think about raising their status. It would be too shameful not to allow the mothers of the two heirs to be concubines.

Difficulty in conceiving in the realm of comprehension is just like this. It is not something you can give birth to if you want to, it requires a great chance.

Everyone doesn't care how Guo Biyu conceived the fetus, or whether the father of the fetus is Su Cheng, that doesn't matter, as long as you have the blood of the Guo family in your belly, then you are the boss.

A dispute disappeared in smoke.

The Guo family wanted Xin Weiran, the former son-in-law, even if they knew that Guo Lingxiu's death had nothing to do with him, but in such a big family, the daughter-in-law died suddenly, and there must be an explanation to the outside world.

I blame you and your daughter-in-law for not staying at home, but going to Guo Biyu's house to show off.

It's nothing more than playing prestige, and he lost a lot and was killed back by others. This is no wonder to the Guo family. The loser has no right to argue.

The wanted matter is in full swing, because Guo Biyu offered a lot of money as a reward.

As long as you find Xin Weiran's trace, then your life will be stable, and you will be able to squander your wealth recklessly.

Driven by huge interests, who is not excited?
Unexpectedly, ten days later, the Guo family added a huge bounty, and this time even many cultivators at the transformation stage were tempted.

In addition, the Guo family spoke fiercely, sending letters to Chihuangtian one after another, reprimanding the Xin family for their ambitions, and daring to kill the Guo family's daughter.

The previous cooperation between the two families came to an abrupt end, and they hoped that the Xin family would provide Xin Weiran with information about where to go.

Half a month ago, Uncle Xin, who was still aloof and respected by everyone, became a wanted criminal who was shouted and beaten by everyone half a month later.

The ups and downs in life are really exciting.

Chen Xinghe is really tall now!
The shot was like an antelope's horns, and the blow hit the vital point. Before Xin Weiran could react, the situation was fixed and there was no way to turn it back.

I don't know where Old Ghost Xin is, it's okay, let him jump around for two or three days!Once you know where it is, there are plenty of means to clean it up.

Once Xin Weiran's arrangement for so many years was liquidated, and the good corpse fell into the box of thousands of moats, and he was tortured by various poisons every day, the resentment in his heart can be imagined.

In Guo Lingxiu's hands, the box of ten thousand moats can only seal up danger, but in Chen Xinghe's hands it is different, he quickly figured out the correct usage.

This box was made by the Immortal of the Law, and it is specially used to suppress demons and ghosts.Of course, immortals can also suppress it, depending on how high your cultivation is.

Chen Xinghe successfully retrieved the things sealed by the previous owners of this box, and then greeted Huo Deshan's corpse with all his brains. Do you think there can be one?
This is not considered revenge, just looking at these things in the box, let Xin Weiran help clean it up, and chat with Huo Deshan corpse by the way.

For example, to stimulate Xin Weiran is only a little water, it is best not to appear in this life, just hide in a corner and wait for death.

Don't tell me, for three months in a row, no matter how vigorous the arrest industry was, no matter how aggressive the black market dealers were, they still couldn't find any trace of Xin Weiran.

This is really ninja invincibility. In terms of shrinkage and patience, Lao Xin is really strong.

It turned out that those subordinates of Xin Weiran were tortured and forced to search their souls. They did find some useful clues, but those clues were all cut off without exception.

The opponent's shot was quite decisive, and even took a heroic man to cut off his wrist, which made the already hard-to-find trace even more difficult to find.

Chen Xinghe lost his patience that day, and defeated Huodeshan's corpse with just one blow, and let it break up and restore it to the god's mark, which was received by the golden gourd.

This gourd has turned black a lot, and the calamity of the five declines of heaven and man continues to cycle, and the imprint of fire virtue will not have a good life if it falls into it.

"My lord!" Su Cheng respectfully waited in front of the Lingquan, and when he saw the lord got up, he hurriedly saluted.

"The matter here is over, you and I will be called fellow daoists from now on."

"How can this be done?" Su Cheng didn't think that with his own cultivation, he could call this fellow Taoist in front of him.

"Don't take the level gap too seriously, even if you are a mortal, if you give advice and help me plan the enemy, you can still be called a fellow Taoist."

Chen Xinghe handed the Box of Myriad Moats to Su Chengdao: "Give it to you to protect your wife and children! This box has been modified so that it can be used even if your cultivation level is poor. Now that you have integrated into the Guo family, you don't have to rush to practice, and the time will pass." It's fleeting, enjoy the peace a lot!"

There is no envy in the words.

Compared with Su Cheng, he is afraid that he will never have peace in his life. Even if Xin Weiran is solved, he still has to face the huge cause and effect brought by his right hand.

"Send some gadgets to protect the godson and goddaughter." As he spoke, Chen Xinghe left some talisman treasures and jade slips, and waved his hand to bid farewell to Su Cheng.

Seeing the figure go away and the Lingquan recover its original appearance in a breath, Su Cheng couldn't help sighing: "I'm really a Taoist priest! Ordinary people will try their best to trap and use my talents when they discover my talents, but Chen Xinghe is the only one who cooperates, and it's nothing Brush your clothes and go, and give me a big future."

Su Cheng held the box of ten thousand moats in his hand, and bowed and bowed in the direction Chen Xinghe left, with tears of gratitude in his heart.

After leaving Guo's house, Chen Xinghe drifted with the wind, every night at midnight he would spare no effort to gather huge star power to observe the light and shadow of the past.

After searching hard for half a year, I finally traced the source of Huo Deshan's corpse.

Ahead is a military city!
This is Yuxuantian's first sect, Fa Yuanzong, and the other two major sects, and spent a lot of money to build the military god city.

What is this military city used to defend?No one can tell.

Just look at it floating in the void, surrounded by thousands of Feilai peaks, you can feel how magnificent and unchallenging this city is.

Chen Xinghe took out a pair of broken armor and put it on for himself, striding towards the military city, his late Yuanying cultivation was revealed, he was a little limping when he walked, he looked dusty, with a broken sword hanging from his waist.

"Who is it?" The high place seemed to be ringing a bell, and the tone of the inquiry was very disdainful.

"I heard that Bingcheng has been recruiting monks for a long time, and I am here to accept orders."

"Do you know the rules?"

"I know, before entering the door, take the head of a Nascent Soul stage evil beast, right here." As he spoke, Chen Xinghe took out a large hideous head and put it into the falling beam.

"That's right, he is a sensible person, but I want to solemnly remind you that it is easy to enter this door, but it is difficult to leave this door."

"I know, I'm just a down-and-out monk, and I don't have the resources to continue my practice. It's a great fortune to be able to enter the military city."

"Very good, let's go in!"

(End of this chapter)

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