Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 935 Fusion of Dragon Veins

Chapter 935 Fusion of Dragon Veins
Really painful and happy!

The pain is because of the loss. These ingots were given to Xiaolong, and they will never be taken back from then on.

Happiness is because of getting it. The power of the dragon veins is increasing, and Chen Xinghe can feel that his energy is rising. Adding one or two ingots is nothing, but adding ten or a hundred ingots will be considerable.

On the other side, more than 30 monks left with a huff, and a hundred ingots went into their pockets. With the addition of the previous dozen or so, the number of ingots had been pushed up to 380 nine.

Xiaolong was overjoyed, and secretly exhaled a breath of dragon air.

Chen Xinghe suddenly felt that his mind and energy recovered quickly, and he recovered as much as [-] to [-]% of the battle consumption. The effect was simply unimaginable.

At this moment, he had a feeling of being drunk, such a breath of dragon breath was like old wine, which was rare, and he said "beautiful" in his heart!
Suddenly, a few ingots were shot from the opposite side, Chen Xinghe laughed, and did not go to catch them, but backed up, throwing the body of the popular fried chicken.

There was a group of white flames that made people dare not look directly at them.

This flame has an astonishing brightness and an astonishing temperature, as long as you get close to it, you will be injured, or even die.

The cultivator who threw the ingot was slightly startled, and just as he was about to make a move, he felt something flying towards the right side of his body.

It was a shadow of blood, which slapped him firmly, and the stench sprayed out.

"Help me quickly, the blood repair is forcibly... seizing the house..." This monk is also well-informed, knowing that the blood repair is unusual, and if he is targeted, the consequences will be disastrous.

Chen Xinghe had already killed several other people, brother Zhaziji was really poor, he only had one unprotected storage ring, and there were no other items except three porcelain bottles.

The three porcelain bottles contained precious blood, which might be precious in Xuexiu's eyes, but they were nothing in Chen Xinghe's eyes.

It was in vain that he spent so much effort to kill this guy, and the effort was extremely disproportionate to the gain. In a rage, he grabbed the blood baby and slapped the enemy.

Fortunately, the blood baby is so fierce that he can hold off this enemy temporarily, so that he can free up his hands to deal with the other guys.

The 27 flying swords were superimposed one after another, turning into an antique magic long sword.

Chen Xinghe grasped the long sword, made a solemn expression and said: "Xuanzong of heaven and earth is the root of all qi. I cultivated for billions of kalpas to prove my supernatural powers. Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is the only one. There is a golden light in my body, reflecting my body. I can't see it." Encompassing the heaven and the earth, nourishing all beings. Recited and practiced thousands of times, the body has light. The guards of the three realms, the five emperors welcome. Ten thousand gods pay homage, serve the thunder. Ghosts and demons are frightened, spirits and monsters die. There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is invisible. .The wisdom of the hole is clear, and the five qi are exuberant. The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

His chanting speed is very fast, the words before and after the words buzz and reverberate, and the sound of the words flutters into another meaning.

It was clearly a golden light mantra, but what I heard was:

"Tianben... billions of kalpas! My world... the only one!"

"Gold cover... see it! Hear the ground... give birth!"

"Song Guang... Guards! Emperor God... Thunder!"

"Ghost mourning...thunderbolt! Yinhui...angry!"

"Speed ​​guard... real person!"

"Quick Hu... Hu Hu Hu..."



Is this a lie?Why does it sound so awkward?

In fact, it is not the case, Chen Xinghe is using [-] times the Golden Light Curse, just to temporarily condense into one body in step with the dragon veins.

Xiaolong couldn't believe it, the little guy secretly thought that he was so powerful that he used spells to forcibly imitate the breath of a real dragon.

Others may not be able to see it, but his eyes are full of golden light, and a golden dragon is hidden in the light, breathing out forcefully towards the long sword.

Chen Xinghe secretly mobilized a huge amount of spiritual energy into the long sword in his hand, using this as a foundation to help the Guizang sword burst out with 120% power.

He is serious.

These few monks came just for him, and many of them existed in the late Nascent Soul.Although his body training has reached the same level, and his speed is fast enough, he can approach for close combat in a very short time, but there is a strange sense of crisis in his heart for no reason.

How long has he not felt this way?Unexpectedly, there was a sense of crisis again today.

The book of life and death then became blurred, more blurred than every time, as if it no longer existed, and would disappear with the weather at any time.

In such a situation, how dare you have any reservations?

At that moment just now, the surroundings seemed to be still, and the countermeasures were constantly being deduced in his mind. At the cost of consuming nearly half of his mind, he came up with a way to merge with the dragon veins, thus calling out the full power of the top-grade magic weapon.

Speaking of the Golden Light Curse, I learned it as a monk in the guard back then, but I never expected to use it today.

With a sound of "Puff", the sword light flashed across the two figures, their Niwan Palaces were all shattered, and the Nascent Soul died before they could escape in time.

Not death, but utter demise.

"not good!"


Voices came from several directions at the same time, but at the next moment, without exception, all these directions were swept down by the sword light, and the power was extremely terrifying. Only one person survived with several talismans, but he was also severely injured, half of his body was destroyed , can only run away.

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath. Just now he used his sword nine times in total, draining out the dragon's veins every time. He was already approaching the limit. If he wanted to use it again, he would have to wait for a long time, or deposit more ingots, nothing else. Other methods.

He flicked his sleeves to collect the corpses of these Nascent Soul cultivators, and chased after them.

The Nascent Soul cultivator who escaped the blow just now must have a lot of money.

This dragon vein is really easy to use. Yuan Bao is Yuan Bao to others, but to him it is a trump card that kills all directions. As long as the number is piled up, it can continue to exert its full power. It can be called a shortcut to gain power.

Of course, this shortcut is piled up with real gold and silver, and the net worth must be rich to a certain extent to be effective, and there are too few ingots to count on.

Just when Chen Xinghe got close to the fugitives, he suddenly moved out, and he dodged a few times to increase the distance, his eyes were uncertain and he looked hundreds of meters away.

This is a killer!I can't see the specific level, but judging from the speed just now, it is very likely that he has surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage, which makes him feel great pressure.

It's hard to imagine that there are monks in the stage of transformation who are willing to be killers, so this is not the stage of transformation in the traditional sense, it must be an incomplete transformation of gods cultivated by some means, just to get a killing tool, not to let this A person can truly attain the Dao through cultivation.

The man in black walked out slowly, and frowned slightly when he looked at Chen Xinghe. His sneak attack at this level still failed. Why is this kid so fast?It is unbelievable that he has already stood at the limit of the Nascent Soul Stage.

You must know that according to the information, this Chen Xinghe has just been promoted to Nascent Soul, but his combat strength is too heaven-defying.

Is this son about to become a Gedai supreme?
No, too much sparkle will eventually die.

Chen Xinghe watched the book of life and death all the time. After he killed these problematic Nascent Soul cultivators, the degree of blurring was only slightly reduced, but not greatly improved. Therefore, he knew that there were powerful people nearby, so he raised 120,000 points to be careful. Loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Sure enough, the enemy appeared, but he was not sure of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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