Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 936 Touring White Deer Mountain

Chapter 936 Touring White Deer Mountain

There was a chill in the air.

This chilling aura surged between Chen Xinghe and the killer, and it seemed that there would be a world-shattering duel at any moment, which was very exciting.

The next thing seems to be for a world-shattering duel, with sword shadows flying across the sky, and the murderous intent is infinite.

The two shot at the same time and did their best.

It's just that there was a lot of thunder and little rain, and the killer wiped out Chen Xinghe with one blow, and his expression was slightly startled.


"That kid didn't know when to use the substitute talisman, and he disappeared without a trace."

Is there any reason for this?How dare he play tricks and deceive under his nose, he is so powerful, why would he want to play tricks?hateful!

Chen Xinghe was wondering who the hell?It's really shameless for a sneak attack with such a cultivation level.

Why is he not running?I have learned from experience before, fighting with the existence of the transformation stage, even if you don't die, you will be skinned.

The most important point is that he is poor now!Apart from a few stand-ins, there is nothing decent in his pocket, I want him to keep it and beat him to death, just wait!It may be possible in the next life.

"Boy, come out for me!" The killer used his means, and the sky and the earth suddenly went dark, and a ray of light flashed across the junction of light and darkness.

Chen Xinghe's heart trembled, he didn't expect that Yuanying's ability to hide was broken in this way, a ray of light flashed across his body, making it impossible to hide.

What are you waiting for?Quickly apply oil on the soles of your feet and speed up your departure.

If the dragon veins are cultivated, he may still have the confidence to kill a few swords, now!Bye bye!
The killer determined the direction, and chased down sullenly, feeling very depressed in his heart.

He has never failed to take over a mission. He never expected to meet such a formidable and slippery brat, as slippery as a little loach.

Now that the loach has run away, it will be more difficult to chase him, but his speed is not slow either, as long as he goes all out, he should be able to catch him.

Chen Xinghe looked behind him, his heart immediately rose to his throat, the other party was really stubborn, and his speed was slightly ahead of him.

It is not easy to maintain such extreme speed, the consumption must not be small!
On the other hand, Chen Xinghe, his whole body seems to be built for speed, the consumption is almost negligible.

If the two sides keep running like this, under the ebb and flow, they may be able to turn around and fight back to a certain extent. However, Bailu Mountain is ahead. Since the destination has been reached, it is important to get down to business first.

During the flickering of brilliance, Chen Xinghe merged into a layer of light curtain, which was his reward for passing the trial.

What he didn't expect was that the killer also merged into the light curtain, and he obviously had a token of entering the mountain.

In order to kill him, the preparations are really complete.

However, after falling into the boundary of Bailu Mountain, you can see countless mountains, waterfalls, hundreds of flying peaks floating in the sky, groups of cranes laughing and laughing, and countless auspicious dust falling on the mountains. If you dare to cause damage here, you will bear the consequences.

The background of Bailu Mountain is not simple, several forces are entrenched here, you can't do whatever you want, so after the killer came in, he didn't start a battle rumblingly, but restrained his breath and lingered behind Chen Xinghe.

Chen Xinghe was like a light on his back, and was about to give up this opportunity and continue to escape, when suddenly his eyes flashed, and his figure disappeared.

The killer gave a cold snort and chased after him, saying in his heart that since I followed him, there is no way you, a brat, can escape.

However, he followed Chen Xinghe three times and two times into a waterfall, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

Unexpectedly, there is a cave behind the waterfall, with crystal as the door, gemstones as the plaque, and gold as the steps. It is extremely gorgeous.

It's just that this magnificence is nothing in the monk's eyes.

A few pieces of spiritual stones can buy a lot of worldly goods, even if they pile up like a mountain, they can't exchange for a single Scarlet Emperor Yuanbao, so they don't take this place to heart.

But he didn't think about it, that kid is so cunning, can he put himself in danger and get into a dead end?

The answer was quickly revealed.

Chen Xinghe took a step first, fell into the huge maze, stomped the ground vigorously, and said in admiration: "The magnificence outside is just a cover-up, and it is extremely low-level in the eyes of monks. You will slowly discover the clues after entering, don't The stone materials used to construct this labyrinth are very inconspicuous, but they are molded in one piece by Taiyi Shenmu, and once formed, they will never change.”

After he landed, his figure became even more monstrous, and the few flashes disappeared, leaving only darkness and silence.

When the killer came after him, he immediately lost his sense of direction, and immediately raised his vigilance towards this cave, realizing that this place is extraordinary.

However, it is too late to realize now!
Chen Xinghe moved extremely fast, not daring to stay for a while.

It took him about a quarter of an hour to walk through the whole line, how he got in, and how he got out. His nose was sweating and his temples were sweating, and he felt a little relaxed.

This cave is extremely extraordinary, even with his current ability, with the help of star power, it still looks black and red.

This black and red image is very similar to the terrifying cave where he stored his body before he entered Chihuangtian, and the danger inside is unimaginable.

Fortunately, the owner of this cave has the virtue of living, leaving a glimmer of life in the maze.After a few selections, it is possible to exit as soon as possible.

However, these few choices are a test of human nature. If he hadn't cultivated the Xingjun God Watch, he could use the power of the star to take over the overall situation, otherwise it would be too easy to get stuck and unable to extricate himself.

In this way, he left the killer inside for a while after walking through, and he turned around to swim Bailu Mountain with all his strength.

The three summoning tokens in his hand are of great value, even if he can't attract real dragons and phoenixes, he still needs to recruit some unicorns and basalts.

Of course, the idea is one aspect, and the actual implementation may not be so smooth.

Chen Xinghe took out a summoning token, looked around, saw a hammer in the east, an ax in the west, some didn't know where to start!
Just then, the wind came.

The seven beautiful women landed not far in front of them, staring at them slightly, and then the head of the woman hugged the pipa and said, "It turns out that the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect is here. I heard that you are coming here half a year ago. I didn't expect to see your true face today." .”

Chen Xinghe saluted and said: "This is just a whim. Before the trip, I greeted the sect and said that I would go to Bailu Mountain to find a few spirit beasts to guard the house. The schedule is not urgent! I have to practice a little in the middle before going all the way. When the water comes, I never imagined that there are so many fairies practicing cultivation in the mountains."

Among the seven daughters, some disdain, some chuckle lightly, each has its own scenery and is too beautiful to behold.

Still the leader, the beautiful woman with a pipa in her arms, looked at the summoning token in Chen Xinghe's hand and praised: "Sure enough, there are not many sects that can still take out this kind of summoning token. But the world is different, and the spirit beasts After a period of time, I have become picky about summoning, and using this kind of token summoning requires some sacrifices, one is suitable spiritual materials, and the other is suitable five elements, I don’t know which one of the five elements the young emperor has?"

"I'm cultivator Jin Linggen. I wonder if the fairies have any good recommendations?" Chen Xinghe asked very modestly, which made the seven fairies feel good.

(End of this chapter)

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