Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 937 Recruitment

Chapter 937 Recruitment
Seven beauties like flowers and jade lead the way for Chen Xinghe, and after going to see what kind of spiritual talks there are in Bailu Mountain, they found out that the seven of them belong to different sects, and these seven families are in charge of Bailu Mountain together.

This is a treasure, coveted.

The Seven Great Sects knew that if they occupied this place for a long time, it might lead to misfortune. As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse, it is better to issue tokens to make it easier for people to travel, and at the same time to find a way out for the spirit beasts in this mountain.

It's not impossible to practice mindlessly, but it's hard to make progress. You must know that the method of wealth and companionship is indispensable.

Law, that is, the method of cultivation.

Wealth has two meanings: internal wealth and external wealth. External wealth refers to all expenses required for cultivating immortals, and internal wealth refers to the capital of the immortal cultivator himself.

Partners, that is, practitioners need like-minded people, who will be the leader at critical moments, which is more important than anything else.

The ground refers to the place of practice.

Does it work without these?
Many spirit beasts are already dull, relying on their innate capital, they may be able to enjoy a moment of glory, but what about after the glory?Can it continue to go up?
Spirit beasts with the ability to make progress on their own usually have great wisdom, and they exist like a rarity, which can be said to be one in a million!

Since most spirit beasts cannot avoid decline and depression in the end, wouldn't it be beneficial to all three parties if the seven sects match up in the middle to find monks who support each other and witness the bond for the spirit beasts?
In this way, they started to operate Bailu Mountain, which continues to this day.

"Chen Daoyou, did you go to that Water Curtain Cave Mansion before?" Pipa Nvxiu talked about this topic.

"Fellow Daoist's eyes are like torches. I did go to that Water Curtain Cave Mansion. Is there any taboo in this cave mansion?"

"It is indeed a forbidden place in our place. It is rumored that the senior who left this cave has been promoted to immortality. This cave has become one of the footprints left by seniors in the world, and it is the best proof of immortality!"

"This? Could it be that there is still a fairyland? Isn't it said that the Chihuangtian is the 33rd heaven of the fairyland? I thought that there is no one who has become a fairy in the world today. How can you say that this is a fairyland?"

The purple-clothed woman who was the youngest among the seven girls said with a smile: "There must be a fairyland! The Scarlet Emperor Heaven was only a long time ago, and there should be many worlds above the lowest heavens of the fairyland!"

Chen Xinghe looked up, and suddenly sighed and said: "It's too far away, don't count on it! But this cave is really powerful, and it's definitely not something that can be explored at the Nascent Soul level. I just entered the maze and went around for a while, and I was exhausted." It was covered in hot sweat up and down, almost sinking in and unable to get out."

"It's rare in the world for fellow Taoists to be able to pass through the maze in such a short period of time. Only the ancestors of our seven sects are qualified to go in and explore for a while. We, the Nascent Soul, are beyond our reach."

"Hahaha, it's easy to say, I wonder if there is a spirit beast suitable for me in this mountain?"

"Fellow Daoist has a golden spirit root, and earth produces gold, so I first took fellow Daoist to enter this mountain with the richest soil source. I remember that there was an extremely powerful Hunyuan pangolin in the mountain, and its descendants lived in the mountain."

"Pangolin?" Chen Xinghe put a question mark in his heart, feeling that it was not the ideal spirit beast.

He already owns a real dragon now, and he collects spirit beasts to guard the house, and most of them will be handed over to Xiao Shen's family for training. Pangolins can only drill holes, is this appropriate?

After a short time, he followed the seven female cultivators to a vast stone platform surrounded by many huge statues, which looked a little special.

It was the youngest female cultivator in purple again. Hehe introduced: "These stone pillars and stone statues are not placed here for the sake of looking good, but are toys for spirit beasts in the mountains. There are similar arrangements in other places."

Just as he was talking, more than a dozen solid "wheels" rolled down from the mountain road ahead.

No, it's pangolins. They hug their bodies in a circle and use the mountain's strength to roll.

Chen Xinghe immediately became interested when he saw these big guys.

These pangolins are more than ten feet long, not khaki, but pink, and they look good.

The female nun in purple said: "These are baby pangolins. They usually travel together. There should be adult pangolins nearby to take care of them."

"Is this just a baby pangolin?"

Chen Xinghe felt a little dizzy. A baby pangolin that is more than ten feet long doesn't know how huge an adult pangolin is?
Soon he saw adult pangolins.

There was a loud rumbling sound on the ground, a large hole appeared in the high mountain wall, and then a huge monster poked its head out.

This head alone is equivalent to a baby pangolin. If the whole body sticks out of the cave, it may be as large as two hundred feet.

A normal person standing in front of such a behemoth is equivalent to a grain of rice.

I don't know what this kind of spirit beast eats to grow up, but it can grow to such an exaggerated level.

Chen Xinghe was thinking, if he really brought this kind of giant back home, feeding alone would be a big problem, and he really deserved the word Hunyuan.

But to be honest, it is very prestigious to have such a giant in the cave, and it is still very useful to rely on the power of the pangolin to build a maze underground when necessary.

"What do fellow Taoists think? This kind of Hunyuan pangolin can shrink its body. I remember the records in the door. The Hunyuan pangolin that once dominated the mountains grew to a size of a thousand feet, but after shrinking its body, it was less than a foot. Its defense power is quite Well, I don’t know if they are still alive now? Because spirit beasts usually have a long lifespan, and after reaching a certain level, they will look for spirit veins to sleep forever, and I heard that only in this way can they maintain their huge lives.”

Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "I want it, I want to fight an offensive and defensive battle there, and I feel extremely at ease with this kind of big guy guarding me."

"Hehe, it's not easy to sign a Hunyuan pangolin. You need to provide 490 jin of soil, [-] jin of thick soil, and blue sky bluestone. After negotiating how much protection and extra remuneration to provide every [-] years, the contract can be concluded. gone."

"Don't you need a summoning order?"

"Of course a summoning order is needed, but such treasures are precious. If you can afford them, you can recruit more pangolins."

"This?" Chen Xinghe said heartily, "I'm poor! I can't afford it."

After thinking for a moment, he patted his forehead and said, "Can a few fellow Taoists help me next time by exchanging relevant supplies and recruiting a batch of pangolins."

"A batch? You Daoist Chen mean a batch?" The female cultivator in purple couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Yeah! One or two won't work for me. Since I can recruit more, I will naturally try my best to bring back as many as possible."

Chen Xinghe gritted his teeth, and took out two magic weapons from his pocket.

These two treasures haven't been warmed up yet!It's the loot I got just now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it now if I want to exchange it for ingots outside.

"Huh? Fellow Daoist is really generous. Although there are some problems with the origin of these two magic weapons, it is not a big problem to leave them to us."

Dare to feel that these seven female cultivators are businessmen launched by the Seven Schools. In order to meet the needs of some high-level people, they trade here on the spot.

Chen Xinghe hurriedly fumbled here and there on his body, and will go to see other spirit beasts later!Can you spend less?
It seems that today is very likely to hit the end.

No way, who asked Zongmen to send him to that ghostly place, so beware of the tide of monsters!

(End of this chapter)

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