Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 938: God Tapir

Chapter 938: God Tapir
After some bargaining, Chen Xinghe finally got sixteen hundred-foot-long pangolins.

These pangolins are not considered adults, but they are not far from adulthood, and their strength is equivalent to that of Nascent Soul mid-stage body-refining monks.

This age is the easiest to get in touch with human monks, and a little training can play an important role.

The seven female cultivators beamed with joy, secretly thinking in their hearts that they were worthy of the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect.

Look at the things they brought out, all of them are high-quality goods, and there are two rare treasures.

This is a magic weapon!Even in Chihuangtian, it is very rare, only two of the seven of them have residual treasures, and it is not easy to get an authentic magic weapon.

Chen Shaodi was so lucky that he took out two of them in one go. It is said that they would get the moon first if they were close to the water. Naturally, they would not let these two magic weapons flow to the outside world, they would digest them internally.

In addition to magic weapons, there are many spiritual materials, as well as some strange things, which opened the eyes of the seven of them.

In addition, this young emperor is holding three summoning tokens, which is really generous.

To be honest, Chen Xinghe was a bit hopeless. He robbed all the wealth accumulated in the four cities, and even plucked all the spiritual grass and flowers cultivated on the green carpet. He almost killed the mayflies under Master Zhenyu idea.

These mayflies have a pair of horns on their tops, and they seem to be good things!

It's a pity that I can't get it out.

Naturally, he got the VIP treatment for such dedication, and Qi Nu took him to the most mysterious place of Bailu Mountain without saying a word, where it is said that he can recruit a strange spirit beast, tapir.

The tapir is a spiritual beast with thick and tough skin, sparse hair, and a protruding nose that can stretch freely.

It has a very short tail and is shaped like a pig. It is between an elephant and a black pig. It is nothing at all, but the tapir in Bailu Mountain is called a god tapir.

How godlike is it?

This spirit beast can control the land with a radius of thousands of miles, which is equivalent to the father-in-law of the land.

That's not to mention, it can gather soil to generate gold, and it is really beneficial to the golden spirit root.

The Seven Goddesses were in good spirits, pointing to a small mountain depression, signaling Chen Xinghe to enter to search for opportunities.

Gathering star power, swiping secretly, the scene in the small mountain depression appeared in my mind one step ahead.

At first, Chen Xinghe was still puzzled, thinking: "These seven female cultivators won't point and play me casually, will they? Why didn't they see the so-called god tapir?"

When he got a little closer, he immediately accelerated his speed and penetrated into the valley, before coming to a huge boulder.

The surface of this boulder is very round, with some natural lines all over it, which can play a role in gathering aura.

Chen Xinghe was extremely certain that the god tapir was inside this boulder.

There is no trace of fusion on the surface of this boulder. If he could not go back in time with the help of star power and see some blurred light and shadow, he might not be able to find this divine beast.

"Pa pa pa pa" three palms down, the god tapir was quite displeased to be disturbed, but a trace of energy permeated it, making it both surprised and happy, and quickly got away from the boulder to see who has such a great ability?
The god tapir appeared, stood in front of Chen Xinghe, and looked down at the visitor.

This divine beast was about two feet tall with its hooves on the ground, even if it couldn't compare with those pangolins, it was much taller than human monks.

It's easy to come out, Chen Xinghe nodded, took out the summoning order and said: "How about going back with me? There will be no shortage of offerings, and every once in a while I can carry a dragon's breath to help you practice. Should be very important, right?"

The god tapir circled around Chen Xinghe, suddenly nodded its head, its eyes were almost the same as those of humans, and its spirituality was the highest among spirit beasts.

There is a saying that the phoenix was attracted by the phoenix tree. If you want this kind of divine beast to return to its heart, you will naturally have to show something real.

Chen Xinghe looked at himself up and down, and found that only the dragon's veins were suitable as the phoenix tree, so he turned a little bit of breath to show his extraordinary.

This trick really worked, after checking, the god tapir saw some clues, and was shocked at the same time, ready to seize this opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

You must know that there is a real dragon hidden in Chen Xinghe's body. This kind of existence can be said to be the master of mountains, rivers and lakes.

Just imagine, even the Lord of the Mountains and Rivers served this person, and secretly condensed a dragon vein, what is there to say?Naturally, we have to go out of the mountain to protect his pengcheng thousands of miles, and help him soar, so that he can follow the glory in the future.

Other spirit beasts only have spirituality, but this divine tapir has gone far beyond the scope of "spirit". You want to get rid of that person, right?"

"Huh?" Chen Xinghe was quite surprised. Thinking of what Seven Girls said before, the god tapir is equivalent to the land father-in-law with a radius of thousands of miles. He immediately replied, "Exactly, that killer is very powerful. If I fight him, I will lose money." It must not be small, so with the help of that cave to temporarily trap him, do you have a better way to get rid of this person?"

"Yes, let's vote for it!" The tapir motioned Chen Xinghe to sit on its back.

The back of the god tapir is very broad, and Chen Xinghe happened to be riding near the neck.

Seeing a puff of smoke rising, he and the tapir had already left the col.

The seventh girl was overjoyed, and quickly took out a set of items and sent them to the god tapir.

Before, they were not sure about the bond between Chen Shaodi and the tapir, because the tapir's whereabouts were surreptitious, and it had reached the level of a powerful spirit beast that sleeps for a long time to preserve its life force. Not everyone had the chance to see it.

Sure enough, Chen Shaodi still has a solution for extraordinary people to do extraordinary things.

The god tapir knew everything that happened thousands of miles away, and at the moment, carrying Chen Xinghe on his back, he looked at Seventh Girl and said, "I'll take the young emperor to Shenze to summon the big crocodile, is there enough stuff?"

"Ah? That big crocodile has disappeared for many years, is it still in Shenze?" Seventh Girl was very surprised, full of fear for the big crocodile in the mouth of the tapir.

"It's still there! It's just that it's hard for you human monks to find it. The spirit beast is not a monster, it doesn't change form, it doesn't eat people, it needs to integrate into the mountains, rivers and hills, and it can be condensed to a certain level. This divine crocodile hides and comprehends A supernatural power should be accomplished by now."

"To summon the crocodile, I'm afraid there are not enough things." The seven girls hurriedly took out three lotus lanterns.

The leading woman thought for a moment, then took out another lantern from the storage ring, made four lotus lanterns and said: "That divine crocodile is only interested in Buddhist objects, and the items Chen Shaodi gave us are only enough to exchange for these four lanterns." It’s a precious lamp! I don’t know if I can still get a precious treasure?”

"Buddhist thing?" Chen Xinghe was a little surprised, secretly thinking that this alligator really has a personality, is it possible to practice meditation and practice Buddhism?
Thinking of the word "practicing Zen", he immediately had an idea, so he stretched out his hand and summoned four precious lotus lamps, and said confidently: "I once followed a Buddhist master to practice, and the method taught to me by the old monk is very good with the meditation mantra. It is effective, and after a little tidying up, it can be assembled into a brand new technique, which is so mysterious and unfathomable, I believe it can be used as a gift to impress this crocodile."

(End of this chapter)

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