Chapter 941
Everything around suddenly stopped.

Chen Xinghe chanted and held the meditation mantra, supplemented by meditation to enter the stillness of time.

It's not that time is really standing still, it's that his thoughts are speeding up ten thousand times now, thinking about countermeasures at the cost of consuming his mind.

"You can't sit still."

"There is no unparalleled road, there must be a chance!"

"The opportunity lies in this lake. The power of the predecessors has been left to this day. It was originally extremely powerful. It is the years that have wiped everything out, but..."

He thought of Starlight.

As long as there is enough starlight, you can go back in time and show the scene a long time ago.

"Now there is only one cheating word that can save me."

"That's right, cheat this zombie..."

He regained his mind and hurriedly received the star power, thanks to the gift of the Star King God Biao, which had not been cultivated for a long time, Chihuangtian's star power was extremely abundant.

In an emergency, of course, regardless of the cost, the mind is almost at the bottom, instantly attracting a cloud of star power to the front, dim light and shadows appear in all directions, Chen Xinghe clenches his teeth to feel the sword intent, this is the only place he can rely on in a dangerous situation , If you miss it, you will lose everything.

Along the way, he encountered many risks and was in danger more than once.

So the more dangerous the moment, the more calm and calm he was, and even a little bit of excitement arose in his heart.

This is the sequelae of trials. Competing with beings that are much higher than him is addictive. Chen Xinghe likes this feeling of walking on the line of life and death. Even breathing becomes much smoother, and he has a gambler's mentality in it.

He is betting his life to the sky, if he wins the bet, he will be successful, but if he loses the bet, everything will be settled.

This kind of stimulation is only interesting, and in essence, he can no longer return to normality. Perhaps this is the real intention of the five major sects to set up trials.

Suddenly, a devil's claw stretched out, which surprised Chen Xinghe.

It turns out that this zombie is not only practicing the way of death, but also practicing magic together. Maybe it can become the nourishment of the green carpet?
Of course, with Chen Xinghe's current cultivation base, it is impossible to defeat the opponent without the help of extraordinary external forces. The power of the predecessors here is indeed very impressive, but it seems that it has no effect on this kind of alien.

The key is to rely on the word "deceit". If you succeed, you can get away. If you fail, your house will collapse and you will be the one who buries your body in the wilderness.

The surface of the lake vibrated, and the ice layer turned into fine particles, which floated into the air at this moment.

In this way, the bottom of the lake can be clearly seen at a glance, and this figure is overwhelming, striding towards Chen Xinghe.

I have to say that this scene is very rustic and free and easy, but it feels awkward when you look at it on a zombie.

Chen Xinghe was ready, secretly notified Master Zhenyu and the golden crocodile to guard him, and then raised his long sword and shot straight through.

The buzzing sound was harsh, and the zombie was a little surprised. This kid actually attacked him on his own initiative?Shouldn't you be timid and try to escape?
Chen Xinghe said in his heart: "This is the time."

Suddenly light and shadow swirled, and a figure appeared behind Chen Xinghe.

This figure is boundless, majestic and majestic, like a tall mountain, which makes people feel ashamed.

As if this figure is the god in my heart, I can't help but want to confess to this figure, counting down the unbearable things in the past, and wanting to seek forgiveness.

The zombie was slightly taken aback, this figure was amazing, even in his opinion, it was unattainable.

Could this kid have a way to borrow power from the ancient existence?Are the traces of the Great War here protecting him?This kind of sword intent is somewhat impressive.

Come to think of it, it was the former suzerain of the Qingtian sect. It is said that the reason why the fifth sword gate is now named fifth is because this suzerain showed an incomparable swordsmanship when he was alive, dominating a generation of swordsmen, and let them Never lift your head up.

No matter how angry and sad the Fifth Sword Sect was in private, they still had the arrogance of a sword cultivator and never broke the agreement from the beginning to the end.

It turns out that the power of the suzerain still remains at the bottom of this lake, and this kid just cultivated the sword intent of the Qingtian sect, and got shelter in the dark, it's really abominable.

The zombie didn't dare to be careless, and suddenly plunged a treasure into the bottom of the lake. Many spikes surged from its body, trying to defend against this terrifying blow with all its strength.

However, after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

He was a little puzzled, and after carefully observing his surroundings, he finally realized that the kid was not mobilizing the power here at all, but was cheating.

It's really hateful to the extreme, how can there be any Gaiden sword intent?It's just that he didn't know what method to use to summon a piece of light and shadow from the past to appear. He was actually awed by the divine power of his predecessors, and stood on the spot to defend with all his strength. He foolishly missed the best time to strangle the boy.

"Ahhhhhh..." The bottom of the lake roared wildly, the zombie was furious, and the anger in his heart had reached the historical peak, and it was hard to restrain himself.

Chen Xinghe ran away early, what he wanted was the moment just now.

Struggling on the line of life and death for a long time has made him quite experienced, like a loach, and like a weed, he can always survive in the cracks, and his vitality is incredibly strong.

Run just one word, run like lightning, never stop.

He even intentionally tried to touch the Nascent Soul barrier, and integrated all the teleportation methods of Qingtianzong he had found before, filling his feet with ripples like bowstrings, teleporting and ejecting again and again, and his figure was so fast that there was only a ray of white light.

That zombie can freeze everything, even space, but it only works when it's in close proximity, and it won't have such a magic effect once it's far away.

Chen Xinghe has already changed from a rookie to a veteran on the path of cultivation, and he is very good at fighting wits and courage with powerful people. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he will resist the situation and it will be difficult to reverse it later.

Right now, there is no doubt that the killing against him has completely failed.

Someone saw him destroying the killer and frightening the gods from a distance. He was a member of the Baixiao Pavilion of Chihuangtian. The name of the young emperor of the Qingtian sect quickly spread throughout the world. This was far beyond Chen Xinghe's expectations.

He didn't want to be high-profile, he wanted to erase his name completely so that he could attack the enemy in the dark.

I don't know who has such sharp eyesight?He could be locked on to his figure from thousands of miles away, and made an accurate assessment of his combat power.

Baixiao Pavilion announced that only the Peerless Tianjiao in the mid-Yuanying stage and Gai Dai Supreme in the early Yuanying stage can fight against the young emperor of Qingtianzong, and the rest are just foils.

As soon as this statement came out, I don't know how many monks were surprised. Naturally, some people didn't believe it, but they had to believe it.

Because Baixiao Pavilion has never made a mistake in assessing combat power, since Qingtianzong Chen Shaodi has reached this level, then he must stand firmly on this line, which is really inconceivable.

Could it be that Qingtianzong's luck has returned?
The other four major sects did not express their position on the surface, but secretly began to conduct a series of investigations on Chen Xinghe, and found that this little guy really escaped or spoke brilliantly.

They are the forces that least want to see the rise of the Qingtian Sect, and they don't know what actions they will take to restrict Chen Xinghe's development in the future.

This is all afterwords, Chen Xinghe ran back to the jurisdiction in one breath, and was so tired that he collapsed on the ground, who would have thought that a summons talisman flew over and recruited him to go to the frontier.

(End of this chapter)

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