Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 942 It's a big event

Chapter 942 It's a big event

Isn't this nonsense?
Not to mention that there is a demon infesting the million-dollar mountain, and the demon world is ready to move. Why is it so urgent to recruit him to the border at this time?
Chen Xinghe was stunned suddenly, thinking: "Could it be that the demon world has already erupted? Otherwise, it would be impossible to recruit me at this time."

"Go back and discuss with Xiao Shen."

He didn't dare to delay, and hurried back to the mansion.

It took fifteen days for those big guys from Bailu Mountain to arrive, and there were still ten days before the deadline for his recruitment, so obviously he couldn't wait for the pangolins.

The key is territorial defense, should we fight or run?Or dig a hole and hide in the ground?
When Xiao Shen saw Chen Xinghe came back, the first thing he said was: "We found something bad."

"What's wrong?"

"Prices are rising. It was relatively subtle a few days ago, but now it suddenly rises rapidly. I asked Xue Shisanniang to check. Usually, this kind of situation is before a catastrophe occurs. It seems that something big has happened. .”

Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "That's right, there is indeed a big event going to happen, I thought the sect didn't know about it? So we just found out."

"What's the big deal? Can you reveal something?" Xiao Shen leaned forward.

Chen Xinghe patted his forehead and told what he had seen and heard along the way.

Those devils have already established bases in front of their homes, which shows that they have been plotting for a long time, and now it is time to launch.

In addition, the Zongmen seems to be in a hurry to recruit him, the young emperor who sits on one side, at this time, so it is conceivable that something has happened in the frontier, and the manpower is not enough, so he can only let him, the troublemaker who has just been dispatched to the million mountain, go forward As soon as he breaks in, fighting and killing will definitely be indispensable, but this is nothing, and it is even what Chen Xinghe meant.

He has long wanted to find a chance to hunt the void demon.

These void demons are rotten meat to others, but they are rare nourishment for him. They can be placed on the green carpet to cultivate all kinds of rare spiritual plants. Time to sell can increase income.

Now Chen Xinghe needs ingots very much, so he must find a way to increase his income, and cultivating rare spiritual plants is undoubtedly the fastest way.

Xiao Shen frowned and analyzed: "The Qingtian Sect is struggling to hold an empty shelf, but there are not many people who can make a big use of it. It is normal to send you to the front of the battle. After all, you have reached the Nascent Soul Stage now, isn't it? The protected golden core period is over. Stop talking, decide whether to go or stay! If you want to leave Qingtianzong forever and float outside, we will go with you! If you still have thoughts about Qingtianzong, decide to stay in Qingtianzong in the future This place is soaring, so it is necessary to establish a foundation, not only to stay, but also to do a good job of defense to help the nearby residents resist the evil, so that if it lasts for less than 20 years, you can go deep into the hearts of the people and form your own low-level contacts. What we did in our hometown is to expand the hidden door."

Chen Xinghe thought carefully for a moment, and finally made a decision and said: "I am wandering outside, you are here to guard, and a batch of spirit beasts will be transported back in fifteen days. I will put two two powerful beasts at home to sit in the town, and when the demons arise Before digging underground, building shelters. These spirit beasts are all earth attributes, and they are very good at doing this, so they should be able to hide in a few years of preparation."

"Okay!" Xiao Shen understands Chen Xinghe's worries. Before, they might leave Qingtianzong to develop outside. Once the demon world invasion is established, Qingtianzong will be safer, and Chen Xinghe will go outside to fight and make up for the family.

One outside the main, one main inside, this is the direction of development of the two of them.

"Before you leave, don't forget to go to the sect to get your outfit. You can pick up some items when you go out to perform missions according to the sect's regulations." Xiao Shen's words came at the right time. Chen Xinghe now has nothing in his pockets, and he must get some possessions for self-defense.

Who would have thought that he had just come back for a day and would not be able to take a rest for four or five days, but a message talisman flew in the next morning, telling him to hurry up and start the journey without delay.

It is obviously unusual to be so urgent, but the communication talisman did not explain it, it seems that the jar will be bored to the end.

He went to ask for travel equipment, and saw that the field hall was crowded with people, and the monks in charge of the affairs in the hall were so busy that they had already prepared it when it was his turn. They put the items on the counter one after another, and then clattered and calculated Said: "Young Emperor, please hurry up and set foot on the teleportation array in Yuntian City, because the distance is very far, and it will take six or seven days to teleport, so time is very tight."

Chen Xinghe quickly sold more than a dozen spirit coins.

I saw the monk on the opposite side waving his sleeves lightly, immediately put away the spirit coins, and directly transmitted the voice: "Many fellow disciples came to inquire, and I heard that something big happened in the frontier, and thousands of ruins appeared, ruthlessly devouring the surrounding cities. It came from the Demon Sect, which almost overthrew the existence of the five major sects 300 years ago. Maybe it was due to the weakness of our Qingtian Sect, so we used the sect to protect the border as a breakthrough, and now we are recruiting people to fight the fire. Also please be careful, Young Emperor."

"Isn't it the Demon Realm?" Chen Xinghe was taken aback for a moment, and then said to himself: "It must be the Demon Realm, otherwise a Raoshizi Demon Cult would not be involved. This is obviously a starting move for the Demon Realm to invade, and some will fight later."

Chen Xinghe took the package and rushed to Yuntian City immediately, only to see the city was filled with soaring light, obviously the teleportation array was activated.

As soon as he arrived, he heard someone say: "Shen [-] area, hurry up and send the monks there, there is a new magic market over there."

"Yes!" Before Chen Xinghe had a look at what was in the package, he and 31 other monks embarked on a teleportation journey.

Six days, this is the time it took for the teleportation.

During this period, you can't move rashly in the teleportation formation, and you can't communicate too much. Fortunately, with these few days as a buffer, Chen Xinghe quickly regained his mind. Previously, in order to avoid the zombified animal, the consumption was quite considerable, and one day was not enough to recover.

With the loud rumble, the 32 people were shaken and appeared on a rough stone platform.

The sound of breaking through the air was approaching in an instant, only to hear someone shouting: "There is a teleportation platform here, attack!"

In an instant, his eyes were filled with the glow of the magic way, with infinite killing intent.

I really didn't expect that Chen Xinghe would take the lead on the battlefield, and Chen Xinghe would just raise his hand and disintegrate the blinding magic into invisible.

All the cultivators of the Qingtian Sect were moved, someone recognized Chen Xinghe, and hurriedly saluted: "Only the young emperor is the first to follow."

"Meet the young emperor."

A snake can't do without a head, and a bird can't fly without a head. The young emperor is a resounding golden sign among the monks of the Qingtian sect, and he is also the senior brother of all the fellow sects.

Even if you don't want to admit it in your heart, you can't show it. This is the door rule.

Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "There is a city [-] miles away to the northeast. There is a dilapidated building floating above the city. I think it is the Demon Ruins. Follow me to check it out."

(End of this chapter)

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