Chapter 943

"Kill! Go ahead, these Qingtianzong monks are all paper tigers."

A large group of demon monks rushed over, without Chen Xinghe's shot, 31 Nascent Soul monks had already rushed out to confront them.

As the saying goes, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, how can the young emperor beheaded these minions?If you want to kill, kill the main character of the opponent.

Ten breaths into the battle, an extremely burly mage monk came forward, and wherever he passed, the other mage monks quickly moved out of the way.

Obviously, this guy is the leader of this place, with a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation, and he is following the path of dual cultivation of the demon body. There is a large string of skull necklaces hanging on his chest, and he can faintly hear the wailing sound, which turns out to be a magic treasure.

Although it was only a low-grade magic treasure, it was still frightening, giving off a feeling of wanting to turn around and run away.

This level of cultivation and attire was put in front of Chen Xinghe, so he naturally didn't take it seriously.

He does not hesitate to do things, this big guy is still walking forward with steady steps, the flying sword has already killed it, and after a few bits and pieces of sword light, it pulls out an arc, a very slender, very bright arc When the other party was stunned, he flicked lightly towards the tall body, blood splashed instantly, and the whole person disappeared, including his magic treasure.

What kind of scene is this?People were like a fountain of blood, gushing out endlessly, and when everyone present came to their senses, there was only a pair of straight leg bones left in place, and a cloud of green devilish energy.

Chen Xinghe waved his sleeves lightly, his leg bones and demon energy disappeared, leaving only a rain of blood to moisten the land.

The demon monks couldn't believe it. How could this brave general of the three armies and demons kill so many monks that he couldn't even make a move in front of this little boy?

No, it's not that he couldn't get out with a single move, but that he didn't have a chance to make a move at all, and the opponent was too weird and beyond imagination.

Chen Xinghe glanced over, frightened several demon monks to run away, not daring to stay here any longer.

There are quick-response ones, and slow-response ones. It's too late to escape.

The monks of Qingtianzong were greatly encouraged, and suddenly became extremely powerful, and each used powerful methods to kill the enemy to the ground.

Only then did they realize how strong their young emperor was, and the reason why he sat on that world-renowned chair was not to sit on it casually, but to rely on his strength to sit on it.

As a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, they are at a completely different level. Demon monks usually surpass the first line of the same level, but this line is not established in front of the young emperor.

These cultivators still don't know Baixiao Pavilion's comments, Nascent Soul can be respected in the early stage, and the middle stage of the Nascent Soul must be arrogant. Apart from these two existences, I am afraid that only those monks in the late stage of the Nascent Soul can compete with Chen Xinghe.

Without such unimaginable strength, it is absolutely impossible for other sects to attach great importance to it, and now Chen Xinghe is about to enter the category of attention.

After everyone chirped and chattered, they didn't delay after solving the magic monk, and soon came to the sky above the city locked by star power.

Looking down at the whole city, it was a horrible sight, every household was bloodbathed, the true evil spirits and crooked ways can be punished by everyone, not killing is not enough to satisfy the resentment in the heart.

With just one step, Chen Xinghe crossed all the restrictions around the ruins in the sky.

He was so fast that he couldn't react to these restrictions at all.

Several blood servants floating in the air were slightly taken aback, and immediately rushed towards this bold Qingtian sect cultivator.

Chen Xinghe glanced at it.

At this moment, the sword light passed by, and the Blood Warrior sitting on the blood cloud screamed, his body was torn apart and disappeared instantly.

The screams caught the attention of the monks of the Demonic Dao, and they quickly rang the alarm bell to gather their hands, trying to get rid of powerful monks like Chen Xinghe.

The result is obvious, no matter who comes, it is a matter of one or two swords, but the 27 flying swords are so efficient, the speed is unbelievably fast, and occasionally draws a stunning arc, which is even more ridiculously strong.

Chen Xinghe strode towards the ruins to kill, and the monks who came with him had to follow all the way to make up the knife.

Everyone is naturally delighted that the young emperor of this sect is so brave.

You must know that many magic monks are as stubborn and indestructible as rocks in front of them, but in front of the young emperor, they are a pile of meaningless tofu, which can be broken with a single hand.

With this sharp knife opening the way and stabbing straight in, it saved them a lot of effort and the safety was guaranteed, so I was overjoyed.

Chen Xinghe was eager to save people. The residents in the city were detained by the monks of the Demonic Way. He didn't know where they were detained. After a long time, they might be refined into blood beads, blood servants or other weird things by these bastards. It's really abominable!
Demon cultivators always like to bring suffering to all living beings, they don't cultivate honestly, they think about harming places all day long, and once it becomes a climate, they want to harm more people. This is an unforgivable crime in Chen Xinghe's view.

When encountering this kind of disaster, without saying a word, we will do our best to slaughter him, and kill him without leaving a single piece of armor.

Chen Xinghe has comprehended the Feiyu sword, every time Feijian draws a seemingly inconspicuous curved silk line, it is actually very domineering.

As long as this kind of arc bounces lightly, and the number is large enough to a certain extent, even low-grade magic treasures cannot bear it, this is his current attainment.

So people left the impression that the young emperor's power was unfathomable, and gradually established the majesty of Gaidai.

The strong don't need to say much, and people will naturally follow.

Among these monks who came here, there are many people with vain foundations. It is all due to luck that they can achieve today's achievements. Seeing Chen Xinghe's strength is naturally moved.

Suddenly, his feet trembled.

Chen Xinghe was stopped by the enemy.

The gloomy voice echoed: "Are you the young emperor of Qingtian sect?"

"Know and ask?"

"Hmph, ignorant junior, today I will let you know how powerful the Demon Cult is at grinding and protecting Dharma."

"Hundred feathers..." Chen Xinghe attached great importance to the enemy, and strands of light appeared around him, instantly weaving into hundreds of feathers, like a flock of birds flying around a big tree, constantly colliding with the enemy's means.

This kind of kendo killing move is already powerful, not to mention Chen Xinghe secretly activated the dragon veins to support the consumption of Guizang sword.

Even if the dragon vein was consumed too much before and couldn't fully load it, at least it can bear [-]% to [-]% of the consumption, and the remaining [-]-[-]% consumption is supported by his mana, which is enough.

The power of the top-grade magic weapon and the top-notch swordsmanship are the capital for Chen Xinghe to kill all powerful enemies.

The demon cultivator on the opposite side widened his eyes, and it was too late to dodge after seeing the strength.

The sound of popping is endless.

This so-called guardian is no different from the big guy before, at most, he has more fragments on his body, and his vitality is higher than that of the big guy.

However, Chen Xinghe didn't use Baiyu before, let alone use the full power of Guizang Sword.

Now that he has tried his best, what else is there to say?Exactly the same as the big guy, this protector turned into a fountain of blood, and the devil baby was pierced just as he escaped, with one sword, two swords, three swords, four swords...

Then Chen Xinghe was pleasantly surprised to find that this Demon Cult's protector had a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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