Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 945 Self Destruction

Chapter 945 Self Destruction
Sure enough, Chen Xinghe shifted his gaze to the woman, which obviously meant to say: "Aren't you going to show it? I'm going to run to the front of the formation and take huge risks to be the asking stone."

The eyes of this man and a woman are flickering, it is obvious that they have been in series for a long time, can't he see it if he is blind?

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, don't play tricks.

The woman stomped her feet, paid out five ingots and said, "I usually consume a lot, and there is only so much."

Chen Xinghe nodded and said, "Where is the other fellow Taoist?"

"He hasn't arrived yet, you don't have to wait for him. This old guy is famous for being late in the door. He won't show up until the edge of the time limit."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe felt that this old man was a bit interesting, he could show up in time when he did anything, and he was probably very calculating.

He didn't wait any longer, and handed over the monks behind him to the care of this man and a woman, while he fled to the magic market [-] miles away.

When they got to the place, Chen Xinghe was taken aback.

No wonder the man and woman had to coax him here at their own expense.

The fortress in front of this magic ruins has been completely rebuilt, and it looks like an airtight fortress in the air.

With such a boundary, even mobilizing a large number of monks to attack violently would be difficult.

If you break into this magic market at a very high speed, you can't find the enemy leader and behead him as soon as possible, and you will easily fall into a frenzied siege by a large number of enemies.

You must know that the combat power of these demon cultivators is still quite impressive, surpassing the monks of the same rank by one line or even two lines, that is to say, one can be used for two, and two can be used for five.

This is not a joke, when the number of enemies reaches a certain level, no matter how evil Chen Xinghe is, it will be useless unless he breaks the Nascent Soul stage speed barrier on the spot and forcibly triggers Doom.

It's a pity that he hasn't reached the level of breaking the barrier nine times to trigger calamity. In fact, he hasn't broken the barrier even once, which shows that the speed limit of the Nascent Soul Stage is far beyond imagination.

Since you can't think of a way from the level of heaven, you can only aim at the enemy's head, and get as close as possible to kill him in a very short time.

However, the Xingjun God Table cannot see through these demon markets.

Chen Xinghe suspected that these ruins originally had a tradition of guarding against the prying eyes of the Xing Lords. It was probably left over from the time when those Xing Lords killed the Quartet until now, and it happened to restrain him.

In addition to the means of star power, when it comes to spying on information, bugs have an advantage.

Chen Xinghe asked Master Zhenyu for a mayfly.

Once this kind of worm is separated from the hyssiac swarm, it will not survive for more than a day, but one or two hours is enough.

The little bug turned lavender under the illumination of the secret technique of the Samurai God Record, and then flew towards the Moxu invisibly. Chen Xinghe closed his eyes and sensed it carefully, not letting go of every detail.

Because the mayfly is too weak, it is impossible to cover everything in such a large area of ​​the Moxu, so the mayfly easily broke in and began to spy on every place.

Two hours later, Chen Xinghe opened his eyes, a little hard to grasp.

In this demon market, there are three places that cannot be entered, or the coercion is too strong, and the mayfly will faint and fall to the ground if it gets close, so it has to be avoided.

This kind of situation is a little difficult. You must choose a good target, and you must shoot quickly without any hesitation.

Chen Xinghe thought over and over again, and decided to pick the weakest part of the persimmon first, attack the weakest part of the coercion first, leave immediately after success, and see if he can draw out the other two coercion places, so that he can know their level.

After calming the mayfly and letting it stand by, Chen Xinghe started to move.

It is impossible for the monks of the Demon Cult to come out and go in, and it is impossible to completely close the Demon Market, even if there are some barrier magics, it will not help.

Just a word, ordinary monks of the magic way can't react at all, or can't see anyone going in at all, leaving a faint breeze at most, and the rest of the situation will never happen again.

27 flying swords accompany the left and right, and bright arcs are woven into flying feathers.

Now that you have decided to make a move, there is absolutely no reason to give up halfway. If you want to succeed, you can't hold back.

"Hum..." The tall bronze door trembled slightly, and it had already disintegrated into bits of light, and the flying feathers shone and pierced it forcefully at the same time, which caught the monks inside by surprise.

The room was full of evil spirits. A naked man in a Taoist robe was facing the ten thick copper pillars with a playful smile. On the pillars, there were many beauties tied up in various patterns. Some women were wearing jackets, while others were naked It is exposed to the air, so there is still a sense of obscenity in the demonic energy.

When the wretched man secretly had a bad time, his body was already penetrated by Baiyu, and those copper pillars were penetrated at the same time.

Chen Xinghe swept away the palace-like spacious room with a single movement of his hand, not even letting go of the hidden compartments in the walls.

Items were put into the storage ring, and living beings were put into the race bag. At this moment, his figure had just fallen to the ground.

Tapping the floor lightly with the tip of his toes, his figure began to retreat, and he left the Demon Market in a blink of an eye, thinking he was lucky.

This demon cultivator occupying a hall unexpectedly reached the late stage of Nascent Soul.

There is no need to go to the other two places, there must be even more powerful demon figures sitting in town.

Being able to succeed in one blow is thanks to this guy who has nothing left.

Caught off guard and killed by Bai Yu, if it was normal, this person would not die so happily even if he was severely injured.

Let it go when you see it, Chen Xinghe's body training is currently in the late Nascent Soul, so the limit of the enemies that can be dealt with is in the late Nascent Soul.

Chen Xinghe didn't want to go head-to-head when he met that kind of Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk, because life-and-death battles are different from fighting skills. Do you know how people spend a long time?How many opportunities have you gotten in such years?

Therefore, the only ones who can be confidently exterminated by pinching with their hands are the middle-stage monks of the Nascent Soul.

He drew a red line for himself, he had to be careful beyond the mid-stage Nascent Soul, and if he encountered a late-stage Nascent Soul with a mysterious feeling, try to avoid it as much as possible, and don't go up and gesture stupidly.

When there was no one there, Chen Xinghe took out a few key items, carefully examined them with the help of star power, and couldn't help frowning.

This Demonic Sect Nascent Soul was too careful, and secretly arranged multiple methods. Even the frequently used storage ring had a hint of mysterious aura.

Suddenly, the storage ring emitted orange light.

Chen Xinghe felt something in his heart, the inside of the ring couldn't pull the master's aura, and immediately began to self-destruct.

At the same time, several other items also glowed orange.


The sword shadow slashed wildly, and when the orange light exploded, Chen Xinghe stretched out his right hand and grabbed two. Sensing that the danger was serious, he immediately got out of the way and retreated a hundred miles away.

A huge ball of light surged, turning into quicksand for fifty miles around, and the shock ripples did not weaken until they were two hundred miles away.

With such terrifying power, it is obvious that nothing can be left behind.

Chen Xinghe looked at his hands and couldn't help but smile wryly. It seems that he had oversimplified the enemy, and he only got a box and a Jiedao.

There were ten ingots stored in the box, and there seemed to be quite a few more in this kind of box, but he only had time to take out one. As for the ring knife, which faintly made the Buddha's eyes glow, he took it out.

(End of this chapter)

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