Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 946 What are you running for?

Chapter 946 What are you running for?
Chen Xinghe held the Jiedao in his hand, and a large number of "卍" characters appeared in his eyes, and a Buddha's light rose around him.

I feel that there is a kind of air of stopping Ge spreading, and the Dharma flows in my heart.

"This is a knife that stops wars. It guides people to do good and protects one side."

"That's good, that's fine, let's stop fighting, I still want to get a few more ingots from the members of the Demon Cult! I can force them to increase protection."

Although it is a pity that many treasures self-destruct, but how can you be happy when wandering outside?Anyway, it didn't cost much to kill this guy, so the benefit of getting it is pure profit.

Chen Xinghe quickly changed places, and a murderous intent that did not belong to the Nascent Soul stage spread out. You don't need to look at it to know that the powerful guy who sits in the Demon Ruins has come out. Before, he wanted to lure the other party out to destroy him, but now there is no such thing. thought up.

As the saying goes, this moment, that moment.

I didn't expect that the level of this magic market was so high before, and the worst of the three powerful guys had a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivation. One can imagine how powerful the two guys above are.

don't go now?I can't leave after a while.

Chen Xinghe ran a hundred thousand miles in one breath, came to a prosperous place where the Demon Cult had not yet invaded, found an abandoned manor, wiped out a few ghosts, stunned all the women and put them away.

"I may not be able to rescue your relatives, so I left a few talismans to protect them." He threw down a few talismans, and left behind some odds and ends. Guessing that he had enough money, he turned and left.

A trivial matter that was forgotten when he turned around, but Jie Dao trembled slightly behind him, and then returned to normal, with a purple "卍" character appearing on the handle.

Chen Xinghe naturally noticed this change, and felt that Jie Dao was not too against him, so he didn't take this matter to heart.

He regards Jie Dao as a shield, that's all, he doesn't have much other ideas.

In this way, Chen Xinghe locked the location and teleported, and went back to find the hooked nose and the girl with black eyebrows, to see what their plans were.

"Chen Shaodi, what's the result?" The hooked nose was full of sarcasm, and he naturally didn't believe that the other party could single-handedly overthrow the Demon Market in such a short period of time.

"No results, cold salad! I killed a late Nascent Soul cultivator, and the demon cultivator at the transformation stage ran out to hunt him down. I don't have that kind of extremely rare heavy treasure on me. I can't do this kind of person."

"Hua Shen? You don't want to talk nonsense just to show yourself, do you?" There is deep distrust and sneer in this sentence.

Chen Xinghe laughed straight: "If you have the guts to go with me, I will lure out that cultivator who transforms the spirit, but after he is lured out, when the soles of his feet are being oiled, the young master can run with him, or turn around and fight with him."

"You!" The hooked-nosed young master was furious, no one had ever dared to disrespect him, and he must get rid of this bastard sometime.

I'm sorry, Chen Xinghe thought about this a long time ago, but unfortunately there are too many eyes around him, so he doesn't have a chance.

The woman with black eyebrows stood up to smooth things over: "Since there are such people sitting in the town, immediately send a message back to inform the uncle-level people to come."

"That's the only way to go." Hooked Nose took the opportunity to go down the steps.

Chen Xinghe didn't want to stay with this man and woman any longer, so he asked which direction there was the Moxu, and left the camp again to go to exterminate demons and earn ingots.

For three consecutive days, the harvest was fruitful, and the six demon markets on the map were hit more fiercely each time.

There were also dangers during the period, but they all escaped at a high speed, Xiaolong almost passed out in the dragon's veins drunk.

On the fourth day, Yuanbao broke through [-] and achieved a small dragon vein pattern. Chen Xinghe immediately felt that his cultivation base was increasing all the time, and his life and death book position suddenly reached a new height, with an astonishingly negative value.

This is not the heritage that he can enjoy. Only those with great blessings can enjoy it under the permission of the law of heaven. People who go against the sky are like moths, which are not tolerated by the law of heaven.

It doesn't matter to Chen Xinghe, at most, he will be stronger when the thunder strikes in the future, and put the location of crossing the catastrophe in the Moon Moth Sect, that will be interesting.

The frontiers under the jurisdiction of the Qingtian Sect became his hunting grounds, specializing in hunting those monks from the mid-Yuanying period.

When encountering the late Nascent Soul, evacuate immediately after a simple test.

In the past three days, he only killed one late-stage Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator. This guy was tested by him, and he was restrained by Extreme Speed. It was difficult to kill the rest quickly, so he chose to retreat.

On the fifth day, the old man in the portrait arrived late. He was the No.4 member of the field combat team.

Of course, not only the four of them, but also other Nascent Soul cultivators.It's just that the status and status are different, and the strength gap is huge, so they cannot be compared.

Therefore, the subject is still the four of them.

Let Chen Xinghe make the sharp knife, spy and kill first, and then the three behind will lead the general attack. This process has become more and more smooth after honing.

Although there are occasional personnel injuries, among all the expatriates of the Qingtian Sect, Chen Xinghe's team has achieved the most brilliant record, so much so that a young master with a hooked nose has to admit that Chen Xinghe, the young emperor, is a bit special .

It's not easy for this guy with upturned nostrils to admit that he is special, but how can he not get his shoes wet when he often walks by the river?The four of Chen Xinghe went around to challenge the Demon Market, killing ten times as many Demon Cult cultivators as their own. It is impossible for the Demon Cult to allow this situation to continue.

No. In the early morning of the 11th day, after a night of meditation, Chen Xinghe felt extra energetic. He was about to start a new day and go out to find new prey, when suddenly there was a trace of rain hitting the ground.

Then, more and more rain appeared.

No, that's not rain, it's blood.

"It's a demon cultivator, be careful, the big formation we set up can't stop the blood rain from falling."

At this time, a laugh sounded: "Jie Jie Jie..., what a group of delicious..."

The laughter turned into a scream: "What are you running? Can you run?"

Chen Xinghe ran away without saying a word.

Bloody traces chased after him, and Chen Xinghe's voice suddenly burst out from the spot: "Run!"

Everyone immediately knew that a terrible enemy was coming, and they all showed their cards and fled. As for whether they can escape the danger, it all depends on the nature of the individual.

No matter how fast Chen Xinghe was, he couldn't get rid of the aura behind him and chased him down. His cultivation could only be described as unfathomable.

"Little guy! You let me teach you to suffer heavy losses in this place because of your speed, right?" The person who came was an old woman in calico.

Suddenly, teleportation aura appeared, Chen Xinghe's feet flickered lightly, and his figure disappeared.

"Teleportation? A teleportation array is set up here? No, it's a teleportation array on your body, and an anchor point is set up here." The old woman's face was a little uneasy. If she made a move to let a little guy run away, where would she put this old face?So I have to catch up and use the most vicious means to dig out the heart of the little bastard to try it out.

In a moment, the old woman took out a dry and tattered teapot, dripped a drop of black blood towards the ground, and only heard the ripples spread out with a "poof", and she chased 150,000 miles away in one step, which made Chen Xinghe's whole heart ache. Straight down.

(End of this chapter)

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