Chapter 947

Chen Xinghe made a decisive decision and started the second teleportation.

He hunted around these days, and the number of ingots increased again and again. When it reached [-] pieces, he knew that it would inevitably lead to disaster.

There is no way, Tiandao is so pissed, and will not let the dragon veins develop and grow, and must be interspersed with some obstacles.

Knowing that he is not favored by the Dao of Heaven and not a person with good luck, if he dares to go on like this wantonly, isn't that courting death?
In fact, from the fifth day onwards, he began to search for a suitable place to lay out the back road.

With a rough scan of this million-mile radius, where there are complex terrains and where there are powerful caves, I basically know what level of enemies I encounter and what countermeasures to take, I have already planned carefully.

Without such success, how could he come out and venture into the Scarlet Emperor Heaven?How dare they continue to assassinate those prominent figures of the Devil's Cult in front of the battle?
In fact, the upper-level monks of the Qingtian Sect could last for more than ten days, so that the blow did not fall on this special team for a long time. It was already beyond Chen Xinghe's expectations. The ending seems preordained.

With such a dangerous pattern, one escape route is obviously not enough, and it would be irresponsible for one's life not to arrange ten or eight escape routes...

There are several mass graves on Longqing Ridge, and a large flock of crows gathered in unknown years and months.

It was this group of crows that provided a little cover, allowing nearly half of the ghosts on the mountain to escape the supervision of the Scarlet Emperor Tianye Youshen.

Among them is a ghost who has practiced for a long time, and his Taoism has gradually become more profound.

This ghost monk became a ghost baby after crossing the catastrophe, so he went out to practice.

About 800 years ago, this ghost cultivator returned to Longqing Ridge. He didn't know what kind of encounter he had outside, but he made a huge step forward in the realm of baby ghosts, transforming baby ghosts into ghosts and gods, and became a great climate.

For the next 500 years, he practiced in the depths of Longqingling and carried out a series of renovations to the cave.

On weekdays, many ghost cultivators defected to the sect, so he moved his mind to recruit disciples and arranged a trial place by means of means. The local ghost cultivators called it the Ghost Dragon Gate.

Jumping over the ghost dragon gate can get the inheritance of the ghost master. If you give up halfway, it will naturally disappear, and your ghost power will be integrated into the trial ground to provide strength for testing new ghosts.

Over the years, ghost cultivators who have come here to be tested have emerged one after another. The place of trial has been nourished by a large number of dead ghosts, and has grown at an unimaginable speed.

In the past 200 years, even if Ye Youshen found this place and informed the nearby sects to solve it, there is no way to eradicate it.

As for the ghost cultivator back then, where is he now?His cave is in the depths of Longqing Ridge, but no one or ghost has come to the end...

Today, Chen Xinghe came.

His body flickered into the trial ground, and the Nascent Soul left his body and sat on top of his head. The ghostly cloud that surged up around him couldn't find his target and dissipated slowly.

You must know that Chen Xinghe's Nascent Soul is born with the ability to hide away. As long as the Nascent Soul leaves the body and suppresses the vitality to the minimum, others will think he is dead, or they will not feel his existence at all.

After the shielding trial site was locked, Chen Xinghe sent his body into the race bag.

Afterwards, Yuanying put the race bag behind his back, picked up the storage ring he usually used, and rushed straight to a terrifying wall full of weird faces.

With the sound of "Bo", he got into one of the big mouths of grimaces, feeling like he was sliding forward in a sled, and soon came to a place covered with palm scales.

This is the core of the trial site, and Chen Xinghe is the refuge he imagined.

If it weren't for his Nascent Soul being very strange, not within the scope of the Five Elements and Three Realms, even the Dao of Heaven couldn't be locked normally, otherwise he would encounter many obstacles along the way.

Now settle down and wait!

Chen Xinghe had been interested in this Ghost Cultivation Cave before, but after checking it, he found that it was difficult to enter because he did not have super strength to break through the trial site.

This trial site or ghost dragon gate has become a climate, and the cave is regarded as a forbidden area, and no ghosts are allowed to intervene.

Therefore, in 300 years, there has not been a ghost cultivator who jumped over the ghost dragon gate, and the ghost cultivator who created this place never appeared again, but left behind many legends that became more and more legendary.

It is said that in the past 200 years, the most powerful and famous ghost cultivators have all entered the ghost dragon gate and obtained the inheritance of their old people, but no one knows the specific situation.

Chen Xinghe was not interested in the rumors. He only watched with the Xingjun Divine Watch, and found that there was a dark as ink light in the depths of the cave. He judged that there was a great danger, but it was not easy to get in. Ghost Dragon Gate".

Danger means life, and the book of life and death is extremely accurate in grasping the danger. As long as the enemy restrains the ghost dragon gate, he can sneak into the cave first to find a place to hide.

When the speed is not as good as the opponent, Yuanying's ability to hide becomes extremely important.

The reason why Chen Xinghe was able to survive the test of survival time and time again was because his method of coping with crises was very powerful. It seemed that there were only a few tricks, but in fact it was difficult for outsiders to replicate.

Sure enough, the enemy soon came to the door again, fell into the trial ground, released the Qianmu crutches, and hit the ground forcefully, the surroundings suddenly collapsed with a rumbling rumble, a lot of ghost gas and smoke rose up, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling sounded at the same time.

"Hmph, do you think you can hide from my old body by hiding here? At best, it's just a little mouse, and it can outrun me?"

As soon as the words fell, the crutches stopped again, there were dozens of feet of cracks in the ground, and all the eerie ghost trees around were messy and broken, which shows how powerful the old woman's skills are.

destroy!In addition to destruction or destruction, it was so exciting that Guilongmen suddenly revealed its original shape, which turned out to be a whole giant fish bone that was buried here in an unknown year and month.

"Crack..." The old woman was swallowed by the fishbone, and there was an earth-shattering shock.

Chen Xinghe just seized this opportunity to shift shape and enter the cave hidden in the depths of Longqing Ridge.

In a blink of an eye, he held the book of life and death in his hands, and he was extremely careful with every step he took.

As long as the words on the book of life and death become blurred, even if there is no danger on the surface, they will definitely not move in this direction.

He was so careful, and slowly touched an old study room.

Ordinarily, this place is more dangerous, because it is within the absolute warning range of the Xingjun God Table, but there is no disturbance in the book of life and death, which shows that the danger is relatively controllable, and maybe something useful can be found.

Chen Xinghe attached one of the thickest notebooks, carefully concealing his aura, but to see how strong this old woman is?

As soon as he hid, he shook the mountain on the spot, and there was a terrible sound of footsteps stepping on his heart, one step, two steps, three steps, walking towards the cave.

The outside is so powerful, and it has become a ghost dragon gate that has become a climate, so it is defeated?
With a roar, the ground trembled again, Chen Xinghe put his heart back into his stomach, the ghost dragon gate was still there, and showed a more violent side.

The old woman was furious, and also broke out with all her strength, suppressing this place with heavy hands.

(End of this chapter)

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