Chapter 948
"come out!"

"You hid well, but the difference in cultivation is so much, do you think it was an accident?"

The old woman in Huashan collided with a huge fish bone demon, her cultivation was unfathomable, and the powerful "ghost dragon gate" bred by the extinction of countless ghosts had nothing to do with her.

Not only was there no way to deal with her, but she also spewed out a lot of ghost energy, and her strength fell from the peak to the bottom, so she was obviously not an opponent.

Chen Xinghe hid well, calling out whatever he liked outside, he would never go out to die.

There was another series of earth-shattering tremors, and the ghost dragon gate shattered.

From the beginning to the present, the old woman took a lot of effort to deal with this big guy. The anger in her heart was surging, and she walked into the ghost house with strong killing intent in her eyes.

There was a roar, and a large formation with four rings appeared in the ghost mansion, pressing with all its strength on the outsiders who dared to destroy the trial ground.

The old woman smiled contemptuously, and didn't take it seriously at all. The moment she jumped up, she erupted like an octopus, and her magical thoughts pierced through the air, sweeping away those who dared to get close.

The collision was so violent that Chen Xinghe almost fell into the dust from the bookshelf. Fortunately, when the Ghost Mansion found that the enemy was difficult, it immediately activated another three-ring formation.

A total of seven ring formations caused ghosts to cry and howl, and a ball of purple light was printed directly on the old woman, and its power had reached the limit of the stage of transformation.

As strong as an old woman, she had to take it seriously, took out a dry and dilapidated teapot, poured out ten drops of black blood, and immediately stirred up black clouds all over the sky.

The next moment this place completely changed, everything was eroded, the crows on the mountain were wiped out before they could fly up, the mass graves no longer existed, and the few ghost cultivators hiding here couldn't even utter a scream. The smoke cleared.

The power is so strong, the formation of the seven rings in the ghost mansion instantly extinguishes the five rings, completely extinguishing, and will never play a role again.

How can the remaining two ring formations stop the old woman?I saw her brushing little by little, and the crutch in her hand waved circle after circle to remove the remaining obstacles. It was really evil.

These situations were somewhat beyond Chen Xinghe's expectations. He never expected that the Devil's Cult would send out such a person to deal with a mere Nascent Soul cultivator. His cultivation level was too high, and he could no longer use any external force to make up for it.

This is the benefit of advanced cultivation, if you have all kinds of calculations and tricks, they are all useless!Death is that simple, there is no second way out.

Chen Xinghe felt great pressure, but at this time he could only resign himself to his fate, quickly cut off all breath, only kept the Lingtai half awake, and treated himself as a useless dead thing, hoping to avoid the old woman's search.

With a crackling sound, the old woman wiped away the last few obstacles, showing a trace of pride on her face, and walked into the most spacious hall of the ghost mansion with a cane.

She stood in the center of the hall and looked around, frowning slightly, and said, "There is actually a ghost cultivator in the transformation stage who once practiced here. Why did the breath suddenly stop? Could it be..."

As soon as the words fell, an inch of bright light shot out, and the speed was so fast that even an old woman could not avoid it.

Hearing a loud "boom", the old woman stepped back. When she tried her best to stabilize her figure, she looked at the opposite wall in disbelief.

A figure stood on the opposite wall, who looked like a Taoist priest, or a Confucian scholar, and turned into a farmer working in the field in a blink of an eye, and then looked like an old man, a woman, and a parent.

It's hard to imagine what kind of figure this is. Standing there seems to represent all sentient beings, making the old woman take a step back involuntarily, with fear in her eyes.

Just listening to the voice said: "Fellow Taoist came to my cave to make trouble, isn't it too disrespectful?"

The old woman gasped, looked at the wall even more shocked, and said, "Are you still alive?"

The figure sneered and said: "I was originally a dead person, but I got lucky by accident, and I just walked in the world of mortals again! Because I awakened here and attained the Tao, this place is my hometown, and you destroy this place with heavy hand, you How do you feel about me now?"

The old woman laughed suddenly: "Jie Jie Jie, you are cheating on me! Hmph, you have died a long time ago, this figure is just an obsession you left on the wall, and you were almost fooled by it. I destroy."

The air became extremely chilling, and a dazzling light suddenly bloomed on the wall, and a voice came out: "You asked for this, old bastard."

The same inch of bright light just now appeared again, and it was not just one, but hundreds of ways.

Even the old woman was so frightened that she was out of her wits. She screamed and moved quickly, trying to get out of here.

However, it was too late. It couldn't be that simple if it was a cave left by a monk of the same level as her.

The bright light continued to shoot, and the old woman was beaten to pieces, and many treasures on her body were shattered and collapsed, which shows how terrifying such an attack is.

"Fellow daoist, stop, fellow daoist, listen to me, there is a little ghost sneaking into the mansion, just hand him over to..."

"Needless to say, he broke through the trial ground, so he is naturally entitled to everything from me. And you have such a high level of cultivation, and you actually chased and killed a junior with an old face. It's really a bad world, even a ghost like me Don't go."

"Hmph, I teach you how to do things, so how can anyone say anything?" The old woman was really insidious. After calling the other party to stop, she didn't stop, and a light and shadow suddenly appeared from the crutch in her hand, hitting the ghost on the wall in an instant.

"Boom..." The wall cracked, the figure disappeared, and there seemed to be no abnormality.

The old woman smiled coldly, and said contemptuously: "It's just a weapon spirit, but it's playing tricks in front of the old body, it deserves to be extinct."

She was soaring, she never thought that her feet would suddenly fall, any way of escaping through the air would not work, and she fell into the ground with a cry of alarm.

Afterwards, the ground shook violently. It was obvious that the old woman was not sitting still, but was doing all she could toss.

At this moment, a skeleton arm appeared, grabbed Chen Xinghe's hidden letter, and slapped it down with a "snap", light and shadows flew around, and there was no air.

For a moment, Chen Xinghe saw the starry sky, and then his figure began to descend.

As Hu Hu descended, he suddenly woke up, and found that he was already hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The positioning of Xingli can't be wrong, he unexpectedly left the ghost mansion and came to such a far place, the crisis has naturally been resolved, and the old woman's lust is gone.

"Hey, you're saved!"

"Unexpectedly, my life was saved by a ghost cultivator."

"Huh? What is this?"

He found it quite strange that there was an extra finger on Yuanying's finger, which was integrated with the storage ring, and he couldn't even pick it off.

"This? This is?"

"Seize the house?"

"The one who took the storage ring?"

Suddenly, a grimace appeared on the finger, and said with a smile: "It's the dragon's veins! Boy, you actually caught a real dragon and built a dragon's veins. Hahaha, good, good, this time the background is enough, I will soon It can become a spiritual treasure."

"Stop bragging, is the Lingbao Tribulation so easy to overcome?" Chen Xinghe quickly let go of his body and returned to his normal position, he wanted to study this uninvited ghost finger carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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