Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 949 Inheriting the Mantle

Chapter 949 Inheriting the Mantle
"Really lost?"

"It's so strange! It's actually a seizing weapon, and it's mixed with a lot of strange aura, making my ring a ghost treasure."

Chen Xinghe researched for a long time, only to feel cloudy and foggy.

This ring has become very strange, except that the contents inside are intact, there is almost no similarity with the original in essence.

After watching for a long time, he tentatively asked: "What are you? What is the function? Do you want to occupy my body at a critical moment by laying down the foundation like this?"

"Hahaha, is your body good? This seat is a weapon spirit, and it is also the legacy bestowed by Lord Guizun to the latecomers. For many years, only you have passed the place of trial. Isn't it normal to be awarded the mantle? "

Chen Xinghe didn't believe his nonsense, and warned in a cold voice: "Since you've arrived at my land, you should just stay there. If there is any slight change, I won't be polite."

"Oh? I can feel your thoughts. It seems that there is a way to deal with me! Hahaha, why don't you show your cards? If you can really surrender to me, I can tell you a treasure place where you can find many ingots. I think you need ingots very much now, don’t you?”

Chen Xinghe was slightly taken aback, then immediately stretched out his right hand and said: "The answer is in my hands! If you feel it carefully, you may be able to detect some clues."

"Really? Your right hand..." For a moment, Gui Lianzhi exclaimed: "What's going on? Your right hand is not within the range of my seat's perception, it seems to have exceeded the limit of heaven, and there is a faint indescribable phenomenon. The pressure! It's really weird, it seems that your kid can have today, this arm has contributed a lot."

"It's good to see some clues, but if there is anything wrong with you, I will kill you with my own hands, and I will never tolerate it." Chen Xinghe's face was extremely serious. If it wasn't for this ghost pulling his finger to save his life, he would want to It would be irresponsible to oneself to erode it away and not keep a big hidden danger around.

After realizing that this little guy was not easy to mess with, Ghost Pulling Finger immediately became more honest, and said politely: "In this case, the treasure map belongs to you. This is an opportunity left by Master Guizun for the latecomers, and there are many things for monks. They are all the trophies that the adults got when they wandered outside, and they were sealed up because they couldn’t use them. I don’t know if they have been picked up in the past few years. unreachable."

A map suddenly appeared in Chen Xinghe's mind. He spent a lot of time comparing the star power map, and found that the treasure map pointed to an inconspicuous small country on the frontier.

After careful comparison, he found that this small country was exactly where he broke into the Demon Market and killed the Demon Cultivator who played with many women.

If he ran back, would he be treated warmly?I don't know if the Qingtian Sect has sent a master to solve this magic market.

In order to make the dragon veins stronger, Chen Xinghe took great pains. After thinking for a while, he decided to go back and investigate. If the area was safe, he would naturally sneak into the treasure place to search for Yuanbao.

Now the dragon veins are just getting started. I heard from Xiaolong that if we can gather 81 ingots, it will bring about a qualitative change, and we can maintain the cultivation speed of the Yuanying stage at [-] times all the time. How cool it is!
Even in the stage of transforming gods, the speed of cultivation can be increased by as much as nine times!
If you gather ingots on the basis of ten thousand pieces and reach a terrifying number, you can also reach ninety-nine and 81 times the speed of cultivation in the stage of transformation.

But that kind of number is definitely not something that individuals can gather, ten thousand ingots is a huge amount.

Indeed, if it wasn't for the large-scale invasion of the Demon Cult, those monks of the Demon Cult raided many nearby cities, otherwise Chen Xinghe would not have gained so much.

Now that I got this treasure map, I heard that there are a lot of ingots sealed inside, so I scratched my heart and started to rush to the destination at high speed.

On the way, I met a monk of the same sect and got the bad news that the front had fallen.

Not only his team was killed, but many powerful teams were hit, causing heavy casualties.

I don't know when the Demon Sect has cultivated so many masters, almost covering all the monks sent by the Qingtian Sect. The Demon Market and the Demon Sect monks are pushing forward with all their strength, while the Qingtian Sect monks are retreating with all their strength.

This is not a good omen, he, Chen Xinghe, still wants to go back to that small town to search for treasures!

How to do?
"Grandma, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains, and the money is touching. If you don't work hard, how do you know that you can't do it?"

Chen Xinghe quickened his pace, and when everyone was retreating, he pierced into the already lost front, making the elders of the sect who supervised the battle in the rear very surprised.

"Huh? Why did a disciple rush up? Is this seeking revenge?"

"No, it's that little guy!"

"Which little guy?"

"Stupid! We are very optimistic about that little guy, Chen Xiaogui, Chen Shaodi."

"Is he crazy, actually going to the place where the Demon Market gathers?"

"Who knows what he's thinking? What should we do now? Even if you and I do it ourselves, we won't be able to fish him out."

"Look again, maybe this little guy can escape the monks of the Demon Cult and come out on his own. It is definitely not for nothing that he can live to this day."

Chen Xinghe hid underground and slept for a while. By the way, he made an anchor point to arrange the way back, and continued on his way the next day.

The surrounding scene has changed, and there is a trace of magic in the dilapidated.

The Demon Ruins in the distance became extremely dark, like little black suns, and the outlines could only be seen when they got closer. God knows what the Demon Cult is going to do.

Chen Xinghe continued on his way, and finally returned to the vicinity of the small town. He almost died of fright when he locked on the target from a distance.

"one two three four……"

"That's right. A total of 21 demon ruins seem to form a large formation. What is so black in the center?"

"It doesn't matter, the target is in Huji Mountain in the southeast of the small town, some distance away from these demon ruins, everyone does their own things, don't mix with each other..."

How else can I say that a person with high art skills is bold?With high skills, the control of risks is naturally high.

Chen Xinghe stalked quietly, contracting his breath with all his strength to get close to the place where the treasure is hidden.

The entrance is located deep in a ditch, and it is not difficult to escape into it.

"Jiezi, is this really a treasure trove? Why didn't Gui Zun put his belongings in the cave, but in such a distant mountain instead?"

The ghost pulled fingers and sighed: "When the old master existed, he was proficient in divination. He determined that Longqingling would not exist for a long time, so he put his belongings in Beppu! In fact, this is also a cave, and the layout is a bit simple. The ghost formation operates secretly. If the formation If it is broken, it means that there is no fate, it is best to leave this place as soon as possible.”

Chen Xinghe muttered: "Your master really knows how to choose a place to build Beppu, so he didn't even think about whether it's safe or not?"

"Hey, where does all this nonsense come from? If everything can be counted as exhaustive, the old master will not die. How can you have a chance to inherit the mantle?"

"That makes sense."

Chen Xinghe went deep into the ground and found a silver gate, and when he opened it, there was a gust of wind.

The ghost swiped his fingers to announce the good news: "The ghost array is running well, no one has come here, be careful, don't make any noise, those demons outside are so scary."

(End of this chapter)

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