Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 950 The Treasure of the Cave Heaven

Chapter 950 The Treasure of the Cave Heaven
"Open the ghost formation quickly, I can't wait."

"Don't worry, it's almost over." Ghost Ring's voice was high-pitched, with a little excitement in his eyes.

As the rings of the ghost formation opened one after another, Chen Xinghe hurriedly took a few steps, as if he couldn't wait even more.

Suddenly, a passage opened, and there were mirrors standing on the left and right sides.

"Why are there so many mirrors?"

"It's nothing more than a defensive array. It's very common. In front of it is the master's training place. There are ten rows of bookshelves with cheat books on display."

"I'm not interested in cheat books, I'm only interested in ingots. You saved my life and took me to search for ingots. Naturally, you can enjoy dragon veins in the future."

"You have some conscience." Ghost Ring smiled slightly.

Chen Xinghe walked through the study and stepped into the underground hall, where he saw many coffins displayed on the walls.

This place is like a coffin shop, there are all kinds of coffins for you to choose.

There are gold coffins, strange stone coffins, yin gold coffins, and black wooden coffins, there are two hundred if not three hundred, and there are more than a dozen coffins hanging from the top of the wall.

"A curious hobby, actually likes to collect coffins."

"Hehehe, you are too immature, you have a lot of chances, how do you know that people's hearts are sinister, and ghosts are even more sinister?" Ghost Ring suddenly changed his face, his eyes were full of frightening red light.

"What, you saw Tuqiongdao, and you want to take my house?" Chen Xinghe didn't care.

"Oh? Tell me what you have behind me, maybe I won't take it if you tell me."

"If there is any abnormality in my soul, many rocks outside will explode, causing those monks to notice, and 21 demon ruins hang high. You can imagine the result."

"Haha, it's quite scheming. In fact, if the situation outside is not so complicated, you will definitely have to undergo some tests. You will never easily grant the old master the opportunity you have obtained through hundreds of years."

Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "You are just making some small moves, and you have no killing intent! How can I let down my vigilance after going through life and death trials again and again?"

"Okay! The situation is special and requires special treatment. I really didn't expect so many magic castles to gather here, so hurry up and leave."

Suddenly, a very ordinary-looking coffin slid forward without a sound, and the coffin lid floated up slightly, revealing a landscape painting.

"This?" Chen Xinghe was shocked: "The treasure of the cave?"

"Hahaha, you have good eyesight, it can be regarded as the treasure of the cave! It's just a fragment of the cave, at most it can be regarded as a secret realm, and everything is inside, do you have the guts to go in and find out?"

"Why don't you dare?" Chen Xinghe suddenly called out 27 sword shadows, which hovered near the coffin, so angry that Ghost Ring shouted: "You are really careful, be on guard in front of me."

"Hey, be prepared!"

"Yes, be prepared." Gui Jie spoke a little confusedly. Just now he was annoyed that the other party didn't trust him, but in the blink of an eye he gave affirmation. Chen Xinghe felt that this guy has no chance to be promoted to Lingbao in 10,000 years.

He stepped into the secret realm step by step, and a gloomy light appeared in front of his eyes.

It's full of ghosts, this is a ghost paradise.

Guijie introduced: "Don't worry, these ghosts are also divided into yin and yang. Good ghosts live in Shanghua Village, and evil ghosts live in Xiahua Village. Many communities have been built around the two villages. Although they haven't come for 300 years, But this treasure is moving forward according to the trajectory set by the owner, and it should not have any strength beyond the established link."

"Xiahua Village? Evil ghosts?"

"That's right, it's evil spirits. You can use these evil spirits to trap enemies. In just a quarter of an hour, I can control this treasure, and gain insight into the development scale of Shanghua Village and Xiahua Village in the past two or three hundred years."

"Sounds interesting." Chen Xinghe nodded, followed by the ghost ring and came to the bank of a torrential river.

In the middle of the river, there is a huge cyan boulder that looks like a crouching bull. There are many ghost symbols and sacrificial objects hanging on it. It seems that the ghosts value this place so much that they even offer sacrifices to it.

Ghost Ring laughed straight away: "It seems that these ghosts have discovered that the bluestone is strange. This is where the owner keeps his belongings. Let me recite the spell and see if you are satisfied with the treasures in it?"

"Okay." Chen Xinghe didn't relax his vigilance. He still doesn't believe in this ghost ring. He is well versed in the truth that what is false is true, and what is true is false. When he comes to a strange place, if the other party has malicious intentions, he will soon be exposed. .

"The Remains of the Ghost Mansion, now!"

The ghost ring sent out a ball of dim light, and Qing Niu suddenly came to life, shaking his body and standing up.

Chen Xinghe took a step back. He had never seen such a method before. It is obviously a giant stone, how could it be turned into a living thing?

This is definitely not a spell. None of the ancient books that Qingtianzong has seen so far has this skill. It is too unimaginable, and it is beyond his comprehension.

"Hahaha, quack quack, it's time to see you, you're too arrogant, little guy." Ghost Ring twitched with laughter, and summoned Qingniu, "Come quickly."

Chen Xinghe had activated his sword light to stay outside, but unexpectedly there was no response, a small bowl appeared in the air, it was a bone vessel made of skull, inlaid with turquoise and red agate, the unique lines connected with this world.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, you are so confident, can you not be noticed by the outside world?" Chen Xinghe's eyes are still calm, without any disturbance.

"Hey! It seems that you have left other methods, little guy, but do you know the origin of this bone bowl? Accept the empowerment! Tomorrow you will be a brand new Ghost Venerable, and you will finally be able to see the sky again after hundreds of years. How lucky you are to get such a A body, your Nascent Soul is also mine, everything about you..."

Ghost Ring was stunned suddenly, because there was a change in the outside world, there was a loud bang, and the formation was destroyed.

"Impossible, how can you escape from the suppression of this bone bowl and contact the outside world?"

Chen Xinghe said calmly: "I can't do it, but the other spirit around me can do it, can this bone bowl stop those demons from killing them? Compared with the mere one below, you seem to be stronger and want to live more , so let’s meet the challenge together!”

"Ah, ah, you bastard." Gui Jie cursed loudly, how could he not be angry if he made a major mistake in a matter that was sure to be sure?

Chen Xinghe added: "You and I have done something like this. You are really playing in front of the Dragon King. You are destined to shoot yourself in the foot with a stone."

"Who? What kind of weapon is so powerful that it can escape the seizure of the bone bowl?"

"Have you heard of Zhenyu Tianzhu?" Chen Xinghe did not hesitate.

"What? That's a legend, it can't exist until today, it can't be..." The ghost ring became a little hysterical, feeling a series of changes sweeping over it, it didn't know what method was used, and it was moved out of the cave together.

A cold snort suddenly sounded in his ear, and the Demon Cult master struck from the air.

"Crack..." The cave mansion was torn apart and appeared three hundred miles away from the original site.

Chen Xinghe sat cross-legged, his eyes flickering wildly, waiting for more intense collisions to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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