Chapter 951
"Boom..." Dozens of precious mirrors appeared, blocking the attack from across the air, and the cave was torn apart and fled as quickly as possible.

"Damn it! Look at what you've done?" Ghost Ring angrily scolded, the bone bowl hanging above Chen Xinghe's head burst into bright light, tightly clamping his right hand, preventing him from rebelling.

Chen Xinghe is honest, after all, he has attracted a lot of demon masters, he has no ability to fight, he can only see what this old ghost is capable of.

"Boom..." The precious mirror shattered, and the cave escaped for another three hundred miles. The carved beams and jade pillars were all shattered and disintegrated, revealing a deep purple crystal wall.

This turned out to be a cave built with a whole piece of amethyst, which itself is a pure ghost vein, which can gather ghost energy all the time.

The nine-ring formation appeared, and its defense was ten times stronger than that of the ghost mansion in Longqingling.

It's really amazing good fortune. It is said that it is very difficult for a ghost in the transformation stage to toss to such a degree. You must know that this arrangement is really extraordinary. It seems that the old ghost has an extraordinary fortune.

Once the Demon Cult got into trouble, the intrigue between Chen Xinghe and Ghost Ring suddenly became a small matter. The real big thing was that they would perish together.

No, falling into the hands of a demon cultivator is worse than falling. Cramping and bone pulling are all pediatrics. The real horror lies in targeting the soul.

Demon cultivators have been studying the mysteries of spirits and souls for many years. Powerful spirits are rare materials for them, more precious than those treasures of heaven and earth.

Therefore, even if the self-destroyed soul dies at the last moment, it must not fall into the hands of people in the Demon Cult.However, how many people in the world can be so decisive?Most people are lucky, and the soul will inevitably suffer in the end.

Why did Qingtianzong fall across the board?In fact, it is inseparable from the soul search of the monks of the Demon Cult. Although this kind of behavior makes the monks extremely angry, it is not a day or two for the Demon Cult to go against the law, so naturally it has no scruples.

Guijie has bad intentions, but he was unlucky. He met Chen Xinghe and thought that relying on the bone bowl could isolate the inside and outside, but he didn't know that Zhenyu's dzi bead spirit moved to the human race bag and raised a group of mayflies.

Due to the short lifespan of mayflies, the Dao of Heaven has to be lenient and give them unique talents. There is a very strange perception of yin and yang between male and female.

So the bone bowl could seal Chen Xinghe, but it couldn't seal the seemingly inconspicuous mayfly.

Ghost Jie didn't know that he was defeated by Mayfly until now, if he knew the details, he would definitely become angry from embarrassment.

Besides, now that the master of the Demon Cult has noticed that there is someone playing tricks under his nose, how can he let the cave escape easily?So a series of unimaginable methods were suppressed, causing the ghost mansion to collapse again.

Many precious mirrors fell apart, the ability to fly away began to weaken, and the ghost ring was so anxious that it had to grit its teeth and turn the bone bowl back to prop up a strong defense.

The pressure on Chen Xinghe's head was gone, but he didn't act rashly, he still needed to help each other in the same boat, and he felt that the ghost ring hadn't exerted its full power yet.

"Boom..." Thirteen figures appeared, with the same attire and the same expression, all so cold that people dare not look at them.

These thirteen devil cultivators are all at the level of the late Nascent Soul, forming formations with each other. There is a cloud of black oil floating in the center of the formation. I don't know what it is. They are very careful at this level of cultivation. It can be seen how terrible this black oil is.

Suddenly, the black oil squirmed violently, and the thirteen demon cultivators shouted in unison. They made a tactic to open the formation blockade, and saw a crimson waterfall appear, directly falling on the ghost mansion.

"Puff puff..." As soon as the waterfall rushed, a large number of ghost clouds rose from the purple crystal wall, trying to resist, but unfortunately the effect was extremely poor.

"No, it's Eternal Erosion Demon Essence, the erosive power is extremely terrifying." Ghost Ring yelled in panic, but Chen Xinghe looked curious.

Why are you curious?

Because of the feeling he felt from the Eternal Erosion Essence, why does it resemble the erosion power of his right hand?It's just that the erosive power of the right hand is more refined and safer, not as dangerous as this ball of black oil.

Ghost Ring frantically ordered Dongfu to release a treasure mirror with thousands of faces, but it couldn't last long under the impact of the red waterfall.

Then he released the sixteen-ring ghost formation, which made Chen Xinghe's heart beat wildly.

What kind of Beppu is this? It is clearly the main cave, not to mention the fortifications, but also hides many amazing ghost powers.

Of course, Chen Xinghe wasn't interested in this. He was more interested in the thirteen demon cultivators above the cave. He felt that they should have a lot of money. If each of them provided a hundred ingots, the bonus effect of the dragon veins could be multiplied.

It's really daring, to actually think about collecting ingots at this time, Chen Xinghe is probably the only person in the world who is so open to money.

Ghost Ring put his life on the line, fleeing and resisting at the same time, he was really busy.

"Boy, what are you doing? Do you have any powerful means to use quickly, and wait until the Eternal Erosion Demon Essence penetrates in, and there will be no chance to escape."

Chen Xinghe got up and said: "Okay! You use your strongest backhand, and I will immediately go out and kill the two demon cultivators to relieve your pressure."

"I'm just an artifact spirit who wants to become a human cultivator. What can I do? Since you have a way to escape the suppression of the bone bowl, I naturally don't want to play tricks on you."

Chen Xinghe sighed: "Actually, I started playing your routines when I was a child. You are indeed a weapon spirit now, but you were originally the ghostly transformation god who wanted to use the spiritual connection between the weapon spirit and its master to occupy the soul. In order to achieve the goal of reincarnation from death! There are really thousands of paths, and all paths lead to the same goal!"

"You... you actually guessed my plan?"

"Hehe, compared with a certain heaven and earth odd number, this is something left over from other people's play, but you are struggling on this road."

"Heaven and earth are different, you mean?" Gui Jie faintly felt that there was a great mystery hidden in it.

"I mean, don't hide it. If you have any means, use it quickly. It is the limit for me to solve the two magicians with all my strength."

Ghost Ring was about to ask a few more questions, the cave was shattered and the ghost veins were already damaged, no one would be able to leave today if he hesitated any longer.

Suddenly, a very awkward aura burst out from the small bone bowl.

The thirteen demon cultivators turned pale with shock: "Lingbao!"

"No, it's not Lingbao. It seems that I have gone the wrong way and got stuck on some kind of pass. Be careful."

As soon as the word "be careful" was uttered, the ghost energy was exhausted, and the thirteen demon cultivators seemed to fall into hell, and their cultivation bases were greatly weakened.

Chen Xinghe shot out, Yuanying suddenly appeared, grabbed the ghost ring with his right hand, and sprayed out the sword thread with his left hand.

"Gudu Gudu..." A strange sound came into my mind, and the "black oil" that these magic monks relied on to show off their power disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The small half that disappeared was the essence, and the remaining half immediately solidified, formed a black shell and scattered down.Ghost Ring screamed, puffs of black smoke rose, and begged for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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