Chapter 952
Chen Xinghe showed no mercy and directly obliterated the ghost ring.

It was still difficult to do this before, but now it can be done easily, all because the erosion power of the right hand has increased tenfold.

Such advances are naturally caused by the Eternal Erosion of Demon Essence. The right hand purified this treasure and took it back for his own use.

However, the small bowl made from the skull was disgusted, and it stopped halfway through the erosion. The right hand only ate the metal patterned part inlaid with turquoise and red agate, and was not interested in the small bowl itself and the twisted aura.

In the blink of an eye, all of Ghost Ring's plans failed, and it was his bad luck to meet such an anomaly as Chen Xinghe.However, the real enemy was the thirteen demon cultivators. Against one alone, Chen Xinghe might have a chance to win, but when he met the thirteen, he had no hope of winning.

So I still follow the principle of running if you can't beat it, put away the ink painting of the cave in the coffin, and put oil on the soles of your feet as a respect for running!
What he never expected was that something happened!

How can this ink painting be so easy to collect?Just after leaving the coffin, there was a gust of wind, and then the coffin stored in the hall made waves, and dozens of zombies, ghosts, and even Nascent Soul emerged.

"Not good!" Chen Xinghe trembled in fear.

I don't know what is the chance for Ghost Jie to get this celestial remnant treasure, which suppresses some horrible existences, as long as the ink painting leaves the coffin, the gate will open, forming a hell on earth.

"Boom, boom..." Countless lights and shadows piled up, and this place immediately transformed into a ghost world, and even at Chen Xinghe's speed, he couldn't escape.

The surroundings were in chaos, and the situation became even more complicated. Chen Xinghe immediately hid his body and hid in a gloomy mountain stream with the ability of Yuanying to hide. He planned to avoid the limelight first and see what the hell was going on.

"Is it the treasure of the cave?" The thirteen demon cultivators also fell into it at this moment, with a nervous look on their cold faces.

"Be careful, this cave is suppressing a large number of evil spirits. If you are not mistaken, it is the treasure that the Han Tianzong lost a long time ago. How could it appear on the border of the Qingtian Sect?"

"I don't have time to find out the source. Let's go quickly." The thirteen demon cultivators strangled in formation, but thousands of ghosts rushed from all directions, making them overwhelmed.

In any case, demon cultivators are also human beings.Ghosts like flesh and blood, like yang energy, devouring these monks may even transform them into devils, so naturally they all want to drink the "head soup".

At this moment, the ghost veins burst and sank into the earth, and the remnant treasures of the cave sky also shattered, and the two continued to ferment and expand the land for four thousand and eight hundred miles.

Fortunately, after the Demon Cult invaded, the nearby towns either went empty or were captured by the Demon Cult monks, so this kind of exaggeration had no effect on the towns, but instead included the nearby Demon Ruins, causing very severe spatial turmoil.

Now I have stabbed a hornet's nest!

The gathered Demon Ruins were holding important ceremonies, and when the space gate was about to open, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared to interfere, causing a series of impacts immediately.

"Boom..." Under the impact, the five magic ruins were destroyed to the extreme without holding up for three breaths. The rest of the magic ruins either collapsed or fell, and suffered heavy losses.

Chen Xinghe didn't know about this, even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to go back and clean up the battlefield. Those big figures from the Demon Cult strangled him no harder than strangled a mouse.

However, the book of life and death responded, and counted such deaths and injuries on his head.

So the number representing the "blessing position" jumps upwards and reaches the "seven perfect people".

Calculated, Qi Zhiren almost corresponds to the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, which means that the bottleneck from the early stage of the transformation of the gods to the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods was instantly defeated, and he was taken aback for a while.

"What happened? Can the demise of the ghost ring get such a great blessing?" Monk Chen Xinghe Zhang Er was puzzled, thinking over and over again that he didn't know the root cause, and finally had no choice but to give up and accept such sudden benefits.

The book of life and death is in hand, which means that killing can prove the Tao. This is an incredible treasure with extraordinary value.

The thirteen demon monks became the target of public criticism. The ghosts couldn't feel Chen Xinghe, so they naturally grabbed these conspicuous targets.

This group of guys gathered together arrogantly, if they don't kill them, who will they kill?
The thirteen demon cultivators thought that their backing was strong and could take them away at any time, but they didn't know that the old nest had suffered heavy losses. The strong men sitting on top of them were too busy to take care of themselves, and they were doing their best to repair the space corridor, so they had no time to distract others.

So this kind of situation arises, kill one batch of ghosts and come again, from time to time there will be sneak attacks by powerful guys, as for assistance?Absolutely not.

"Break out, get out of here!" They didn't know that they were trapped in a purgatory of ghosts in a radius of four thousand miles, and their old nest was now also in this vast purgatory, and after the explosion, ghosts infiltrated and began to make troubles.

Perhaps this is exactly what Ghost Ring wants to see. If Lao Tzu falls, everyone around him will be buried with him, and no one will be spared.

Chen Xinghe also encountered difficulties at the moment.

He was discovered by a kind of ghost bug that grew in dark corners, and this kind of ghost bug was extremely sensitive to the existence of other than negative forces.

"Go, go, don't climb this way!"

"It's so depressing, and it's not peaceful to hide in the slits. It would be nice if you brought the ghost dragon with you. You can draw a territory with just a sneeze."

More and more ghosts and insects called their friends to come to the banquet.

Chen Xinghe had an idea and released the family of demon rats to resist. Their breath is weak and it is not easy to attract attention.

This nest of demon rats established their home on the green carpet, and after breeding, they have grown to a considerable size.

It's really raising soldiers for a thousand days, and using them for a while, who would have thought that they would show their mighty power today, blocking the risk of exposure for the master, and making a few cold eyes swept away, thinking it was the wild little monster hidden here.

Chen Xinghe is safe for now.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend never dies a poor Taoist, and he is also faced with a pan of oil. As long as he becomes the last person to fall into the pan, he may be able to stand on other people's corpses and jump out.

In terms of survivability, the monks selected from the trials of the five major sects are really strong.

Chen Xinghe was able to occupy an important seat in it, so he was considered a leader. When encountering a dangerous situation, he never stood up to the wind, but made the best use of the situation to observe for a period of time, and then develop in a direction that is beneficial to him when he feels that the environment is getting better or that it is not harmful to him.

I have to say that these demon cultivators were really arrogant. They slashed and killed tens of thousands of ghosts on the way out of the siege, but only two or three of them were injured.

If they couldn't react at this time, they would be too slow.

Something happened to the lair, and the ghost world expanded to an astonishing extent, blending with the heaven and the earth to create a dangerous situation.

However, a bone spur suddenly appeared, pierced into the formation jointly built by the 13 people, and turned into a bone wall with a pry.

"Not good!" The 13 people were divided by the bone wall, and then the second bone spur appeared, and they were divided again.

In this way, the thirteen demon cultivators could no longer gather together, and could only use their best skills to escape.

It's a pity that it's too late. When the ghost world was first formed, you should seize the opportunity to escape far away. Isn't it nonsense to think about running away now?Destined to fall into an even more intense battle.

Suddenly, a mirror light appeared in the direction of Moxu, and began to wipe out all ghosts. Obviously, those powerful people were so annoyed that they began to suppress the ghosts with heavy hands.

(End of this chapter)

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