Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 954 Too dazzling

Chapter 954 Too dazzling

Chen Xinghe went back, the battle was coming to an end, there was no need for him to do anything.

The suddenness of this battle caught him off guard, but the result was not bad. Qingtianzong killed a group of demon cultivators, and finally tore a big gap across four thousand miles in the newly formed Demon Cult front, allowing the former Demon Cult to All efforts have greatly faded.

I don't know which big boss started it, but he actually credited him with the first credit for this victory. He immediately became a role model for the younger generation of Qingtianzong.

He doesn't want to get this kind of reputation for being the first bird, but everyone knows that this kind of reputation can't be regained.

After much deliberation, only one with solid strength can withstand the disadvantages brought about by such false fame, otherwise he would die suddenly in a few days without knowing how he died.

Don't treat the Devil's Cult as a weakling. If the Devil's Cult was weak, it wouldn't have beaten Qingtianzong to such a degree.Experts from the Devil's Cult wanted to take his life, not to mention choking, because the Devil's Cult never lacked weird methods, especially those that killed people.

In short, this victory has set him up, and he has been set up high. It has to be said that the young emperor of Qingtianzong is not a good job.

Chen Xinghe was even thinking, should he leave immediately?Go to Lao Li's house to be a fake monk, and by the way, he can also learn sword intent with Dugu Jingyao.

Naturally, this kind of idea couldn't be realized, so he put it behind him in a blink of an eye, and started to conquer the storage ring of the monk of the magic way with all his strength.

The Devil's Cult is the Devil's Cult, and it won't let the enemy get possessions easily, so a lot of restrictions are arranged in the storage ring, if it's not done well, it will collapse immediately, and you won't get anything.

It took Chen Xinghe eight days to untie the five magic rings, and some miscellaneous items were also undone, and his mood immediately improved.

The harvest is not extraordinary, but it can also make his great cause of gathering ingots a big step forward.

After the expansion of the dragon veins, the speed of cultivation can be increased to 21 times, which is the realm achieved by the combined efforts of [-] ingots.

What is the concept of 21 times?
Just like in the past few days, he cracked the Lord of the Rings while doing simple exercises, and the results were equivalent to three months of hard work by others.

It is said that the key to accumulating silicon steps and even thousands of miles lies in the process of accumulating silicon steps. It is definitely a tormenting journey that requires great perseverance and perseverance to complete.

Now he is 21 times faster than others, if he can be faster in the future, he will definitely be able to sweep the Nascent Soul stage.

It is no exaggeration to say that it only takes one or two years to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the foundation is extremely solid, and there will never be any appearance of superficiality.

After eight days of recuperation, Chen Xinghe was completely refreshed, joined the three members of the same team, and continued to wander around the border.

But when they came to the border again, those three guys plus some scheming Nascent Soul monks tried to stay away from him, and they would never let themselves be within five miles of Shaodi.

Chen Xinghe sighed: "No one is stupid! I am like a star in the sky, high above and very dazzling. I guess those guys who don't like me will jump out soon! I don't know if the sect has this kind of awareness, anyway. They also gave me a batch of rewards for self-defense!"

He was sighing, when suddenly a figure fell from the sky and grabbed him.

Hearing a "bang", Chen Xinghe grabbed a piece of yellow talisman paper with his big hand, Chen Xinghe had already shifted his shape and ran away, knowing that he was in danger now, how could he be unprepared?

The visitor let out a soft "Hey", and then laughed loudly: "Yes, this kid has a way, at least he doesn't have to worry about us old men when it comes to saving his life."

As soon as the words fell, he grabbed a trace of movement and moved out, trying to chase Chen Xinghe back.


After chasing him for a quarter of an hour, except for grabbing two stand-ins and a red braid, he really didn't know where to go after him.

"Aha! Where did the little guy go? I'm here to give you a reward."

"This... this is too embarrassing, I can't find that kid?"

"No, I have to keep looking, or it would be embarrassing to go back?"

Chen Xinghe sat in the depths of a dense forest and practiced quietly, occasionally thinking: "Damn it! These gangsters of the Devil's Cult are so quick to attack, they came here to hunt them down in just a few days, it looks like I'm going to get some secrets Measures to prevent accidents."

The bone bowl left by Ghost Ring is a treasure. He is hurrying to refine it. He doesn't want to show his profound power, but just wants to give the enemy a hard hammer at the critical moment, even if it destroys the bone bowl.

Aside from the bone bowl, there's not much to look forward to.The good thing is that Moxiu likes to hoard supplies, so Chen Xinghe picked out some talisman-making raw materials and alchemy spiritual materials from them.

"These things can be used in the near future. As long as they are properly prepared, the ability to escape should be greatly improved."

He hid for two days and one night, and when he was tirelessly cultivating and preparing, a voice came from the sky: "The brat came out, but it's easy for me to find, and he is hiding here to practice."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe was taken aback, secretly wondering who is here?There was a way to find me, but I was relieved after thinking about it.

Because of the Yingluo pattern, this is his positioning mark as the chief disciple of Qingtianzong.

"Here, the uncle came from a long way, but the disciple failed to welcome him, so forgive me?"

"Ahem..." The visitor felt ashamed.

With such a high level of cultivation, he actually had to go back for approval and positioning. Only when he ran to the border again did he know that this kid hadn't gone far.

Shame!What a shame!


Two big boxes smashed in front of Chen Xinghe, and said in a voice: "I'm going back to my life. There are some life-saving items in the box. You should be careful recently. The Demon Cult has infiltrated the five major sects. Once someone deliberately approaches, it is very likely It’s just meticulous work.”

After the words faded away, Chen Xinghe secretly admired: "You are really a real person. To avoid suspicion, you don't even approach me. It seems that the sect has done a good job in guarding against it!"

Is that to avoid suspicion?It was too embarrassing to face, so the things were sent to people directly.

Chen Xinghe looked at the two big boxes and muttered, "It's like a coffin, so can't it be divided into three boxes?"

"Kacha..." Yingluowen flashed with inspiration, and inserted it into the box like a key to open it directly.

The box was full, and the fifty ingots stood out, making him smile like a fool.

"Really! It would be nice if it was more real."

He hurriedly put away the ingot to check other things, his heart became more and more at ease, and he became more confident in saving his life, but it took some time to digest.

These things are mainly based on his identity as an alchemist, and he has given great preference to the raw materials of the elixir, and there are more than [-] great Nascent Soul Late Stage Treasure Pills and six Transformation God Stage Divine Pills.

"The reward is amazing! It shows that Zongmen still values ​​me."

Naturally, Chen Xinghe is now a golden signboard, and many people above don't want him to have an accident.

Of course, there are also those who think he is too obstructive and want to eradicate him, secretly brewing a killing feast against him.

(End of this chapter)

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