Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 955 Procrastination

Chapter 955 Procrastination
Twenty days have passed, and the weather has been calm during this period. Apart from local friction, there have been no major collisions.

However, many monks feel that the atmosphere is becoming more and more oppressive, and it seems that a huge force is being generated, and an unimaginable battle may soon be ushered in.

Chen Xinghe didn't spend these days in vain, he saw the opportunity to wipe out several demon cultivators, and raised the dragon vein blessing to 22 times the cultivation speed.

The benefits are obvious, twenty days with him is equivalent to a year.

Not to mention that his cultivation has become more profound, the spiritual material in his hand has been transformed into talisman treasures and treasure pills, and he feels more at ease. He doesn't know when the Demon Cult will make a move, and he probably won't be kept waiting for too long.

Sure enough, those who should come will definitely come. This morning, a voice shouted: "Senior brother Chen Shaodi, we are monks of Qingmutang, and we are here to deliver an order."

Chen Xinghe knew something was wrong as soon as he heard the voice. Although he was under the name of Qingmutang, he would never accept Qingmutang's command. Isn't it nonsense for Qingmutang to convey orders to him?
Nonsense is nonsense, he still decided to go out and meet the crowd for a while to see how many people he could win.

Naturally, the escape route has been prepared long ago, he will not even dispatch his real body, but use the Demon Cult avatar he obtained before.

After hiding the deity, a figure suddenly stood up, with a soft "crack bang bang" sound on his body, his appearance and bones changed, and he turned into Chen Xinghe in the blink of an eye.

The avatar fetched an item, hehe sneered and ran out, shouting loudly: "Here, why would Qingmutang give me orders?"

When the dozen or so monks in front saw the person coming out, they were overjoyed.

They thought they would have to yell for a long time, and the other party would get impatient before revealing their whereabouts, but they didn't expect it to be so easy to deceive.It is estimated that the limelight has been too strong recently, and they have not taken them to heart at all, so they jumped out to ask questions.

"Greetings to Chen Shaodi."

"Excuse me, what order? During the battle, does Qingmutang have the right to cross the sect to issue orders to the young emperor?"

One sentence left the other party speechless.

The head monk was very quick-witted, and said with a slight smile: "Of course not. We are here to represent the Qingmu Hall to recruit senior brothers. I don't know what the senior brothers need? As long as we can get it from the Qingmu Hall, we will do our best to meet the needs."

The intention of soliciting is very obvious, and it can be regarded as explaining why they made a sudden visit.

Chen Xinghe thought for a while and said: "If Qingmutang really wants to recruit, it depends on how much ingots you can pay! I am very greedy for money, and I like ingots! Naturally, the more the better, but there is a price for everything, you can discuss it How much ingots can be paid, as long as I am satisfied, I am willing to work hard for Qingmutang."

As soon as this remark came out, the opposite cultivator felt contemptuous, and secretly said: "A cultivator from the lower realm is a cultivator from the lower realm. His eyelids are only focused on money, but he doesn't know that money is something outside of the body. As long as one's own strength improves, are you afraid that there will be no ingots?"

How did they know that Yuanbao is strength to Chen Xinghe, as long as Yuanbao is in place, strength will also be in place.

If he had gathered ten thousand ingots and reached 81 times the speed of cultivation, he would be able to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul in a year, and the late stage of Nascent Soul in a few years.

If the catastrophe goes well, I'm afraid he will be called a master uncle in twenty years, but Chen Xinghe will never reveal his cultivation level.

"Well, if the young emperor comes to my Qingmu hall, I can have as many ingots as I want."

Chen Xinghe looked serious and said: "This is not a joke, do you know how many ingots the sect rewarded me? It is absolutely impossible for me to go there without a premium of more than ten times."

"Ah?" The monks were a little dumbfounded, they really knew how many ingots the sect rewarded the young emperor!
role model!It took so much effort to put up a gold-lettered signboard, so it was natural to use it to the extreme.

Such things as rewarding fifty ingots have already been publicized, which is enviable.

You must know that those sons of aristocratic families with deep backgrounds only have this wealth, and they may be able to ask for some from their families, but it will not be too outrageous.

Just one reward has allowed the monks from the lower realms to get such a rich net worth, and the net worth will definitely be even more expensive in the future, envy and jealousy are inevitable.

Ten times the fifty ingots, that is five hundred!Selling these monks is not worth the price, what a lion.

In order to gain time, these cultivators had no choice but to engage with Chen Xinghexu and talk nonsense.

Chen Xinghe showed an impatient expression, waved his sleeves and said: "I don't see any sincerity in your Qingmutang, forget it, all the juniors should go back and forth from wherever they come from!"

Said he was going to leave.

The head monk is in a hurry, they have to hold each other back, and everything will be fine when the arrangement is completed, and now the surname Chen must not be allowed to leave.

Who doesn't know that Chen Xinghe is fast?Faster than expected.If an effective blockade cannot be carried out, people can flee once they flee, and all calculations will disappear in smoke. Are they worthy of taking the risk of exposure?
"Yes, there is sincerity, we have sincerity! Isn't it the ingots? I will take out a batch of ingots as a deposit first, and then hand over the rest of the ingots after the senior brother really negotiates with us in Qingmutang."

Chen Xinghe stopped when he heard this, turned around and said, "How much can you give?"

"One hundred, a full hundred, which is twice the reward of the sect." The monks hurriedly took out the ingots they had accumulated for many years out of their own pockets.

Compared with the protectors of the Devil's Sect, these meticulous works of Qingtian Sect are really poor!It took a lot of effort to gather a hundred pieces of ingots, but they didn't hand them over to Chen Xinghe, instead they babbled a lot of nonsense, and the intention of delaying time was too obvious. Do you really think Chen Shaodi is a bumpkin who has never seen the world?
Chen Xinghe patted his forehead, and directly tore his face and shouted: "A group of idiots, you came here to play with this young emperor's tricks, but you don't even want to take the bait. I'm leaving, you all keep a hundred ingots and live a good life!"

"Ah! Don't, stop him." The one who spoke rushed forward, his arms suddenly lightened, and he saw a hundred ingots in the other's arms.

"Hahaha, you are so poor, only a dozen people can make up a hundred coins."

"Damn it, attack!" All the cultivators of the Greenwood Hall turned to fear, and displayed their special skills one after another, shooting all kinds of brilliant colors.

Chen Xinghe raised his hand lightly, and the sword path lighted up in his palm. In a blink of an eye, these Taoist techniques decomposed into crystals all over the sky, and slowly fell down.

"Kill!" The dozen or so people were terrified.

The young emperor's prestige is high, they know that they are not opponents, but they can't face all kinds of weird methods of the Demon Cult, so they can only hope to delay for a while, so that the person who secretly arranged the blockade can succeed.

Chen Xinghe laughed, and cursed: "Idiots, the enemy has blocked you here with me, you will surely die, have you not come to your senses?"

"Stop listening to his nonsense, kill!" Some people are doomed to be obsessed with obsession, maybe it's not because they don't realize it, but because they dare not think about the worst, and they still have the last luck in their hearts, hoping that Chen Xinghe can escape this calamity.

However, this idea even they themselves do not believe.

(End of this chapter)

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