Chapter 956
Chen Xinghe was under siege, but he wasn't afraid at all, these monks in front of him were just discarded children thrown by the enemy, their cultivation base and combat power were hard to compare with him.

Even if this is a clone, it is also limitless, and it doesn't take much effort to clean up these guys.

The reason why he is still fighting is because he wants to keep these guys as shields to see how the enemy appears and how much they can serve as a buffer instead of killing them directly.

About half a quarter of an hour later, a monk on the left side suddenly let out a painful roar, and then his body changed, his back arched layers of black muscles, and in an instant he turned into a monster with scarlet eyes, killing Chen Xinghe.

Chen Xinghe said in the middle of his mouth: "Nightmare!?"

After speaking, he had already moved and changed positions, using the few monks in front of him as barriers, making the monster even more irritable when it missed.

"Not good!" The monks of Qingmutang hurriedly fled to the surroundings, but another monk among them was demonized and became a huge, bloated monster. Chen Xinghe was the only one in his scarlet eyes.

Chen Xinghe is still stable, he has experienced too many storms, this little battle is really nothing.

In a moment, he circled around the two monks.

Although the speed of this body cannot be compared with the main body, but with the support of the speed talisman in the heart, it is enough to deal with most collisions.

In fact, the quality of this avatar is quite superior, and it has been honed in the dragon's veins, and its combat power has reached a very high level. It is by no means that a few monsters can be killed, but it is very possible to kill these monsters instead.

Just like that, after playing around for thirty to fifty breaths, with an even fiercer roar, all the monks in front of them were demonized.

More than a dozen monsters exhaled hot air, their bodies seemed to be burning violently, and all their cultivation bases exploded in a short moment, greatly increasing the level of danger.

Chen Xinghe looked around, with no panic on his face, he dodged to walk among the monsters, he wanted to see what other tricks the enemy had?
After a while, there was applause.

"Papa papa..." Someone stood a little far away and said: "Wonderful! As expected of the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, he is not afraid of danger, has rich combat experience, and does not hesitate in his actions. He can always find the best position to avoid. If you are in a different place , I really want to make friends with you, maybe I can leave a good story."

Chen Xinghe looked at the other party, and saw that this guy was wearing a hero's cloak and he was wearing hero boots, he looked quite aloof.

Seeing this attire and the aura displayed by the other party, I couldn't help wondering whether the other party came from the Demon Cult.

This young and robust man is completely different from the demon cultivators I have seen before. He is not a bit cold, but has a rare sunny breath. He will definitely not be compared with the demon heretics in the crowd. Connect together.

When things go wrong, there must be demons, Chen Xinghe suddenly thought of a kind of existence, true demon monks.

It is said that there is a very difficult upward path in the magic path, and that is to become a true magic monk.

On the surface, these true demon monks are no different from people with high morals, and they usually do things very normally, but the pursuit of the realm in their hearts is extremely distorted.

For example, slaughtering a certain type of monks to gain strength, or creating tragedies on the day of other people's marriage, or targeting extremely strong opponents to hunt and kill, etc.

If the opponent is really a true demon monk, his combat power may be much higher than that of a monk of the same rank, so he needs to be extra careful and not be contemptuous.

Chen Xinghe walked among the monsters like fluttering catkins, and asked in a deep voice: "Are you alone? It seems that the forces that assigned you here don't pay enough attention to this young emperor, and you can pass the test easily today."

As soon as this remark came out, the man in the hero cloak raised his head and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Young Emperor Qingtian, you think too highly of yourself. It is very necessary for me to introduce myself..."

At this point, Chen Xinghe immediately interrupted the other party: "No need, so as not to pollute my ears. It doesn't matter what your name is. It will become even less important after you die, so just use whatever skills you have. Tell me to see the demeanor of a true demon."

"Oh? Guess I'm a true demon cultivator? It's a pity you don't know how persistent I am, and how powerful I am..."

Before the words fell, the demonized monks around jumped up and bumped into each other, and the flesh and bones fused together in a very short period of time, becoming a three-headed and six-armed demon god.

Suddenly, more than a dozen blood-colored horses swept forward, so fast that the avatar could not react in time, and could only bear the impact abruptly. The coat instantly turned into flying ash, revealing the green rune armor worn inside.

This talisman is made of a green carpet, and it is stacked with 750 late-stage Jindan talismans. It is the most proud work these days, and its defensive power is very impressive.

"Oh? Talisman suit?" The man was a little surprised, but he didn't take it to heart. He just sneered and said, "It seems that Qingtianzong has put a lot of effort into your safety, so you are so confident, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, can you have a better time? I have to go back to practice! I don't have time to talk to you about mushrooms here."

"Hmph, I'm still thinking of luck when I'm about to die." The man didn't make a move, and the demonic monster in front of him did it for him, and his fist drew a line of fire to kill him.

Hearing a crisp sound of "pa", the three-headed and six-armed monster was stunned instinctively, and then its body sank downward.

No, that's not sinking, it's melting.

What is so powerful?Actually forcibly melted away such a demonic monster?Let its lower body turn into a pool of green pus.

"Is it Zhan Dan?" The man was well-informed, and his face suddenly changed.

Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "Do you know where my confidence lies? I am an alchemist, and I think you should have heard of the name of Tianyuan Corpse Transformation Pill."

"Tianyuan Corpse Transformation Pill?"

The man had heard of a ball, which was a name Chen Xinghe made up out of his mouth. As for the source of the spiritual material of the elixir, it was actually provided by his right hand.

The right hand devoured the Eternal Erosion Demon Essence brought out by the monks of the Demon Cult.

This kind of thing can be called taboo, with unimaginable erosive power, and many impurities are precipitated after being swallowed.

The right hand seems to dislike this kind of "baby", thinking that after eating rice bran and swallowing vegetables once, he will never wrong himself like this again next time.

It was those impurities. After the test, Chen Xinghe was terrified, and tried every means to seal them into the Vajra Power Pill. Unexpectedly, it was just a trial, and the effect was so heaven-defying.

There are still four of the same pills, and there will be no more, but they are all in the main body, and only one is brought here in the avatar.

"That's right. I like challenging enemies. I'm starting to get excited. I hope you can make me more excited." The man suddenly stretched out his hands and spread his ten fingers vigorously, causing a circle of golden symbols to appear in the air, and a vast void suddenly appeared. As darkness fell, Chen Xinghe's heart beat wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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