Chapter 957

"It's the treasure of the cave, I never thought that this guy actually owns a treasure of the cave."

"The ink painting that Ghost Ring led me to find before is very extraordinary, but it is just an incomplete treasure of the cave, and its power is already quite amazing. Now it seems that the demon world is descending, and its level must be higher than that ink painting."

It was too late for Chen Xinghe to back out, he could only stand in the middle of a wasteland and look at the huge figures standing around him, suddenly finding it difficult.

These figures are some kind of powerful demons, they stand there stupidly when they are not activated, once they are activated, it is unimaginable how powerful they will explode.

What should we do now?Do you want to be an enemy of the devil in the entire cave?No wonder the Devil's Church sent such a cultivator over to destroy the Qingtian Sect's young emperor. This treasure alone is enough.

All of a sudden, all eyes shot at him, and an extremely strange thing happened the next moment.

I couldn't see how these figures were moving, but they turned towards this side at the same time.

how so fastEven he didn't see how these big guys turned around. Could it be that these monsters are not real?That's why it's so fast.

Chen Xinghe's conjecture was soon verified, not only were these monsters not real, even this cave was not real, everything was just a shadow.But if you take it lightly because of this, you are going to die, because all the attacks in the nothingness are real.

This is simply playing a rogue. You can't hit the opponent, but the opponent can hit you. Sooner or later, his cultivation will be exhausted. Once he is liquidated, his demise is almost a certainty.

If there is no super powerful method to break through this darkness, the next step will be very difficult.

Chen Xinghe even thought about whether to abandon this clone and return to the main body, but he quickly dismissed this idea.

Once this idea appears, the book of life and death will become blurred.It means that after the other party finds out that this is a clone, the crisis immediately turns to the main body, and at the very least, it has to delay for a while to explore the reality of this treasure of the cave.

The opponent definitely has the ability to kill him, so he must make good use of this clone as much as possible to cause some damage to this guy, otherwise he has no chance of winning today.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe's fighting spirit soared.

His bones are full of fighting blood, the more complicated the situation and the stronger the enemy, the more his interest will be aroused.

When the book of life and death is calm, he will not be so energetic. This is the strange psychology of senior practitioners when they face challenges.

"Flying Feather Sword!" Chen Xinghe took out a talisman sword, bursting out with a powerful sword intent.

Gengen Feiyu shot around, piercing through countless figures, but the damage was not strong, because these figures were not real.

"Hahaha, Young Emperor Qingtianzong, I never expected your swordsmanship to be so superb, but it's a pity that it's of little use to the world I've shaped."

Chen Xinghe didn't bother to reply, he continued to make sword silk and weave flying feathers, and he enjoyed traveling back and forth.

"Oh? Is it a test?" The man suddenly realized: "You are looking for the weak point of the space. I have to say that this is a very wise approach. Unfortunately, the efficiency is too low. Even if you search for it for a year, you may not be able to find it."

Who knows, Chen Xinghe suddenly shouted: "I found it."

At the same time, the flying sword in his hand erupted with powerful arrogance, and the flying feathers shattered and returned to sword threads, which vibrated like strings of a piano, causing the surrounding space to vibrate.

The man immediately gathered the shadows of nothingness to move over, and launched a fierce attack towards Chen Xinghe.

With a sound of "clang", the sword wires concentrated and headed towards the east.

"You really found it?" The man couldn't believe it, and called more figures to join the siege.

In fact, it is impossible for Chen Xinghe to find the weak point of the space so quickly, he shouted "I found it" in order to watch the opponent's reaction.Which direction has more phantoms, he will focus on which direction to attack.

These phantoms truly reflected the man's psychological changes, so Chen Xinghe cheated out the general direction.

It's easy to have a direction, just fight in this direction with all your strength, go wherever the resistance is strong, and try your best to spy on the truth with this distraction.

The hard core collision has begun, and this avatar is quite well prepared. Although there is no good way to eliminate these shadows of the demonic path, it can still be done by severely suppressing them.

After making these shadows fade by [-] to [-]%, they will stop in place and not move, which is equivalent to removing the threat.

Chen Xinghe tried his best to comprehend the Feiyu sword before the talisman sword in his hand collapsed.

He found that fighting a group of enemies and weaving flying feathers was too exhausting, so he drew out strands of swordsmanship to fight.

The awns seem to be slender, but they are actually very tough, and they are restrained by circles or guides, and most of the shadows are excluded.

Only those shadows whose combat strength has reached the middle stage of the Nascent Soul can come close, and the rest cannot reach within a hundred feet of Chen Xinghe.

Seeing this scene, the man secretly admired: "What a Qingtianzong Chen Shaodi, this ability to adapt to changes is unmatched in the world."

He really appreciates Chen Xinghe, this point is no lie, a real devil usually has a true temperament, careless and unrestrained.

Chen Xinghe continued to experience the changes in the way of the sword. He knew that he would not be able to recover this avatar today, so he had to squeeze out its use value, otherwise it would be too much of a disadvantage.

This avatar has been trimmed, and it hasn't been warmed up yet when it is placed beside it!The first time you use it, you will lose your account. I wonder if the sect will reimburse you?

Why do middle and high-level monks don't like to work hard, because the consumption is too great to bear!

But he can't, one is that he likes to fight between life and death, and the other is that the enemy doesn't care whether he has enough cards, and he can kill as he wants, there is no such thing as a stop.

With a "bang", the treasured sword in his hand turned into fly ash, and it collapsed into the past.

The man on the opposite side was taken aback for a moment, then realized something immediately, and asked: "I heard that the young emperor has a magic weapon to protect himself, and it seems that it is not like this to fight with a flying sword before."

As soon as Chen Xinghe heard this, he knew that the other party was extremely sensitive, and had already discovered something wrong, so he didn't hide it, and flicked his fingers.

"Dong dong dong..." Dozens of pills were shot out quickly, and when they touched the shadow, there was a bell ringing, and the man was so frightened that he hurriedly avoided.

He didn't come here all this time because he was afraid of the Tianyuan Corpse Transformation Pill, which was too overbearing and had to be guarded against.

At this moment, seeing Chen Xinghe giving everything he had, he was a little relieved, but unexpectedly the other party threw out thousands of talismans after the pill was ejected.

Although these talismans are not high-level, they are quite interesting to use together.

However, the next moment was absolutely unexpected, this Chen Shaodi suddenly exploded, forming a circle of dazzling blood and sweeping towards the surroundings.

"No." The man had subconsciously noticed the abnormality before, but now he naturally realized that this cultivator was just a clone of Chen Xinghe.

As soon as he escaped from the dark cave, he saw a circle of golden light appear above his head, exploding rings of brilliant brilliance and rolling down.


(End of this chapter)

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