Chapter 958
Chen Xinghe seized the body with the mind, not the Nascent Soul, the two methods are completely different.

The moment he returned to his body, he immediately killed the true demon monk.

With a whistle in his hand, without any hesitation, he sacrificed the small skull bowl.

After taking out this treasure, he didn't think about taking it back, because he knew that this true demon monk was very powerful, and if he was not careful, it might be folded into the other party's hands. If so, how could he hide it?Go directly to the strongest method, and if you can't kill the opponent, you have to be half disabled, so that the subsequent battles have a chance of winning.

No one would have the courage to give up like him.

You must know that this small skull bowl is a big killer that is close to the Lingbao, but if there is any chance that it can be guided to the right path, even the cultivators in the transformation stage will be reluctant to use it to fight the enemy.

Chen Xinghe doesn't care about that, he firmly believes that treasures are endless, as long as one has the ability, what treasures can't be obtained?

At this moment, no matter how the true demon monk evades, he can't stop this powerful little bowl from blocking him.

"Miscalculation, the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect is really extraordinary." The man said to escape into the treasure of the cave, but he still underestimated Chen Xinghe's determination, and the small bowl of skull burst out with brilliance, making a devastating blow.

"Boom bang bang bang bang..."

The scene in front of him was too dazzling, the huge cavern was eroded, and the figures of countless monsters were blazing. They all let out a roar and wanted to reverse the decline, but the power of this skull was beyond Chen Xinghe's imagination.

As soon as the demon head raised his head and roared, his power was suppressed by the overbearing force, and they were not given a chance to resist. In a moment, they wiped out the figures below the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and even formed the power of the void, which began to affect their bodies.

The true demon cultivator stared wide-eyed, never expecting the other party to be so decisive.

This is to decide the outcome with one blow!It's a pity that he is still thinking about how to fight later,

This is like when you are still looking forward to the future, the front suddenly collapses and becomes a broken road.

"Boom..." The small skull bowl was completely shattered, and the distorted aura was released. Countless ghosts were born in his heart, and those opponents who had been killed in the deep memory returned at the same time.

"Damn it, hold your body, hold your mind, hold your spirit..." As expected of a true demon cultivator, countless enemies in his mind will drag him to hell, but the huge concentration has firmly planted the foundation, letting the impact pass by, he is not afraid .

It's just that Chen Xinghe's attack regardless of the cost is already equivalent to a blow from a Lingbao.

Even if it is the worst level spirit treasure, it is not comparable to magic treasure.

At this moment, the breath of destruction piled up, enough to suffocate any Nascent Soul cultivator.

Chen Xinghe dodged far away to avoid unnecessary impact.

Who would have thought that, after a quarter of an hour, instead of weakening the power, it attracted a lot of dead energy from the surrounding area, summoning tens of thousands of skeletons to wipe out everything in the area.

This is the power of the Lingbao level. It can cause permanent effects when it explodes, and the traces of its power will disappear after ten thousand years. Otherwise, how can we say that Lingbao is absolutely rare?

Chen Xinghe set up an awning to look out, and muttered to himself: "This is the power of Lingbao? Today, I have seen it. It seems that some kind of law of heaven and earth has been established at the moment of the explosion. It is really yearning!"

"Puff puff puff puff puff..." The devilish energy was released violently, the cave of the magic way was completely shattered, and this treasure of the cave was considered useless.

But then again, this is just a fake celestial treasure, known in the Demon Cult as the Half-Plane Pupil. Although it is precious, it is far inferior to the real celestial treasure.

Chen Xinghe didn't understand this, seeing the boundary wall dissipate, he still felt pain in his heart a few times.

"Huh? Still alive."

The true demon cultivator is indeed still alive, releasing sixteen puppets to kill the skeletons, plus the figure of the demon head remaining nearby, it seems that the armies of the two sides are fighting, and it is not known who can persist until the end.

Now it's Chen Xinghe standing outside the circle watching, holding four Tianyuan Corpse Transformation Pills in his hand, he gave up the small skull bowl, what's the difference?

Suddenly, the sixteen puppets shot out blue light, and the buzzing sound occupied the ears. It was a very powerful monster.

Where the blue light went, everything withered, and the skeletons rushing up in groups poured down to the ground like quicksand, turning into piles of white bone powder, which drifted away with the wind.

Chen Xinghe frowned slightly, knowing that this kind of monster insect is extremely powerful, maybe it can break out of the encirclement and offset most of the residual power of the skull bowl.

"Go!" The three pills shot into the swarm, and when they shattered, they created a more terrifying erosion spectacle than the swarm. Everything around them did not turn into sand and flow to the ground, but directly vaporized and dissipated into nothing.

Not only did the swarm of insects disappear, but even the five puppets collapsed to the ground, and the last pill had already hit the True Demon cultivator.

"Pa..." It hit successfully, but Chen Xinghe didn't show a smile, the opponent's figure blurred for a while, and Danwan actually passed through.

"Projection? It looks so real?"

Suddenly, a ray of murderous intent arrived.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang..." The swords and shadows staggered and shone brightly. The two confronted each other face to face, and the figures merged and separated.

In the air, Chen Xinghe and the other party looked at each other, feeling extremely difficult.

After a moment of confrontation, seventeen pieces of the flying sword built by Gui Zangjian were broken, more than half of them.

The man was also shocked. The hero's cloak that had accompanied him all the way to today appeared to be cracked, showing that Young Emperor Qingtian had obtained the essence of swordsmanship.

Suddenly, the two collided again, Chen Xinghe used his right hand to strike hard, and the real devil man used the Demon God's True Meaning Sticker, increasing his strength to more than ten times.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Clang clang..."

The two fought faster and faster in the air, and the battle became more and more fierce, neither of them would take half a step back.

When the two of them separated again, Chen Xinghe nodded and said, "You're not bad."

"Hehe, what a stubborn guy, are you only starting to look at me now?" The real demon man smiled and said, "Listen well, I grant you my name..."

"Boom, boom, boom..." The dazzling beam of light appeared, and this was a blow to the death of an ancient Qi practitioner.

"You..." The real demon man twisted his nose angrily. He was about to introduce himself grandly, but he didn't expect this bastard to attack again.

Chen Xinghe really wanted to kill this guy, he had invested so much, and he didn't even get back a hair, how could he support war with war?

The essence of supporting war with war lies in continuous victory and continuous income. Once stuck in a certain link, it will become quite difficult later.

What Chen Xinghe thought was, even if there were more ingots in the account, it would be nice!The ingots obtained by the avatar exploded before returning, which made me very sad.

For Yuan Bao, who would listen to his self-introduction?This guy must be killed.

Well!I don't know who is the true demon monk, these two have their own obsessions.

Chiba appeared.

Chen Xinghe broke through the previous speed limit, outlined Qian Yu in a very short time, and then slammed into it with the most brutal posture.

The real devil is a fart!It's incomparable with a real man like him who loves ingots.

(End of this chapter)

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