Chapter 959
Chen Xinghe and the real devil man collided together, immediately forming ripples, quite a feeling of rocks piercing through the sky, and the ground shaking.

Qianyu Jianguang plus Qingtian Sword Domain, the divine power of the right arm plus the late stage body training of the Nascent Soul, the intense consumption of the dragon vein support plus the Jiedao obtained not long ago.

The two are filled with extremely terrifying destructive forces, and it is inevitable to cause damage.

The two figures burst out at the same time, Chen Xinghe slid four to five hundred feet with his feet on the ground, and managed to stand still.

The Jiedao in his hand trembled extremely quickly, cracks appeared in the scabbard and collapsed at an extremely fast speed, revealing the bright blade.

This Jie Dao is Chen Xinghe's shield, because he knows that this collision will definitely result in a loss for both sides, and whether the lethality can be minimized depends entirely on this Jie Dao.

"Puff puff puff..." The real devil man's whole body was buzzing, the hero's cloak and hero boots had been torn, and a large number of sword marks appeared on his skin.

Chen Xinghe was a little shocked, he did not hit the opponent with a full blow, it seems that he was not decisive enough, so let's do it again, and it will be the last time.

"My... my battle robe..." The real devil man's muscles tensed up, his heart roared like a thousand demons, and he roared suddenly: "Damn the young emperor of the Qingtian sect, how dare you destroy my battle robe! It accompanies me!" Birth and death, carrying the meaning of a true devil, I am the true devil Iron Wuxiang."

"Boom..." The figure swelled rapidly and turned into a troll with a face full of holes. This is the true face of the real devil man.

Chen Xinghe looked up and cursed in his heart: "Grandma, what the hell is so powerful?"

While yelling, he has exhausted all the power that the dragon veins can extract so far, displaying 140% of the power of the Guizang sword and rushing up, his right arm flashed with a strange light of diamonds, and the hilt of the Jie knife "bang bang bang" protruded thousands of times. A "卍" character, stepping on layers of wavy stripes under the feet as a bowstring burst.

One blow into the soul, the fish dies, the net breaks, either you die or I die, if Chen Xinghe didn't have such desperate courage, he wouldn't be able to live today.

There is no roar, only collapse.

This world has collapsed! ! !
Chen Xinghe's body suddenly burned, and the defensive talismans stored next to him shattered one after another, and at this moment it was not even as good as cardboard.

The strength surged wildly, and the body was cut like a knife.

Jie Dao rang like a bell, and all the "卍" characters were shattered, but the blade became brighter, offsetting the damage with its extraordinary background.


At the end of the collision, a roar was finally heard. The troll stretched out its hand to grab Chen Xinghe, but the arm broke just halfway through, and a ring of arc-shaped sword feathers exploded out of its body, tearing it a second time, with incredible power .

Chen Xinghe spat out a mouthful of blood, almost fell to his knees.

Such an extremely fast collision is tantamount to burning jade and stone together. Fortunately, the Jie Dao in his hand is of good quality, offsetting most of the damage.

The three treasure pills are chewed like popping beans.

The Zongmen released the elixir, Chen Xinghe is proficient in pharmacology, body training allows him to ignore the side effects of the elixir, although the effect of the medicine can at most play half of the effect on him, just chew two more, there is nothing to worry about when fighting Savings?
As soon as his injury improved, Chen Xinghe rushed forward with Jie Dao in his hand. The Dragon Vein and Gui Zang Sword were too consumed and could not be used in a short time. At this time, he had to fight close to his body, which was comparable to the body training of the late Yuan Ying With his cultivation base and his right arm, which is comparable to a magic weapon, he smashed out fiercely, punching to the flesh, which is not in vain.

The troll was in terrific pain, his body kept collapsing and recovering, just about to fight back, Jie Dao pierced his chest, and suddenly the sound of chanting sutras filled his head, causing his whole body to tremble in pain.

It was Chen Xinghe's first time dealing with a true demon monk, and it was really difficult to kill.

This battle was terribly exhausting, it had already been fought to such an extent, the enemy still showed no sign of perishing, and he was even thinking in his heart whether to show the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld?Use the long-term accumulation of tribulation power as a sword to ruthlessly wipe out this monster.

It's just that the Nine Tribulations have not been completed, so it is not easy to expose.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe could only grit his teeth and persevere, using great perseverance to kill the troll, and from time to time cut out the blood of the troll and sent it to the green carpet to block it.

"Roar..." True Demon Cultivator Tie Wuxiang felt that his life was threatened, and two exhaust holes suddenly appeared on his neck, emitting wisps of devilish energy.

Chen Xinghe withdrew Jie Dao and immediately stepped back.

The book of life and death gave a warning, and the sense of crisis erupted. All the signs showed that the devilish energy emitted by this guy was terrifyingly toxic, enough to overwhelm Nascent Soul's late stage body training.

The demon energy quickly dissipated, and the moment the book of life and death returned to normal, Chen Xinghe knew that the poison was no longer there, and he stepped forward again.

After a moment of relaxation, the troll's face changed. From the left, it looks like a smiling face, with a little makeup on, it looks like a pretty lady. From the right, it looks sharp and angular, like a warrior fighting the enemy.

It's very strange, this is probably the reflection in the heart of the real devil, and there is an unusual momentum uprooted in the dark.

Chen Xinghe still said the same thing, it doesn't matter what you are or what your name is, as long as you know that you are my enemy is enough.

There is no turning back when you open the bow, and try everything to kill him. The value of the enemy's existence is to die.

"Bang bang bang..." The troll stretched out six arms, and the damage he suffered before seemed to heal in an instant, and he showed great abilities, as if he wanted to crush the young emperor of Qingtianzong.

How can being strong outside and doing nothing fool Chen Xinghe's Buddha eyes?
This guy squeezed out the original magic power and was struggling crazily on the edge of the cliff. If he didn't stomp his feet hard at this moment, Chen Xinghe would feel sorry for himself.

"Kill!" While the effects of the three pills were still there, his right arm swelled up, and then he stabbed him like a street gangster with the Jie Dao.

Fighting to this point, all tricks are empty!You stab and I stab to see who can't hold on first is the reason why the two didn't fall.

Staring and holding on, whoever falls first will die first.

The glory of the past has no effect at this moment. Only by killing the enemy can he be affirmed and embark on a new path.

"Pfft..." Blood spurted out, Chen Xinghe turned out to be the one who couldn't hold on first.

The troll showed a cruel smile, stretched out his giant palm and slapped it hard, and there was a "boom" in his ears.

It is the Boshan Furnace, Chen Xinghe's battle pill furnace integrated into his dantian.

The power of one blow can only shake the palm of the hand. After all, the stove is hollow, not solid. When it is used against ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators, it is definitely a killer weapon. When Chen Xinghe is fighting with a real demon, it can only shock Spread your palms slightly for cushioning.

This delay is just right, and it has the same effect as the real devil's expelling poisonous devil energy before.

Chen Xinghe got a moment's chance to fly out more than ten talisman treasures and thousands of talismans with shaking hands, so as to delay for a while.

"It's useless, you are inferior to the real devil after all, not to mention that I am the middle and late stage of the Nascent Soul." Tie Wuxiang swung his six arms together to show the monstrous magic power, crushing the talisman treasure and the talisman at the same time piercing through with a blow .

"Boom..." The face of Jie Dao has been deformed, Chen Xinghe secretly sighed to activate the power of robbery, and opened the seventh robbery of the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue that he didn't even know which direction it was developing in.

(End of this chapter)

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