Chapter 960


A circle of lightning appeared, and instantly became extra plump, like two towels twisted together, the tighter and tighter the twist, the tighter the twist.

Chen Xinghe was out of breath, watching the lightning appear, his eyes were filled with emptiness.

He put his mind completely into the meditation mantra, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

Because the Nine Tribulations and Huangquan Jue has deviated from the established route since the sixth calamity, it is no longer up to him to decide, and it is completely up to the will of God. Whatever the calamity given by God, he must bear the calamity, otherwise the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue will end here, and then Can't practice anymore.

Facing such a formidable enemy, if he wanted to wipe out the opponent, he couldn't think of a second way other than the most brutal Jieli.

Since you want to fight, you must fight him thoroughly. You must not leave a tail to cause trouble in the future, just like Xin Weiran, blowing the wind and rain behind your back. I don’t know how many obstacles have been added. Until now, I don’t know where he is. There is no way to get revenge.

Chen Xinghe will never let a powerful enemy leave, even if he exposes the Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs, he will not hesitate.

The other party was indeed well-informed, and shouted in disbelief: "How could the Qingtian Sect let you practice such a taboo technique? You practiced it secretly, right?"

Chen Xinghe wanted to say, where did all this nonsense come from?

He no longer has the leisure to waste time complaining about it. When the robbery power comes, he quickly moves and changes positions. Coincidentally, he avoids the killing and only bears the remaining power of the robbery force.

"Kacha Kacha..." At the very beginning, the five-color divine thunder appeared, and the power of the five elements gathered one after another, like a series of sword arrays strangling one after another. The light was so dazzling that I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Chen Xinghe closed his eyes and relied entirely on his spiritual perception. His feet seemed to be beating drums, moving back and forth very rhythmically.

The aftermath of robbery is very impressive, but it is much stronger than the frontal bearing, especially when there is a huge demon in front of him, which can help him resist a lot of damage.

The real devil is in a hurry, knowing that this kid has the idea of ​​burning jade and stone together.

Such a catastrophe made him terrified, and he had the feeling of watching the catastrophe of his senior at the stage of transformation into a god.

There are very few monks who cause their own important catastrophe in front of the enemy. Once they do so, it means that they will never die, which is definitely not a good thing.

The troll sneered: "Are you the only one who bears the doom? Look, the doom I bear will only be stronger than yours, and it is extremely powerful."

As soon as the words fell, a mass of red light appeared around, dimly, as if there were thousands of figures looking towards this side, and raised their hands to call.

Chen Xinghe's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, "What is that?"

The roaring sounded one after another, and the five-color thunder and the red magic light met, blasting out ring after ring of waves, which looked extremely magnificent and gorgeous.

As expected of a true demon monk, the number of catastrophes on his body far exceeds that of ordinary demon monks. All the evil spirits within tens of thousands of miles quickly gather, as well as ghost energy and demonic energy, all fleeing here.

Both of these two are arrogant people, they fought again in the midst of thousands of kalpas, the fighting was in a miasma, the sky was shattered, it was already hard to see what kind of environment they were in, they just rushed to kill.

The buzzing sound made people tremble with fear. This area has completely become a restricted area. Some monks saw this scene from a distance.

This is definitely the apocalypse that can only be caused by Yuanying's late stage achievement of becoming a god, but it is different from the legend in many ways, and it is weird.

Chen Xinghe was already torn apart, and the double catastrophe appeared. Even if he had achieved a lot in body training, he couldn't take it anymore. He could only take out one by one treasure pills, and chewed them as stuffed beans in his mouth. Finally, his condition improved a bit, and he wouldn't be as good as before. So stuck.

However, the calamity has just begun, and he has no idea whether he can persist. Perhaps the two calamities can offset each other, which is the best result.

God is not a vegetarian, how can the two tyrannical calamities be easily offset?
The fact is that one plus one is greater than two or even greater than three. In a blink of an eye, the two of them were stunned. They just felt that the world was spinning, and they could no longer distinguish east, west, north, south, and could not even receive star power.

Soon, tens of thousands of mansions appeared behind Chen Xinghe, and all the visions were made of thunder intertwined, suspected to be the ancient Tiangong!

I saw the wind and clouds on the opposite side, and all the red lights condensed into various primitive beasts. The dragon and phoenix clans were killing thousands of demons in the world.

The hearts of the two were shocked at the same time, knowing that it was a big deal, and both of them had a vision, and then they wondered if they could save this little life?
"Kill!" Chen Xinghe took the initiative to charge forward, opening and closing the ring knife in his hand, like an ancient god's mansion revived, and like a Buddha compassionate to the world, eliminating the devil for all living beings.

The collapse of heaven and earth is no longer enough to describe the situation at this moment. The two of them are clearly in the Nascent Soul stage, but they have shown such a calamity.

The thunder exploded to the extreme, and suddenly a black air was attracted from the sky, and after spinning, it turned into a black flood dragon, which swallowed the vision of the ancient Tiangong in one gulp, making himself the biggest vision in this place.

The movement was too loud, and the sound of the dragon's chant came into the mind. No creature could resist this kind of black dragon. It is the real dragon who sees the head but does not see the end.

The troll roared angrily: "No, how can your calamity surpass me? I am the hero of this era, and I am the darling of the world. No monk of the same rank can surpass me. Go to hell!"

Two demon palms came over, wanting to pat Chen Xinghe into meatloaf.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xinghe let out a low dragon cry, the black flood dragon was immediately pulled, and swooped down at an incredible speed, collided with the demon's palm, splashing countless bright lights.

This blow was too ruthless, too terrifying, and too domineering. Apart from vomiting blood, Chen Xinghe took out a healing elixir of the transformation spirit stage. Swallow it into your stomach.

The raging medicinal energy billowed up, quickly healed the injuries on his body, and in addition to adding a lot of confidence to him, I really want to thank the Zongmen for generously rewarding six pills of the transformation stage, this is the first one .

"Boom..." The black flood dragon swayed its tail once, blasting the red ancient world caused by the real demon into cracks, it was really insanely strong.

Chen Xinghe didn't wait for half a breath, and the sound of the dragon chant came out again from his body. It is likely that the little dragon has undergone some changes due to the induction of Qi.

Dragons need to shed their skin. Due to the accumulation of more ingots and the traction of the aura of calamity, he began to march towards the juvenile stage.

Chen Xinghe could only say that the leak in the house happened to be rainy, and all the bad things came together, and the five characters "burial to the sky and the dragon disaster" flashed in his mind.

This is the catastrophe he is about to endure. The Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Art began to operate spontaneously to devour the power of the catastrophe. Crossing the catastrophe is actually a process of waiting for the feeding of heaven, otherwise how can we say taboo?This kind of cultivation method is too heaven-defying, it swallows the calamity and rises up, shocking the past and shining the present.

To Chen Xinghe's surprise, the catastrophe caused by the troll opposite him also began to change, transforming into a more ancient and profound direction.

(End of this chapter)

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