Chapter 961
A vision appeared in front of my eyes, very strange and very dim.

Chen Xinghe was slightly taken aback, unable to figure out what it was.

Those trolls and dragons and phoenixes suddenly broke up before, and when they got together again and turned into a sea of ​​flesh, only the dim red color remained unchanged, and everything else changed.

The black flood dragon is the manifestation of the vast tribulation force, and it seems to hate the existence of another vast tribulation force nearby, so it tosses the river and the sea, like a crocodile churning its prey, trying to tear the faint red into pieces.

However, the dark red in front of me is not as thick as usual, no matter how much the black flood dragon tears it, it is useless, it is as tenacious as brown sugar.

Chen Xinghe took this opportunity to take a breather, and hastened to use his skills to get rid of the aftereffects caused by forcibly swallowing the powerful medicine, and gathered the residue of the medicine to the Shangyang acupoint on his left hand, so that he might be able to hit it at a critical moment.

The powerful medicinal power allowed him to temporarily recover from his injuries, but the black dragon swung its tail and pulled out a dazzling thunder, which dragged down with endless power and mighty power.

This kind of situation was too scary, even Chen Xinghe felt terrified when he was used to the big wind and waves, he didn't know when he would die without a place to bury him, the book of life and death had long been blurred, and it could no longer serve as a warning.

He is now in the midst of a death calamity, if he can't overcome this difficulty, how can he have a life span?

Today, I really didn't expect that the terrifying force was equally decisive against the terrifying force, and the evil caused by the opponent made Chen Xinghe feel as if he had shot himself in the foot with a stone, and it was the kind that smashed him hard, his life was in danger.

Suddenly, the faint red produces an aura similar to a spirit treasure, which is a very great murderous intent, as if returning to the early days of the world, this faint red represents a kind of Tao, which is the original original source of magic.

Chen Xinghe was extremely horrified, it was hard to imagine that the other party had such background, the word "true" in the real devil was indeed not simple, it had the same origin as Tao.

Voices echoed from all directions: "See it! This is the foundation of this seat. When the world first opened, there were demons. It is said that one is born, one is two, two is three, and three is all things. What do you think this one is?" One is the devil! But the Tao is not the Tao, it should be called the beginning of the devil! Hahaha, today I will let you experience the vicissitudes of the magic way, my calamity is the most terrible calamity in the world, mere black dragons are not even dragons, He Dehe Can you make a mistake in front of me?"

These words were extremely arrogant, while Chen Xinghe avoided the thunder like a foresight, while thinking about countermeasures in a hurry, he suddenly made up his mind, puffed up his chest and let out an earth-shattering roar.

"Eight Tribulations, open!"

Today he was really driven to a desperate situation, facing such unfathomable enemies, he had to activate the eighth calamity of the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue.

Originally calculated based on Chen Xinghe's cultivation base, it was difficult to trigger the eighth calamity, but the second extremely powerful calamity appeared next to him. He tried to focus his thoughts on the dim red in front of him, and promote the successful construction of the six calamities. Balance, let Tiandao have the illusion that the heaven-defying technique is about to be born.

The way of heaven is there, and it likes to block all possibilities against the sky.

Chen Xinghe belonged to heresy, and his right hand was a heresy among heresies, even the Nascent Soul Tribulation was omitted, as if he was standing on the opposite side of the Dao of Heaven.

The Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue seems to be within the scope of suppression by the Dao of Heaven. Even if there is no Eighth Tribulation, at this moment, Cangmang Tianqiong will forcefully gather the Eighth Tribulation to devour and destroy it, and will never allow this kind of heresy to continue to exist.

In addition to Chen Xinghe, that troll also made Tiandao hostile, and it would be great if they could be wiped out together.

Unexpectedly, a layer of smoke and dust floated up, this is the smoke and dust of the magic path.Chen Xinghe took a huge risk to induce the eighth catastrophe, and the five characters "Tai Sui's first demon catastrophe" appeared in his mind.

"Too old?"

"So that's how it is! The background of the true devil is the Tai Sui in the prehistoric years. What is the beginning of the demon? What is the birth of the Dao? It's just the division and growth of the Tai Sui. It's so mysterious. I finally saw a little bit of the truth."

The troll suddenly roared, because he felt that his doom had become impure, like a stupid woman who beat himself up and hooked up with someone else one day.

Although it is painful to be abused, it is even more painful to see a stupid woman hooking up with others. The first pain comes from the body, and the second pain comes from the mind.

This bastard Qingtianzong Shaodi is unforgivable, and he must be crushed to ashes to relieve his hatred. Before he left, he never thought that this battle would be so difficult, but he knew in his heart that once he survived, he would be transformed.

The troll regrouped, and like Chen Xinghe, he also had the intention of using the other party to help him overcome the calamity, shook his body, and then showed off his demonic power.

The two fought in one place again, shocks bloomed all the time, they both wanted to use each other as a shield to resist the doom, but the end result was that neither of them escaped, and was beaten to pieces by Hei Jiao and Tai Sui, and was seriously injured.

Chen Xinghe's bones were broken, his chest collapsed, and his whole body was soaked in blood. He devoured the second God Transformation Pill without saying a word, and when the huge medicinal power was surging upwards, he rushed up. He stopped the knife with his left hand and punched violently with his right. .

The troll also used the elixir, and released a cloud of strange blood to restore the damage.

At this moment, the two of them knew very well that if there was a slight mistake, they would be lost forever, so even if their minds were exhausted too intensely, they did not dare to relax at all.

Invisibly, there has been a breakthrough in the cultivation of mind and spirit, which has laid a solid foundation for advancing to a higher level in the future.

Of course, if you want to advance to a higher level, you must survive.

Right now, boundless tribulation forces are surrounding the two of them, and the two of them are fighting inextricably, the situation has become extremely complicated.

Chen Xinghe unreservedly performed the Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs, he didn't feel much at first, but after practicing in a dangerous environment for a while, there was a natural "crack" sound around him, the Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs gave him a feeling a bit like nine knots at this time Whip, but currently there are only six steel whips available.

Even so, it is quite impressive, every time it strikes, it can produce a very powerful collateral damage effect, and the "crackling" slash makes the troll grin his teeth, wishing to slam his head to death in front of him.

Naturally, the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue is not limited to this, but Chen Xinghe's current skills are still weak, and he is still unable to show the true sky-defying features of this kind of skills.

The two fought for a quarter of an hour, feeling like they were running out of fuel. Chen Xinghe knew that he had developed a drug resistance, so he had to swallow two magic pills in one gulp, and while fighting the troll, he miraculously moved , try to avoid the black flood dragon and Tai Sui as much as possible, it is not clear how long this torment will last, maybe he will collapse before that time arrives, there is no other way but to hold on.

At this moment, the troll was shocked, and stepped back "thump, thump, thump", Chen Xinghe also felt that the black flood dragon had accumulated a certain power to the critical point, and it was about to explode in full swing.

This kind of explosion came too fast, and there was no time to react.

The front of the eyes suddenly burst, but the real devil Tai Sui became the only safe haven here with his rough skin and thick flesh, allowing Chen Xinghe to seize the opportunity to escape in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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