Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 962 Doom Variation

Chapter 962 Doom Variation
Chen Xinghe hid in the real demon Taisui, surrounded by the power of calamity, it was naturally very painful.

The lesser of two evils, it is blissful to be able to hide in the real demon Tai Sui at this moment, the black dragon outside is setting off a chaotic thunder calamity, and there is no light or shadow in the sky.

This kind of big scene is rarely seen once or twice in a lifetime, which is very impressive.

Suddenly the ground trembled, and the troll also ran in, widening his eyes and roaring: "You are so brave, you dare to hide in this seat for refuge. Look around, your life has come to an end, you won't Another chance to go out."

The blood flames were steaming, Chen Xinghe's face was pale, and he felt powerless looking at the more and more figures around him.

These figures come from the evil thoughts, and they are similar to the means of the Buddha's mastery of the Buddha's kingdom. There will be a fierce battle in the future. Maybe the Boshan furnace and the magic weapon flying sword will not be left behind.

If he really got to that point, Nascent Soul would definitely not be able to stay.The best result is that the cultivation base will fall, relying on the connection between the right hand and the main body to escape a mind, and perhaps restart from the foundation building period, but this kind of hope is very small in such a catastrophe, basically it is not a fluke thought.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." came from the dragon veins.

Panting, Chen Xinghe sent voice transmission: "Little guy, what's your name? I can't hold on here any longer, and I can't leave the ingot to the enemy when it's time to die, so I have to find a way to explode the dragon's veins! If you can escape, leave this place quickly Run for your life! I will find a way to resist the catastrophe of being reborn for you, and it is not in vain to get acquainted."

"Ah woo woo, ah ow..." Xiaolong suddenly said, "Ahem, cough, finally got rid of the bone in my throat that made me very uncomfortable! Before, every word I uttered would hurt me, but now I feel extremely happy! We haven't lost yet! How can we run away?"

When Chen Xinghe heard this tone, his heart was moved immediately, and he quickly asked: "Is the plan going to be released?"

"Sitting on the dragon's veins, how can there be only this energy? Today's catastrophe is also related to me. How can I leave if I want to?"

Xiaolong said: "Next I'm going to burn those ingots. Thirty is the upper limit of my burning in exchange for a short burst. However, this burst can only last three times. After three times, it will completely lose its effect. There will be no more in a short time." As a result, you need to deposit new ingots to enable it."

"Is there such a benefit?" Chen Xinghe suddenly regained his energy. You must know that he has already run out of ammunition and food, even if there are still some methods that will not work against the real enemy, let alone such a terrible doom. It's difficult, so any help is good, especially the help from the dragon veins.

Suddenly, there was a bright light behind him, and Chen Xinghe felt that most of his body was exhausted, and even his almost collapsed mind had recovered by [-]% at this moment. It is really rare to have such a boost at this moment.

The enemy found something wrong, and quickly spewed out a puff of black blood smoke and rushed to the front. I don't know what kind of method they used, but they even drew the surrounding demons to weaken Chen Xinghe's combat power to the greatest extent.

The dragon veins have rejuvenated him, how can this guy weaken it if he wants to?Shiningly stretched out the saber, and heard a bang in the ear wheel. It seemed that there was a Buddha chanting sutras in the dark. Thousands of voices gathered together, which made the demonic thoughts gathering here tremble slightly, as if there was boundless fear.

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath, burst out with great courage and strength, and slashed at the devil head.

This slash was not easy, with most of his cultivation poured into it, the friction between the skin and the air became hot, the eyebrows and hair burned, and the speed was as fast as the limit.

It's too fast, there is a saying in the rivers and lakes that the martial arts in the world are only fast!In fact, it's the same in the world of self-cultivation.

Chen Xinghe has always followed this sentence, he firmly believes that as long as the speed is fast enough, miracles can be created.

"Miracle! I want to create a miracle."

"Quick, quicker."

"Quick, quick, fast..." His right arm kept rubbing against the air, smoke came out, Chen Xinghe suddenly laughed, and threw himself into swinging the saber.

Maybe it was to die and survive, at that moment just now he grasped a certain silky feeling.

No, he didn't grasp this feeling, but the surrounding space was destroyed by the robbery and became extremely fragile, thus easily breaking through the previous limit.


Chen Xinghe has been around until today, and the greatest thing he excels at is that he is able to seize those fleeting opportunities in a short period of time.

The best opportunity of this war has appeared, that is, the space structure has become extremely unstable, bringing the possibility of breaking through the speed limit.

After he was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, he has been pursuing the speed limit of the Nascent Soul stage. Every time he thought he had broken through, he found that there were obstacles ahead.The so-called limit is not the real limit, and even made him think that there is no limit in the Nascent Soul stage, and now he finally sees the possibility of breaking through, and maybe he can really be in the ranks of super-excellence by virtue of this catastrophe.

The roaring sound was piled up in the ears, the black flood dragon actually transformed into a black dragon, its body shrunk a lot, it arched the dragon's head into the inside of the real demon Tai Sui Jie, opened its mouth to suck it hard, and sucked away most of Jie's power.

Chen Xinghe and the troll were stunned seeing this scene, thinking: "What's going on here?"

It was Chen Xinghe who reacted quickly, and immediately realized that the two of them were messing around here, using Jieli to form a mutation beyond the limit of imagination.

The calamity has changed, one plus one equals three or even four, this kind of change probably exceeds the constraints of the law of heaven, and is developing in an unknown direction.

"Ang..." The black dragon was so powerful that it was in a mess, tearing up Tai Sui's true demon calamity and feasting on it.

The first one who couldn't hold on was the troll brother. His huge body was like a frost-beaten eggplant twitching. After a while, he couldn't see the mighty appearance, and he looked very old.

"No! Why! This is my doom, why was I first snatched and then eaten." He couldn't accept these facts, and suddenly took out a bottle of devil blood and poured it vigorously.

This knife seemed to break the barrier of time and space, before the troll devoured the blood and then swept away.

"Uh uh uh..." The troll noticed something was wrong, and quickly touched his throat.

"Knife wound?"

Even if the mere Jie Dao has some Buddha power attached to it, how could it possibly hurt him?


"No, why is there fear?"

"True demons never know what fear is! How can I be afraid?"

Chen Xinghe stood still, the knife just now made him touch a certain kind of special boundary, and he faintly had the thought of swinging the knife again.

The troll's head fell to the ground, and he roared, "You actually called me with a different head? You forced me to do this. Do you know what my root is? How dare you cut it off..."

"Boom..." Chen Xinghe drew his saber again, and the dragon veins supported him for the second time. He faintly found a feeling of breaking through the speed barrier of the Nascent Soul stage.

(End of this chapter)

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