Chapter 964
A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared behind the magic tree. Although there was only hazy light and shadow, it was boundless and vast, extremely huge, and endlessly bloody.

I don't know how many demons stood in the sea of ​​corpses and roared at the sky.

A force is being produced, this is the magical power borrowed by Tie Wuxiang, and it was sent here in an instant to help him reshape his body, trying to get rid of the decline, turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain.

Chen Xinghe was ecstatic when he saw this scene. He really didn't expect that the opponent still had a hole card, and this hole card was well kept!Helped a lot at this moment.

Because he realized that the speed limit of the Nascent Soul stage was qualitatively different from before, each palm was trembling, and he was very clever in distinguishing the power of robbery.

The calamity power that is useful to me is thrown into the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue to increase my skill, and those calamity powers with extremely terrifying lethality will deflect it, let the magic tree bear it first, and after the magic tree collapses, he will bear the calamity with all his strength .

The purpose of Chen Xinghe launching the seventh and eighth catastrophes was to create chaos, so that he could see through the gaps, and at worst he would die with the enemy. He didn't expect to turn around and return to the previous thinking, let the enemy bear the catastrophe's blow, Here he relies on supernormal speed to evade, in order to divert the disaster to the east.

Although the process was tortuous, the result satisfied him.

Everything is moving in the intended direction, and there may be dangers in the future, but are there still few dangers to bear today?No matter how dangerous it is, it is only this level, the worst is throwing the body on the spot, looking for the slightest possibility and waiting for the mind to recover.

Heilong is quitting, these two guys are too difficult to deal with, they are competing to surpass the limit, and if they go beyond, where is his foothold?

A dark gray thunder appeared.

This is a kind of divine thunder of destruction, which is almost the same as the divine thunder of chaos, but the destructive power at its core is even more terrifying. It will be vaporized for hundreds of miles around. There has never been such a calamity recorded in the ancient books, and Chen Xinghe has set a record today. up.

The magic tree burst out with a red glow, which looked so dazzling, and it bloomed for half an hour surrounded by thunder.

What kind of half an hour is this?With every breath, one or two Nascent Soul cultivators could be killed. Even as an enemy, he could suffer to such a state that he respected and admired him in his heart.

Chen Xinghe has never been idle, he is pushing out his palms all the time, which looks like a set of prayer rituals.In fact, it is not the case. His understanding of the way of heaven is hidden in it, as if he has mastered a certain speed rule, turning decay into magic, and is evolving into a miracle.

Of course, he was so tired of pushing his palms like this that he was panting, but the demon tree in front of him seemed to be able to hold on, which really made him a little desperate, and his fear of the real demon cultivator increased.

Just when Chen Xinghe was about to activate the dragon veins for the third time to restore some energy, there was an earth-shattering roar in front of him, and he felt that every sound was cursing, and layers of mysterious power rushed towards him, no matter how fast his palms were. Can't push it out either.

This is the power of the curse, from thousands of devils.

Suddenly, a figure appeared and shouted: "My son, who are you fighting with? I want to avenge you! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gouging out the hearts of demons and giving them capital punishment."

"Ho Ho Ho..." Wanmo roared at this moment, because they felt how angry their master was. The young master fell in the Scarlet Emperor Heaven. This is a situation that they can't save by all means, the human race deserves to die!Those human monks are even more damned, sooner or later they will become their dishes and eat their meat raw.

If it wasn't for Chen Xinghe who had been cursed before and had very rich experience in confrontation, otherwise the moment he received the curse, he would immediately lose consciousness and fall into a situation beyond redemption.

Although it is also very uncomfortable now, but he did not faint on the spot, and he can still grit his teeth to support.

"Am I going to die?"

"how is this possible?"

"I am so powerful, so fearless? How could I die in this wilderness."

"No, don't, father, save me! Only I can inherit your throne. Ahhh, don't die, I want to fight again..."

The voice was still echoing, and the black dragon circled around the magic tree, bursting out with mighty power.

Chen Xinghe was on full alert. After this guy died, he would be the one to endure the catastrophe. The black dragon didn't seem to have changed much except for shrinking twice in size.

"Boom..." The space collapsed, the power of the curse became stronger, and the magic tree was completely turned into ashes, because this was also his calamity.

Jie to Jie died, and suddenly traces of blood transpired upwards.

Chen Xinghe's heart trembled, the real demon Tai Sui dissipated with the death of the robber, although there were not many leftovers, it was at least a help.


"Bang bang bang..."

The black dragon is coming, and the wind is blowing away, after all, it's all done.

There was no more words at this time, Chen Xinghe knew that there was not much time left for him.

Taking advantage of the fact that the dragon veins can still function, and there are still some pills that can sustain life, let's do this final blow!

Although the possibility of success is very slim, but I don't feel reconciled if I don't fight hard once!
So gather all your strength, unleash your full potential, and collide with the black dragon!
If the next blow is unsuccessful, it will be benevolent!
After embarking on this road, Chen Xinghe has long put life and death aside, and today he may not be able to pass through this gate of hell.

Is it really impossible to make it through, even in the heyday state, there may not be a chance to survive, let alone a big battle that is close to exhaustion?
But that's fine, after all, he successfully mobilized Jie Li to fight the enemy to death, that's enough, his heart is safe!

There are not so many flukes in the world, it is a fluke to be able to fight to the death of the enemy, it is unrealistic to hope to survive, let the next blow be the best!

A will to die rose in Chen Xinghe's heart, and he walked towards the black dragon.

In the process of walking, "Gaba Gaba" chewed the elixir in his mouth, and a bright dragon vein appeared behind him to give blessing.

Suddenly, he started to accelerate, using his body as a weapon to collide with the black dragon, and he wanted to break through the speed limit at the end of his life.

A strange scene appeared between the sky and the earth, and something was sinking in a certain direction.

If you look closely, you will find that there seems to be a corner missing in that direction.

It's because this world is missing a corner, and it's also the rules of the road that are missing a corner. This feeling is really strange.

After hearing the roar, it spread wider and farther, and it became a kind of great sound in the border area of ​​Chihuangtian.

I don't know how many people can look up at this moment, but they feel incredible, and they mutter to themselves: "Why is the world crying?"

Chen Xinghe created a huge miracle, the black dragon is collapsing, perishing, roaring.

In just one breath, not even a breath, everything is disintegrating, including Chen Xinghe's body.

He finally thought: "That's it! That's it! Maybe there is an afterlife, it's better to rebuild it with memory, it's better..."

Before I can think about it, this place is completely silent, there is no sound...

(End of this chapter)

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