Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 965 Reaching the Peak

Chapter 965 Reaching the Peak

Chen Xinghe suddenly opened his eyes, unable to believe that he was still alive.

No, he was indeed dead, but his mind escaped.

At this moment, the main body sat up, feeling unbearable pain all over his body, this pain can no longer be described in specific words.

If it weren't for his strong willpower, he would have fainted and it would be difficult to stay awake.

It seems that he escaped in the end, but his body suffered unimaginable damage.

What surprised him was that the property was still there, and even the dragon veins existed in the dantian. Unfortunately, the Nascent Soul had already disintegrated, and there was no need to count on the golden elixir.

He was already very satisfied with being able to save his life, and he didn't dare to do other extravagant hopes.

Looking at the right arm, there is actually a black dragon wrapped around it.

This black dragon is so lifelike that it sticks to the skin, as if it will soar into the sky at any moment.

"What's going on? Isn't this the Tribulation Dragon? How could it be on my arm?" Chen Xinghe was completely stunned, recalling every last moment, there was only a blank in his mind, and he didn't have much memory.

After feeling it carefully, I couldn't help but feel ecstatically.

This black dragon is completely fused with the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Jue. It is the most special manifestation of the kung fu in the world. It allows the master to better store the tribulation power and complete the most profound accumulation.

However, after the joy, there is the worry. The fall of the true demon has formed a monstrous curse. Although the body has been refined once, there is still some magic power remaining. Even if it can be suppressed, it is a special space beacon, maybe...

Perhaps at this moment, the devil lurking in his own world is on his way, and will arrive in a few months or even ten days.

Fortunately, the place where the body is stored has been carefully selected, and there are many powerful beings sitting outside. Even if the monster breaks through the barrier and runs in, it may not have a chance to wreak havoc.

Temporarily suppressing this worry, Chen Xinghe considered how to rebuild.

Not dying is the greatest luck, as long as this life is still there, everything is possible.

The ethnographic bags and the Boshan furnace were dim and obviously badly damaged.

As a magic weapon, the Guizang Sword is naturally worry-free, and it is recovering at an accelerated speed. I believe it will not take long to regain its edge.

The book of life and death was uncharacteristically, and instead became dazzling, with a string of numbers printed on my heart?
Chen Xinghe was almost dizzy, two months and three days left in his lifespan?In addition, the storage ring has exploded, so why owe a huge debt to Tiandao instead?It is ten times that of the previous peak period. Could it be from this black dragon?

The real power lies in the number of blessings.

One hundred real people can get the position of human beings, one hundred human beings can get the position of heaven and human beings, and one hundred people of heaven can get the position of gods and human beings!

The real person corresponds to the golden elixir and the nascent soul, the perfect person corresponds to the stage of transforming into a god and the stage of integration, the heaven and man correspond to the stage of crossing the catastrophe and the Mahayana stage, and the god and man correspond to the stage of immortality, and luck is boundless.

How did it soar to 99 people all of a sudden?You must know that this number is the ceiling of the fusion period, and it is absolutely impossible to kill a large number of enemies without years of honing.

However, the facts were in front of him, Chen Xinghe couldn't help but not believe it.

The key here is to kill a half-blood devil. As for such an exaggeration?Could it be that……

Chen Xinghe thought of a possibility, this true demon monk might, probably, might be the son of that kind of luck, possessing the height to dominate Chi Huangtian's future aura, but in the end came to kill him, an odd number in the world, unlucky enough to be forced to fight Cheng Jiehui, resulting in a series of important changes, which directly pushed him to the peak level of human status at the level of luck.

In other words, he is now practicing step by step, and there will be no bottlenecks in the late stage of integration, and it will be a matter of course to reach that state.

You must know that Chen Xinghe's original fortune can reach the Golden Core stage at most, and it is impossible to go any further.

However, after obtaining such treasures as the book of life and death, a road to prove the way by killing is revealed. It is not good at birth, but it will be made up for later. Killing important enemies often has a hidden gain, which is the limit of the rank that the opponent can reach. Let's rub it Press it on him.

Therefore, Chen Xinghe guessed that the future of the true demon cultivator who had just been killed was limitless. It was almost a certainty that he would become a late-stage fusion cultivator, and he might even become a higher-level existence, and this possibility was very huge.

Just like doing business, it is impossible for the book of life and death to put the original owner's future state on him, and you don't know how much return you get from the card once you pass it, so you have to think higher when defining it.

It’s useless to think about these things. If you don’t push your cultivation level up now, you’ll probably die due to injury or curse in two months. Since you survived by luck, you must not just sit and wait for death.

Chen Xinghe closed his eyes for the most detailed perception of his body, and the result was not bad.

After all, this is the main body, and the damage at the moment of life and death is not completely synchronized. As long as the aura is abundant, it is not difficult to recover.

The key is to regain cultivation, this is the most difficult part, I wonder if Longmai can help?If the cultivation speed can be increased dozens of times, the crisis can be greatly alleviated.

"Xiaolong, are you there?"

"Xiaolong, how are you? The breath is so weak, have you been seriously injured?"

Chen Xinghe kept calling, and it took him a while to get a response.

"Ahem, I almost died. If it wasn't for your right hand breaking through the extreme speed barrier at the last moment, not to mention the dragon veins, I'm afraid nothing will be left."

"Oh? Right hand?" Chen Xinghe suddenly recalled the time between life and death, he raised his right arm and let out ring after ring of howls.

Indeed, when he was about to die, he held the determination to perish with the black dragon, as if with the help of a god, he continued to break through the barrier of extreme speed.

It's just that Jie Li was too tyrannical, all feelings no longer existed, and now I still feel dazed when I think about it.

"It's good that you're fine, can the dragon vein be restarted?"

Xiaolong responded: "Of course it can't be restarted, but that's for you in the Nascent Soul stage. For you now, how can you use a restart? Directly slam 560 times the speed of cultivation!"

"What? Six thousand more than 500 times?" Chen Xinghe thought he heard it wrong.

"81 multiplied by 81, naturally this is the number! Jindan stage slams 81 times, and it runs through to the foundation stage, which is naturally majestic."

Xiaolong immediately added: "However, in the Nascent Soul stage, the speed will not be doubled. You need to accumulate 810 ingots to restart the dragon vein. Well, restore your cultivation quickly! You are really weak and pitiful now."

"Okay, okay, let's rebuild." After being excited, Chen Xinghe couldn't help thinking, if he got a lot of ingots at this stage, wouldn't it mean that the Yuanying stage can reach more than 6000 times the speed of cultivation?

It was just an idea, and he didn't even dare to ask how many ingots he needed?Afraid of being hit hard.

This is more than 6000 times the speed of cultivation, one day is equivalent to six thousand more than 500 days?

It's hard to imagine, incredible.

Chen Xinghe realized that the so-called more than 6000 times was based on ordinary monks as a reference, and it would be greatly discounted on him.

Even so, it's amazing, and there are surprises!

(End of this chapter)

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