Chapter 966
One day is equivalent to 500 more than [-] days of ordinary people's practice. What kind of concept is this?
In just ten days, Chen Xinghe had reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage. At this stage, he should have crossed the catastrophe. However, a thick dragon chant came from his arm, and the spiritual energy in the cave quickly gathered. After a while, the golden core was fully restored.

"This is?" Chen Xinghe was stunned, and carefully inspecting his arm, he found that this black dragon was extremely mysterious. Like the Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs, it needed to devour tribulation power to increase its cultivation.

In the eyes of the black dragon, the calamity of becoming a pill has become a delicacy, maybe it is not full yet, it is really a strange dragon.

Chen Xinghe didn't care about this, he is now a cultivator who uses Jie force to practice, and the disaster of becoming alchemy has long been ignored, even if the black dragon doesn't have this strangeness, he can destroy Jieyun with a single gesture.

What really caught his attention was the fundamentals.

More than 6000 times the speed of practice, he can calmly lay down the foundation, lay a solid foundation, start to re-examine himself from the early stage of foundation establishment, remove those complicated parts and retain the essence.

Everything in the world is divided into yin and yang. It is a bad thing to drop your cultivation base, but it is a good thing to climb the peak again. You can start from the bottom, carve out every detail, strive for excellence, and be proudly independent.

[-] times the speed of practice has raised the foundation to a heinous level, which is the biggest surprise for Chen Xinghe.

To be honest, he was very perverted in the foundation building period, almost the pattern of the foundation building supremacy, but the world is so big, there are many strong and capable people from all walks of life, and a mere quick-test practitioner really dare not be arrogant.

But it's different now, after laying down such a foundation, Chen Xinghe has the confidence to aspire to the Supreme Foundation Establishment throne, and he has a kind of arrogance that the monks in the world are better than me.

"There are still nearly two months to go, and now I can be sure that it's not my lifespan that has a problem, but that there are powerful beings in this world who are about to find this place. The book of life and death can be surveyed for two months, and it is much more powerful than before. "Chen Xinghe immediately entered the golden core stage to retrain, but the speed of practice slowed down suddenly, which made him a little uncomfortable.

81 times the speed of practice is not too slow, and the next period of time can be used as more than ten years.

If you want to be perfect, the early stage of Golden Core is still the early stage of Golden Core, let alone ten years, even a hundred years is not enough.

Chen Xinghe decided to go to Junchali Fault World to practice.

Bai Huo has already settled for the next best thing and created a simple skeleton for him.

It takes some gold coins to synchronize the two sides, but it is nothing, life and cultivation are important, and other foreign things can be discarded.

Chen Xinghe closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to his residence in the Underworld.

"Master, this time is really too dangerous. I saw a dazzling arc of light turn back and explode in the training room. At that time, I had a bad feeling. Fortunately, it was just a drop in cultivation. The protection mechanism is in effect."

At this moment, Bai Huo sighed unceasingly, and was afraid for a while, because if something happened to the master, he would not continue to exist.

"Yeah! This time is too dangerous. If the sect didn't work hard on the safety of the disciples and bless the mind and spirit to return to the original body, I'm afraid the two of us will see each other in the next life."

"Ah, master! Take it easy, there are still a bunch of brothers relying on you for food!"

"Hehe, I got it. I'll go to Junchali Fault World to speed up my practice. If I lay a solid foundation, I should be able to return to the mid-stage Golden Core. If the enemy comes later, I can count on it in the later stage."

"What? There are enemies?"

"Yeah! His father and boss are not happy about killing a half-demon, and they seem to send a younger brother over. You also know that my body is borrowed from someone else's cave cat, and those little geckos and grasses in the cave are amazing! If they If I really touch this place, I have to move the bunks with a few people around me, so I can't waste time."

"Yes, yes, the master can leave a communication talisman between the two realms. Once the ferry boat detects any abnormal movement, he will send a message to the master immediately."

Chen Xinghe blushed and said, "Where is there any communication talisman between the two worlds? The storage rings are all broken. If the important things were not placed in Master Zhenyu's place, I am afraid that this battle will be over."

"Then buy it with gold coins?" Bai Huo hurriedly said: "The gold coins have become stronger again. I bought quite a few before."

"Okay, first draw a two-world communication talisman, and notify me immediately if there is any unusual movement. It is expected that the enemy will not be able to quickly locate the small gecko and grass."

"Obey!" Bai Huo hurriedly carried out the order, Chen Xinghe was thinking about when to build a superior body for himself, I heard that many bigwigs in the sect were using it.

The reason why the five sects are superior to others is reflected in many details.

You thought the person standing in front of you was a real person, but in fact it was just a reflection body that could perfectly accommodate the mind and soul.

It is really the blessing of the sect to save his life this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Chen Xinghe prepared a two-world communication talisman, and then went to the world of Junchali Fault to practice. There is also a female disciple Yue Qingqing waiting for him to teach!

In this way, nearly two months have passed...

There was a thunder sound in the cave where Chen Xinghe used to hide, and then a blood-colored comet appeared in the sky.

Suddenly, the comet turned around and changed direction, flying towards Chen Xinghe's hiding place.

I saw that the bloody light was getting slower and slower, it was decelerating.

Four hours later, a gecko came over and looked at the visitor from the sky with some doubts.

Just when it was full of doubts, a black spherical boulder in front of it cracked a thumb-like gap, and white smoke rose out after a while.

The boulder began to shake slightly, and pieces of rubble fell off along the cracks.

As the rock fell to the ground, it oozes out as black as ink.

Soon, the grease was swirled and coagulated into shape.

One, two, three, four, more and more.

Five hundred candle dragons appeared, followed by two larger figures, arching high like bubbles, as if announcing to this cave that the king is here, you should be happy.

"My lord, for this Chen Xinghe, you actually came here in person."

"Hmph, I have long taken a fancy to this son and wanted to draw him into our camp to join the Demonic Dao. Who would have thought that he would not know how to flatter him, and would get out of control time and time again. The treasure on his body has long been coveted by me, and he happened to be on it If you offend a certain lord of the Demonic Dao, you can resolve the grievances between me and him in the Torch Dragon Palace."

"What kind of treasure even tempts you?"

"It should be related to the way of death, and also related to the odd number. I even guessed that there are two treasures, but I think it's impossible."

"Oh? Two? What if it's really two?"

At this point, the voice suddenly stopped, because a gecko appeared in front of it, and it was looking at the group of black horses and candle dragons with an intriguing look, as if asking: "Are you delicious?"

(End of this chapter)

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