Chapter 968
Chen Xinghe is still immersed in cultivation, if Bai Huo doesn't send a signal, he won't go back home.

By the way, Bai Huo could really hold his breath, there was already a swarm of bees outside, because he didn't touch the cordon left by Chen Xinghe, so he did what he had to do and remained unmoved.

Bad luck for the people of Candle Dragon Palace!

They traced to a water pool based on the aura left by Chen Xinghe, but a melon head protruded from the water pool, and it just glanced out of the water pool lightly, which scared away the head of the Candle Dragon Hall.

But nothing went wrong, the other candle dragons were still wondering if the first one had been frightened after a series of blows, and as a result, one of the candle dragons who thought this way fell to the ground suddenly, without breath.

"What's that?" Youzhulong believed in the judgment of the lord, and escaped from the water pool as quickly as possible, and almost saved his life.

"The legendary..." At this point, there was a strange cry, and the chief was shocked and said: "Run!"

They ran all the way with their helmets and armor removed, and they encountered many black hands on the way.

Waiting until the crisis is no longer felt, the number of people counted is dumbfounded!

When I came here, there were 330 candle dragons, and more than 160 of them were built without knowing it, which means that there are only [-] left now.

This number is too astonishing. For those who got separated, the first seat has no hope, because their ending is almost doomed.

This place is too terrifying, beyond the limit that the current rank can deal with, it is equivalent to the foundation-building stage monks facing the Nascent Soul stage monks, and they are not on the same level at all. How to fight this?Even escaping depends on the mood of others, if you don't do it well, you will be beaten, and you will never see the sun of tomorrow again.

Until now, the chief seat had lingering fears and said: "That's a tengu! A tengu who eats the moon."

Everyone was shocked and said in disbelief: "Shouldn't this kind of thing exist in legends? Why does it remain until today?"

The first seat smiled wryly: "Is this called remnant? It is clearly in closed cultivation, and I don't know who is waiting for someone to return. Maybe the owner of this place is still alive. Our monks' whole life is just a nap for others. It should be helpless. Decaying with the heaven and the earth, and shining with the sun and the moon may not be enough to describe that level of state! I will not hesitate to become demonized and use the power of the demon world to advance. The goal I am tirelessly pursuing is exactly that. It was all in my mind before I can't find a specific reference in the longing, now the real ruins are in front of us, we should thank Chen Xinghe, he let us see the future path, so what about becoming a demon? My fate is up to me, I will bring the Zhulong clan Ascension as a whole, becoming the existence of Zhenshuo ancient and modern."

These remarks convinced the surrounding candle dragons, they clasped their fists and said yes, and followed the first seat to explore the surrounding area cautiously.

Candle Dragon asked: "That boy surnamed Chen, isn't he cursed by the magic way? Why is it so faintly visible all of a sudden, and we can't locate it after entering this cave, which is too strange."

The chief frowned and said: "This son has a heavy treasure to protect himself. Another point that I attach great importance to is that the skills he practiced faintly caused fluctuations in the time and space of the world. It's okay to say that he hasn't pushed it out now. A group of monks who are as powerful as him will be created, and when the luck of this world really flourishes, I am afraid that there will be no place for our Zhulong clan to gain a foothold. Unexpectedly, he rises so fast, even the clocks of all worlds are ringing for him, and he is no longer the weak monk before. I brought you here with me precisely because I faintly feel that there will be unforeseen troubles. In the end, trouble still appeared! And it was still a big trouble, maybe he was watching us in the dark, with disdain in his heart, are we going to lose to a human brat, do you allow this kind of thing to happen?"

"Not allowed, absolutely not allowed, even if we lose this body, we must find him. We are by no means weak in this world. Chen will soon become our dish, and his flesh and blood will definitely be eaten by us. It's delicious, and it's just used to commemorate the brothers who lost their lives once."

At this moment, Zhulong was united as one, groping and sensing around. Although there were bumps and bumps, the general direction was not wrong.

Look around!A situation that made them very speechless appeared. The brat surnamed Chen should be hiding near the initial landing point.

He thought he had gone deep into the cave, but this bastard hid at the door, the left side was the territory of the colorful gecko, and the right side was the territory of those poisonous weeds, really tricky.

"Quick, he should be in the ground, dig this kid out."

All the candle dragons dug carefully, and if they were not careful, God knows if those Sheji birds and Xianxian vines were full before?Even the poisonous weeds on the right are not something they can offend.

Just one word carefully, slow.

In the past, stomping a few feet can crack the ground and sink into the soil, but now it is no longer possible. I dare not make any movement, and work quietly!

It doesn't matter if you are slow, but the ground is very hard. When you dig five feet deep, a burst of light suddenly bursts out, followed by a series of talismans rising into the air and blooming.

"not good!"

"This little bastard is too cunning. He knows that making a noise will attract the attention of those ghosts. Go, leave first, and come back later when the weather is calm."

It's a pity that Chen Xinghe was too damaged, a batch of grass seeds fell from the sky along with the dust, and the ground of the cave didn't support the growth of these grass seeds, only these candle dragons were suitable, so their heads were covered with green, which was particularly eye-catching in such a desolate land.

Moreover, the grass seeds have been treated with a special potion, which will spray you green after being crushed and removed.

A hundred or so candle dragons were so green that even the first seat was not spared, covered in the damn "green paint".

The green paint did not cause any harm, but it was getting more and more removed. The geckos had already come to watch, and a loud bird song came from the sky, scaring Zhulong to find a place to hide.

At this moment, Bai Huo was still as stable as an old dog, and secretly yawned, thinking: "Why haven't these bastards touched the cordon yet? I can't help but want to summon the master back! Look again, don't disturb the master Cultivation, I heard that one hour outside is worth nearly [-] hours! My dear, with a cultivation speed of [-] times, the master should have returned to the middle stage of the Golden Core, right?"

After Chen Xinghe cultivated during this period of time, because he was too diligent and focused on the basics, he was still in the early stage of Jindan.

But it's coming soon, and one more level of diligence can return to the middle stage of Jindan.

The promotion was too rapid before, and some important matters were ignored. Now I have the opportunity to make up for it, and the foundation has become stronger.

He is going towards the supreme being of the same rank. No matter how powerful the other monks are, if they go coolly, he will definitely reach the top in this heaven and world.

(End of this chapter)

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