Chapter 969

Zhulong came and went and dug repeatedly for five days before reaching the formation set up by Chen Xinghe.

Bai Huo saw that it was time, and immediately used the two boundary symbols to send a message.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Chen Xinghe returned to his residence, this speed can be called miraculous.

"Ah! Master, you are back."

"I'm back, I just increased my cultivation level by one level and returned to the middle stage of Jindan."

"Congratulations to the master, congratulations to the master, you have created an unrivaled hero, and you will surely achieve Mahayana cultivation in the future."

"Hahaha, come and congratulate me the day I become a Mahayana monk!" Chen Xinghe was full of energy. He lived a very fulfilling life in the Junchali World. The siblings are making rapid progress.

Don't look at him now that he only has a mid-Gold Core cultivation base, his essence is completely different, and his understanding of everything in the world has reached a high level.

In a moment, his mind returned to his body, Chen Xinghe looked at the retreat place he had worked so hard to build, stretched out his right hand and made a soft "hissing" sound, and saw light and shadow shaking around.

The retreat site including those talisman arrays disappeared, and they were moved into the human race bag by means similar to supernatural powers. Afterwards, Chen Xinghe quietly sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and continued to practice like an old monk entering meditation.

He was not at all worried about the huge crisis that would follow, and his mood was already different at this moment.

Cultivators like to talk about what will happen to me on the day I attain the Tao. These two words are just heard, and few people understand the specific meaning of "obtaining the Tao".

Chen Xinghe was in the ranks of attaining the Dao, even though what he obtained was the "Dao" in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and now he has advanced to the Middle Golden Core Stage, he is truly standing in this state.

What is Tao?

That is to go beyond the limit after the limit, see the avenue on the avenue, and you are an outsider, a sky beyond the sky, the world you see in your eyes is like a painting, and you can stand outside the painting and look down at any time.

He retracted the layout here, which greatly facilitated Zhulong's digging.

A group of masters from the Candle Dragon Hall quickly dug into the ground, looking at the empty crypt and Chen Xinghe who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the crypt, anger suddenly rose in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

"Little bastard, I found you."

"Damn it, do you know how much we have paid? These days we are frightened, and dozens of companions have been folded in."

Chen Xinghe opened his eyes to look at these big men, and slowly got up to salute: "Everyone came here, it was a mistake to welcome you far away, and you are committing a crime. Especially when Senior Jinmei taught me the method of hitting the hour needle, I was able to escape from difficulties several times. I'm very grateful. It's just that you are deeply infatuated with demons, and your body is being poisoned. I, a junior, can't help but feel sad. I just feel that the road to practice is difficult. No matter why the mighty Candle Dragon Clan escaped into the demonic way, they just let go of the right path. It’s wrong to follow evil ways, so I invite you to go on the road today.”

"Boy, do you still have the previous cultivation? Hahaha, sharp teeth, when you thought you were still in good shape? The arrest warrant of Lord Tianmo clearly stated that you have suffered heavy injuries, and it is absolutely impossible to maintain the original combat power." force."

Chen Xinghe said calmly: "Yes, I have been injured too much and I am rebuilding. Seniors have their own light in their hearts, so why bother to commit yourself to the devil?"

"Bold, what do you little thing know? There are thousands of ways, and the way of magic is also the way. I really don't know how you passed the test of the Scarlet Emperor's Heavenly Sect. You can't see through these, and you are destined to fall on the way to enter the avenue! , This is the fate you are about to bear."

Chen Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, then shook his head and said: "It's true that different paths do not conspire with each other, everyone put aside your rhetoric for the time being, if you want to block the next path of cultivation, you have to catch me! Next, let's see how I, a young man, perform The Candle Dragon Palace hits the hour hand method, which may be different from yours."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xinghe's feet were covered with fine dust, and his feet could not be seen moving. However, he was already standing among the candle dragons, coughed and passed by, and there was no candle dragon that could stop him.

Suddenly, a sharp black claw gripped Chen Xinghe's body, but he had already escaped from the cave and came to the ground, looked at the candle dragons blocking the entrance of the cave, sighed and said: "When is the time for retribution? Although you are not here in real body, once you die, the loss will be no small matter, is it worth it to spend so much effort just to be here?"

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, the sharp claws approached instantly with a frightening vigor.

Chen Xinghe's complexion was serious, he could see that the person was not kind, his figure suddenly deflected, and only heard a scream.

For some reason, he switched places with a candle dragon. It was too late to take back the attack, so this candle dragon took the unimaginable blow instead of Chen Xinghe.

"Hitting the hour hand? You actually cultivated such an ordinary method to the realm of perfection?" The first one was moved. What kind of talent is this, to have cultivated their Candle Dragon Palace method to such a state?
Chen Xinghe said modestly: "It's far away! Hitting the hour hand is just like its name, like reversing time, stepping on the tail of the passing time to accelerate. Now I'm just getting a glimpse of the doorway. I want to stand on the avenue of time, but it's still out of reach. .”

"Roar..." The leader let out a roar that shook the sky, and he had forgotten where this place was, and shouted: "Leave him."

Why roar?

Because Chen Xinghe is too monstrous, he managed to get a glimpse of the main points of Candle Dragon Hall's core exercises with only one method. He was afraid that if he continued to practice, he would deduce the whole picture of all the methods of Candle Dragon Palace.

This kind of monk is too scary. Give him a point to draw a line, and give him a line to connect to a surface. In some places, he even surpasses the secret method of the Candle Dragon Palace. This kind of existence makes him worried, and suddenly thinks of two impossible things. The text that appears.


The avenue is there, extremely wide and narrow. Since ancient times, few people have been able to peep through the doorway and board the road. However, there is a type of monks who have a greater possibility than other existences, and that is the Taoist.

It is the most obvious sign that those who have attained the Dao will help more than those who have lost the Dao.

There are only legends about how to become a Daoist, and they are all trying to figure it out. I have never heard of anyone who has actually achieved it. Could it be that this Chen Xinghe...

Just as the first seat was stunned, Chen Xinghe had disappeared.

"Where did he go?"

"Damn it, we can't surround a little house sparrow with so many candle dragons."

"Don't underestimate this son, even if he is injured, he is still the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect."

Chen Xinghe came to the few grasses named Xianrenfu, watched them carefully for a while, and then grabbed them with his hands.

"Quack..." Xiaocao faintly felt something was wrong, made a cry like a frog, and released poisonous gas.

However, something happened that made them terrified. The poisonous gas failed to stop this weird arm, and it was forced to pluck four or five leaves of grass by the other party like wool.

Chen Xinghe looked at the leaves of grass in his hands and nodded. Uprooting them would not do him any good. Let's go and see that colorful gecko!
With this in mind, he shifted shape again.

As for the group of candle dragons behind their buttocks, they can follow up if they can, and solve them together when the opportunity arises.

Now Chen Xinghe only has the Dao in his eyes, and the rest is dust, which can be brushed away with his own hands! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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