Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 970 Has been honored after 8 kalpas

Chapter 970
There was a gecko lying on the mountain wall, its big eyes suddenly froze, and it looked right at the young and ridiculously young monk in front of him.

In the eyes of the gecko, not to mention the monks of the Jindan stage, even the monks of the Nascent Soul stage are also younger brothers. If they dare to spit it out in one breath, they will end their lives immediately.

However, the little guy in front of him was weird, and there was a faint aura about him that made him very afraid.

Chen Xinghe smiled slightly, and said softly: "I borrowed a poison sac from you, what do you think?"

Just this sentence fell on the ground, which made the gecko stunned.

How many years has it been since a human cultivator talked to him like this, if it was the past when he was violent, he would have swallowed this little guy in a blink of an eye, but I don’t know why, there is always a vigilance in my heart, I want to spit it out after thinking about it A green bead, pushed forward.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xinghe couldn't help but nodded and said: "Thank you! If you achieve something in the future, you will definitely give back the opportunity, and you won't let everyone in the cave pay for nothing."

The gecko is thinking, you bragging, I need your feedback?It's just that I'm in a good mood today, and I spit out a bead to tease you.

But then the gecko was shocked. He didn't notice when the other party came, why didn't he notice when he left?This is simply the most incredible thing in the world, what is the problem?Is it because he has lived too laxly these years and lost his original vigilance?Self-examination must be carried out.

Yes, review...

When Chen Xinghe reappeared, he was already below the peak, and he looked up to observe the three big characters "Mu Cangtian".

These three big characters have a strong sense of oppression. If they cannot be recognized, they will die on the spot if they just observe them casually.

However, the strange thing is that Chen Xinghe didn't seem to have any reaction to the oppressive feeling, and even stretched out his hand to draw it in the air, as if he was copying the mountain wall, trying to imprint these three great characters in his heart. If anyone sees this scene, he must say These three big characters are eccentric.

In fact, the owner of this place left these three words just to benefit future generations, otherwise why would he engage in such a mystery in his own cave?
However, there are very few monks who are qualified to bear these three words. If a monk of a different kind observes it and has no room for accommodation, he will be killed on the spot by means of thunder.

Chen Xinghe didn't care about this little sense of oppression.

Not only did he not care, but as the copying deepened, he felt that the sense of oppression became more intimate.

As if the oppressive feeling of the mountains is "the baby swallow returning to its nest", it revolves around the copyer endlessly, forming a kind of magical protection.

In just a few moments, Chen Xinghe stopped writing immediately, he had consumed three-quarters of his mind, and if he kept copying, he might lose his combat power.

So enough is enough!

The superficial content involved in these three words has already been imprinted in the heart. As for those parts that are very difficult to understand, they are too deep.

Don't underestimate these few strokes and paintings, there are unfathomable mysteries hidden in them, Chen Xinghe can benefit endlessly just by comprehending a little bit.

This is related to star power.

Through copying, I found that the senior Da Neng really regarded the heavens and the earth as cattle and sheep. This pile of heavens belongs to my family. Outsiders should not get their hands on them, otherwise they will severely cut you.

A very pure idea is included in it. Standing in the universe and observing the four directions is naturally inseparable from the star power. Over time, I have learned some fur to control the star power.

Although it was superficial, it made Chen Xinghe feel that it was unattainable. With his attainment of Taoism and Zixiao's miraculous foundation building skills, he managed to learn a little bit, and a little bit of induction induced the star power, forming a huge concave surface around him.

Guided by the method of animal husbandry, building a concave surface of star power can obtain the star power accumulated by the surrounding heavens for many years. If the concave surface can be filled with spirit-gathering arrays and symbols, the efficiency can be increased dozens of times.

The three words Mu Cangtian seem to say that the heavens are stars, so Mu Cangtian is also the method of Mu Xing.

Chen Xinghe gave a deep gift and was very grateful. Although he has no time to practice now, he can feel that this method is wonderful. It may be able to solve the difficulty of not enough star power, so as to really push the Xingjun God Table to the top. The ultimate success can evolve into a miracle.

You must know that those ancient star kings are very powerful, which made the monks in the world fear. Now that they are gone, the star power accumulated over the years is probably enough to support the birth of a new star king.

I believe that as long as I find a few more worlds, I will naturally be able to make great strides forward, and this will be my foundation of excellence.

After pressing this thought, Chen Xinghe continued to wander around the cave.

Of course, [-]% to [-]% of the regions are still in crisis, which makes the life and death book frequently warn.

So it is enough to look at it from a distance. It is all about gaining insight, especially when you have star power and Buddha eyes to explore, you can see many strange things.

Along the way, witness the mystery, peep into the immortality, and comprehend the truth.

When he stopped, he came to the majestic water pool.

Nine waterfalls flew straight down and converged to form a deep pool. A head poked out of the water and glared, but the eyes soon softened, and it dived back to the bottom of the pool with two whimpers, and did not come out again.

Chen Xinghe was stunned, and immediately came to his senses: "Is it the Mu Cangtian oppressive feeling that I carry in my body? It actually still has this effect."

As he spoke, he crossed over with one step, sat on the water, let out the little blue snake he had subdued earlier and said, "Here, this is the bead given to you by that gecko. You have entered his eyes. This bead is not for me. It's for you, so it's an old man supporting the younger generation, right?"

"Hiss!" The little snake was very excited, and quickly swallowed the beads and nodded in thanks.

"Don't worry about it, sooner or later you will become a local tenant here, and you can ask that gecko for advice when you have time! If you have the opportunity, you must squeeze it out, otherwise you will be sorry for the opportunity."

"Ah..." A certain gecko sneezed, looked around suspiciously, and suddenly saw the group of candle dragons, it must be their fault, his old man never gets sick, how could he sneeze...

Chen Xinghe suddenly formed seals with his hands, and said in his mouth: "Open!"

I saw Jieli blooming around his body, one floor, two floors, three floors, and it didn't stop until the sixth floor.

After a while, he drank again: "Open!"

The seventh tribulation force appeared, just like a peacock spreading its tail, shaking slightly, gorgeous and dazzing.

Chen Xinghe squinted his eyes to observe for a while, but still said: "Open!"

The power of the eighth level of calamity has been opened, he took a deep breath and said: "The seventh and eighth calamity have been honored, so what about the ninth calamity? What kind of mysterious realm will it be? Nine is the ultimate number, and you can only see it when you open the last calamity." As far as the real Huangquan Jue is concerned, the Nine Tribulations Huangquan Jue that I am practicing now only belongs to the first part of the Nine Tribulations, and the latter part has never appeared, and the sect has kept this very tightly covered, so what are you afraid of?"

This is something that Chen Xinghe couldn't figure out. If it is said to be absolutely banned, but it was revealed intentionally or unintentionally in the world of the underworld, it is really speechless.

No matter, now we have to hurry up and restore our cultivation base, why are those demonized candle dragons still not coming?

(End of this chapter)

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