Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 971 Changes in the Frontline

Chapter 971 Changes in the Frontline
"Damn it, he went to that tengu's territory."

"This is how to do?"

"Why can he go, but we can't?"

"It's useless to say such sour words. This kid is full of weirdness. Naturally, he has some unique features. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be so indifferent."

"What shall we do next? Do we have to wait here forever?"

The chief suddenly said: "Let's go back!"

All the candle dragons were shocked: "What? Go back? The sacrifice is so huge, you want to go back?"

They can't accept this kind of timid attitude, even if they die here once, they must be unyielding, which is in line with the heart of the devil.

The chief looked far away and said: "This is just a temporary retreat. We invite the world's demons to explore this cave together. There is a warrant for the demons here, so they can't help but not come."

All the candle dragons couldn't help but their eyes brightened.

I came here so quickly before to eat alone, but this kid is too cunning, and it is difficult for everyone to find such a tricky place. Youdao is a dead friend who is not dead. If some demons come to pave the way, what about the tengu in front of the absolute number ?Surely he could go in there and take that kid to the bone, and execute him as a sacrifice.

Thinking of this made me feel much happier, and I immediately shouted five drinks and six to prepare to join in the grand event.

Chen Xinghe suddenly opened his eyes, wondering why these candle dragons left suddenly.

At this time, the book of life and death postponed the time node by four and a half years, and immediately knew in his heart that the other party was going back to make preparations, and the matter was not over yet.

After thinking for a moment, I muttered to myself: "That's good! With these four and a half years as a buffer, I should be able to rebuild it! After much deliberation, collecting ingots is the most important thing. As long as the dragon veins are opened, returning to the Yuanying period is just around the corner! And in my heart Save a thought, if you can really accumulate an amount beyond imagination, you can quickly cross the Nascent Soul Stage and become a generation of giants."

Thinking this way, he got up and drifted away. Since the book of life and death provided a clear time point, he naturally didn't need to stay too long. It was the right thing to return to the Chihuangtian as soon as possible, because only the Chihuangtian was rich in the world and could earn enough ingots!Especially before the battle, if this war is over, nothing will happen to him.

So the heart of returning is very urgent, even if the cultivation base is in the middle stage of Jindan, but the realm is still there, and it is much higher than before, this is enough.

On the road of collecting ingots, these difficulties are nothing to worry about, so let's settle down and start the journey.

It only took half an hour for Chen Xinghe to arrange the accommodation.

Naturally, it is not the cave in the past, this place is more tricky, and it is guaranteed that no matter how many demons come here, they will be hated.However, it is expected that the Candle Dragon Palace will win by numbers, and it is not impossible to come here if a large number of demons are really used to pave the way.

Therefore, after four and a half years, he had to return to the main body for defense. The days before that must be fine, because he believed in the judgment of the book of life and death.

In this way, Chen Xinghe resolved a major crisis with every gesture, and at the same time, the life and death book's judgment on him increased several times. The previous level of danger must no longer be able to trap him. It is the purpose of constantly improving oneself.

It would be even faster to go back to Bansu Mountain. It took less than half an hour to arrive, and here you have to receive the spiritual light to reshape your body.

A new land father came.

No, it's the land granny, a very short, chubby, ruddy, white-haired, childlike, kind old lady.

Chen Xinghe hurriedly saluted: "Greetings to the mother-in-law of the land. I was hit in the next battle and damaged my previous body. I don't know if my mother-in-law has a higher level of body shaping authority here."

The mother-in-law raised her eyebrows, looked Chen Xinghe up and down and praised: "What a young emperor of the Qingtian sect, he already possesses a Taoist posture! Although the old woman does have several permissions in her hands, but those permissions are extremely valuable, and once they are opened, they will attract people. Feng inquired, a small land can't afford to suffer, so the young emperor should not embarrass his old man."

Chen Xinghe smiled slightly, took out something and said: "In my opinion, everything in the world has its value, as long as you can pay the equivalent value and higher, it should not be a problem to get this level of authority."

I saw two withered yellow grass leaves sealed in a crystal ball, which looked very inconspicuous, but in the perception, it was like a bottomless pit eroding the mind.

Seeing the leaves of grass, the mother-in-law of the land immediately became cautious, and even took half a step back, which seemed to know how powerful she was.

"How does mother-in-law feel?"

The mother-in-law of the land said in disbelief: "Can we still find this grass in this day and age? It's unbelievable, a god! If it weren't for the old man's foundation in the past, I'm afraid that in other lands, I don't know what it is."

Chen Xinghe praised: "Mother-in-law is really amazing, you can tell what it is just by looking at the blades of grass, which is extremely difficult for a junior, but I don't know if this treasure can be used to exchange for body shaping authority."

The mother-in-law of the land thought for a while, gritted her teeth and said, "Wait a minute, I'll discuss it with someone, and I'll give you an answer in two days."

"Go ahead! This junior can just sit here and practice." Chen Xinghe sat down cross-legged. You must know that he is still at a cultivation speed of 81 times. Based on this improvement, recovery will be faster, so he is anxious to return to Chihuangtian, and hopes that the war will not end so early, and he must give him the opportunity to kill the devil to collect the spoils.

However, two days later, the mother-in-law of the land brought him bad news. He needed to pay an extra leaf of grass to exchange for the permission of body shaping, and this permission was not what he originally thought. It was better than the treatment enjoyed by those powerful people. Shrunk a lot.

Even so, it is acceptable, because the authority given by the mother-in-law of the land is equivalent to the early stage of the body, which means that there is no problem with using this body in the early stage of the body, and there is no need to worry about the transformation stage!

However, it is necessary to sit here for a month to accept the shaping of the spiritual light. This period of time is a bit difficult. After all, Chen Xinghe is close to his heart.

As a result, Chen Xinghe was stunned when Granny Land made a phone call.

It turned out that instead of coming to an end, the frontline battlefield was on fire.

The Qingtian Sect invested a lot, and even dispatched troops stationed on other borders. At the same time, it issued an edict to thousands of forces in the jurisdiction, asking them to send monks to participate in the war.

Going back now, not only do you not have to worry about not having a big battle to fight, but you will also encounter void demons.Although the mother-in-law of the land did not get any first-hand information, she could faintly feel that something happened on the front line. It must be that the demon world tore out a gap in space and sent an advance army. The green carpet is finally about to open.

Chen Xinghe plans to turn the human seed bag into a portable medicine garden. In the future, he can bring Shen'an and the five sisters when he turns around Motianling, and let them take care of the spirit grass. Now it is enough to cultivate the Yaoshu family.

Thinking like this, he began to reshape his body. This process was a bit long, and he believed that the battle would be more intense in a month. He, the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, was going to work hard again to collect ingots.

(End of this chapter)

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