Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 972 Return of the Young Emperor

Chapter 972 Return of the Young Emperor
"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......" A figure was striding stridingly in the air, looking back in panic from time to time.

Amidst the sound of piercing through the air, the figure entered the canyon, out of breath, and said, "Here we come, I..."

A flash of light flashed across, and the human head rolled to the ground with a "gululu", and a purple Nascent Soul flew up, screaming and running for its life.

"Hehehe, just these two brushes are still like others to lure the enemy deep and ambush them in secret. Are you all thinking about Yonetian Gong?"

Following the voice, a graceful figure floated down, it was a witch in gorgeous robes.

"Kill!" Five figures flew out of the canyon, the hooked-nosed young master who used to be in a group with Chen Xinghe stood out.

"Ah! It's just these few people, my brother doesn't even need to come down, I can solve you all by myself..." The voice was soft and waxy, and it smelled sweet with red lips, which made people think about it.

The two monks swayed from side to side, feeling hot in their lower abdomen, and wished they could pounce on the witch immediately to have sex with the witch.

"This is a wonderful appearance of a demon, be careful, don't fall into the witch's way."

"Oh! Look at this young man's extraordinary clothes, why is his eyesight so poor? This is not a miraculous look, it's just smoke and a little aphrodisiac. Hehehe, next is the miraculous look of the celestial demon." The witch's temperament changed drastically, In the eyes of different people, she is definitely the same day and night, in a trance, as if in a dream.

The monk Qingtianzong is not a weak person, and immediately shouted: "Put the gold thread on it."

The Nascent Soul who had escaped just now opened the formation, and suddenly thousands of golden lights rose from the ground, entwining towards the witch at an extraordinary speed.

"Hmph!" The witch stomped her feet vigorously, and suddenly the devilish energy burst out and spread towards the surroundings.

A voice came from the air: "You monks are so imaginative, you want to besiege us just because of these few people?"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure slowly descended.

Every time this figure fell ten feet, a circle of demonic energy burst into the sky, and the mighty impact spread gold threads everywhere, making people feel terrified.

The magic power is bursting, the light is cold, and there is a feeling that you can't stand still.

The witch giggled lightly: "My brother is still the best, it's different in person. Don't let any of these monks run away. Today, whatever I say, I have to break my fast and eat meat here."

"No, this demon is ten times stronger than expected, let's retreat quickly?"

"Why retreat? We still haven't exercised the triple prohibition, don't say discouraged words, and immediately break out." The speaker spoke righteously, but his body was very honest, and his legs were retreating a little bit.

Unexpectedly, the first level of restraint appeared, and the purple light was extremely dazzling. However, the male and female demons were so powerful that they lifted the purple light like a curtain between hands. Their eyes were full of sneers and jokes, and they seemed to enjoy cat-catching. mouse game.

Immediately afterwards, two layers of restraints appeared, but their power was not as powerful as the first layer. The Nascent Soul who lost his body and fled before saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly turned into a cloud of smoke and fled again.

The few people in front did not hesitate, and their figures drifted away one after another, obviously wanting to get away with oiling their feet.

The witch laughed so hard that the bells on her ankles jingled, she caught up with the hooked-nosed young master in just one step, and her gaze couldn't help but change.

"No." She had sensed that something was wrong just now, and saw the surrounding world turned upside down, and the hooked nose laughed loudly: "You have been tricked!"

The two demons were separated by a layer of light curtain, and the ground suddenly churned upwards to form thick dust and smoke.

The six figures appeared at the same time, raising their hands to perform their unique moves, hoping that one blow would be enough to hit the two big monsters severely.

The witch paid more attention to it, and quickly took out a string of golden bells and shook them vigorously, the tinkling bells kept ringing.

However, the group of monks who besieged them had been prepared for a long time. They pasted the magic talisman on their foreheads to wipe away the influence of the demon sound, and attacked as they wanted to attack, without any mercy.

The witch secretly hated, these monks are so shameless, so many people besiege their brother and sister, who are they afraid of fighting alone?
Everyone stood shoulder to shoulder to use their trump card against the two demons, and soon the witch couldn't hold on anymore and screamed: "You wait for me, today I will show you the majesty of the demon way."

As she said that, her face was covered with red fine lines, and her face became hideous, as if she was enduring great pain, but what she didn't expect was that her brother broke out first.


Someone panicked and shouted: "How is this possible? This pair of brothers and sisters actually know how to disintegrate the demon."

The demons in the lower realms always like to use the disintegration of the demons as a tactic to burn jade and stone together, but that is all a trivial trick.The real disintegration of the demon comes from the demon world, and it belongs to the untold secret of the void demon. Only those monks who are extremely close to the origin of the demonic way know how to perform the simplified version of the disintegration of the demon, but at the worst, they have to reach the stage of transforming gods. This pair of devils actually know it Exercising, heeling must be beyond imagination.

These are two big fish, but they are afraid that they will be too big to swallow them.

There is no way, the situation is so close to this, the arrow is on the string and has no choice but to bite the bullet and fight against it.

Next, it was as bright as the morning glow, and the sound was like a bell, and it was a lively scene.

Although these monks had multiple arrangements, under the mighty power of the disintegration of the demon, they had no choice but to retreat one after another. Seeing that they were about to die, someone suddenly spoke.

The strange thing is that the roar is so deafening that everyone can hear the voice, and it is very clear.

"Isn't this the hooked-nosed boy? I've made some progress in the past few days, and I have learned to contact other groups to carry out sieges! But you have so many people besieging the two of them, and you have been made ashamed. It really embarrasses our Qingtian Sect."

"Ah? Who?" The hooked-nosed young master's heart trembled wildly, suddenly remembered someone, and secretly said: "Could it be that evil star?"

That's right, it is Chen Xinghe, the young emperor of Qingtian Sect.

I saw him suddenly appearing, came behind the man who was venting his magic power, clapped his hands with a "snap", and then saw Moxiu's eyes widening, disappearing in front of everyone, it was unbelievable.

Chen Xinghe secretly breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he didn't have much confidence in this palm. If it wasn't for the fierce fighting between the two sides on the battlefield and the intense consumption, otherwise it would be really difficult to strike with his current cultivation.

Fortunately, a slap succeeded, and it happened to slap on the acupoints bursting with demonic energy, and the green carpets all exerted their strength to extract, coupled with the poison of the fairy cover, it was a hit.

On the surface, it looks like an understatement, but in fact there are many complicated factors mixed in, but the world only looks at the results, the name of Qing Tianzong's young emperor has spread far and wide, who is not satisfied with the huge reputation?

"I've been waiting to see the young emperor!"

"May the young emperor cultivate the road forever and prosper, and the martial arts will reach the sky."

Chen Xinghe laughed loudly: "Why are you so good at talking all of a sudden? I'm so embarrassed!"

As soon as the words fell, he had already left the place, and the witch who was running wildly screamed: "Don't come here, Chen Xinghe."

"Huh? You look so familiar to me, you even know my name." He was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't take too long to slap the witch. Nose lowered his head, surrendering in front of the boundless might of the young emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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