Chapter 973
Chen Xinghe dumped a lot of miscellaneous things in front of Yinggoubi, put his arms around his shoulders and said kindly: "Young master, look at these trophies. You really don't have time to deal with them. Why don't you discount them for me first and put them in your family's treasures?" Slowly digest, we two brothers in this world look down and see each other, do you know what is the strongest relationship? Yes, it is a relationship of interests, the opportunity is in front of you, if you don’t save face, be careful that I will wear small shoes for you on the battlefield.”

The hooked-nosed young master almost fainted, and said in his heart: "This bastard is actually the young emperor of this sect, don't ask, this is for Yuanbao."

There were 180 cold snorts in my heart, but now I dare not show it.

As the saying goes, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree!

Now the young emperor of Qingtianzong is very powerful, because he fought to death a real demon some time ago, it is said that he is not an ordinary real demon, and now the intensified battle is all triggered by this battle.

The young emperor Chen Xinghe's name was first raised in the Devil's Cult, and dozens of great demons at the transformation stage and even the fusion stage jumped out to search for it. The spectacle was simply terrifying!
After searching to no avail, he gradually calmed down, but with the return of this guy, there will definitely be another bloodbath.

He is alive and well, don't be targeted by this guy, hurry up and let him run for his life!Those demon giants may arrive at any time.

"Okay, okay, young emperor, wait a moment, I will communicate with everyone here, and exchange ingots for His Highness."

Chen Xinghe was slightly taken aback, and thought to himself: "Is my human brilliance so great? Even this kind of dog pee moss young master has become sweet and cute?"

The hooked nose seemed to be running away, and the other monks hurriedly handed over the ingots, and then fled with various excuses from afar.

"Huh? Why are you in such a hurry?" Chen Xinghe didn't know to what level the Demon Cult had raised his whereabouts. At this moment, seeing more than 80 ingots left by the hooked nose, he was very happy.

However, after a moment of joy, his complexion quickly collapsed, all because the two devils, a man and a woman, didn't have much stock in their hands, probably because they were relatively young, so if they wanted to do it, they would just do it with the old guy, who usually had a relatively rich net worth.

Although it fell far short of expectations, it was a good start.

Chen Xinghe swayed slightly and was no longer in the same place. He didn't know that not long after he left, dozens of demonic thoughts descended, swept around the place frantically, and then scattered to chase after the monks like Hooked Nose.

There is no way, Chen Xinghe has come to the forefront of his time in the way of seclusion, so there is only one magic thought that hesitates for a moment, and pursues in his direction.

However, it is useless to chase them, and they will be lost thousands of miles away, and they can only sigh in vain.

Chen Xinghe was bold and dared to take risks.

He felt that it was too slow to search for opportunities on the front line, and there was no prospect of earning enough ingots to open the dragon veins, so he might as well take the initiative to hit the door.

As long as the toxicity of the grass leaves in his hands is still there, it is still possible to kill a few enemies, the key lies in the sneak speed and retreat speed.

Although he is now in the mysterious realm, if his cultivation base does not return to the Nascent Soul stage, he will not be able to exert his full strength for a day, so he needs to be more vigilant and plan carefully.

Fortunately, surrounded by the three big characters Mu Cangtian, he has already comprehended the method of gathering star power.

As long as the star power is sufficient to a certain extent, it can detect every detail.

You must know that if you want to fight a tough battle, intelligence work is very important. If you go to the territory where you can't handle the characters to catch demon moths, aren't you courting death?Therefore, you must investigate clearly, where is suitable for you, rush in and run with a hammer, only in this way can you gather enough ingots to open the dragon veins in a short time, otherwise you will not be able to get what you want if you are not lucky enough to walk on the front line for a year and a half , not to mention that there are even greater ambitions in the future!
Chen Xinghe wanted to gather ten thousand ingots or even more, in order to reach the grand slam of Yuanying Stage cultivation speed, so that he could run back to negotiate terms with Moon Moth Sect.

In this way, he searched all the way, and on the third day, he found a location.

The small town is called Junshan Town, and there are actually ten Demon Cult castles hanging in the air. It is all because of the discovery of a vein of magic stone here, and there seems to be a deeper reason. No one would have guessed that a monk would dare to single-handedly attack here.


Because this is not only a very important resource point, but also a place for the wounded to recuperate.


Chen Xinghe is also a wounded person, the wounded should not treat the wounded too much, right?
The key is to find the right time. He found that in order to distribute the newly collected magic stones, Ruins Fort will send tyrannical demon cultivators to follow them. As long as these powerful guys leave, it will be easy for him to start here.

Of course, there must be many strong people staying here, and it is absolutely impossible for the enemy to take advantage of it.

In this case, we will have to wait, and when the fierce battle unfolds, we will dispatch some of the big demons.

Chen Xinghe walked quickly on the front line. The reason why he decided on this place was because he found that the Qingtian Sect was gathering manpower and material resources. It was obvious that they were going to fight a big battle, and the location was relatively close to this place.

That's it!Opportunities are coming your way.

If you want to stand out, you have to find opportunities, you can get a hammer if you don't drill yourself!I don't even know where the hammer is.

After running for a few days and getting a general idea of ​​the situation, Chen Xinghe found an inconspicuous ravine, hid in it and observed the situation of the enemy camp while practicing. He didn't know that the enemy camp used a lot of secret operations to find him, and the heart of blocking him was so strong that it was a mess.

There was even a ghostly idea from the top management, who wanted to gain permission to lock Chen Xinghe through the Yingluo pattern.

Finding a target in this way is faster than any other method.

Although the Qingtian sect has decayed, it has not rotted to the point where there is no bone left. If you want to get the position of the young emperor, you can't do it with an ordinary position. If you are not at the core level, you don't even have a door.

On the eighth day after his return, Chen Xinghe's expression was shocked, and he found out that several magic masters had been transferred away.

I thought I was right, Qing Tianzong's actions were almost obvious, so it was natural to mobilize the combat power and arrange troops, and there was a good show to watch next.

Sure enough, the next troop mobilization was very frequent.

How did Moxiu know that Xingli reflected all the changes to the distance, and none of the secrets of Ruins Castle could be concealed from the other party.

On the 13th day, the mobilization of troops suddenly accelerated, and the manpower became stretched.

Chen Xinghe felt that it was still a little bit too interesting, so he got up and chased after the nearest group of magic stones, and decided to make a fool of himself.

He obviously started two days later, but he caught up with the team in just half an hour. Although he took advantage of the star power and the teleportation of the body, he was also amazing to a certain extent. A monk can achieve such extraordinary speed.

Relying on the anchors he had set in advance, after finding this team, Chen Xinghe attacked without saying a word, but instead of showing his face, he tried to attack from different angles, creating the illusion of a large group of troops besieging.

Soon the team was in disarray, and the leader of the team was shot by a beam of light and fell unconscious, which made all the demon cultivators terrified and became suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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