Chapter 974

Chen Xinghe was very grateful to those few poisonous weeds. Without these poisonous weeds to help him kill the masters, it would be very difficult to achieve the goal of turning the tiger away from the mountain.

After all, his current cultivation base is not good, and if he does not open the dragon vein, he will not be able to practice quickly. This is the most important thing right now.

Fortunately, the plan was very successful, and the magic monks in the team were very cooperative and began to find ways to ask for help.

I remember that there are not many decent castles nearby, and even if there are, they may not be able to send people.

Therefore, each family manages its own, and it is safe to ask for help from the old nest, so as not to delay the opportunity.

Chen Xinghe continued to create a siege effect, the previous killing move that stunned the team leader cultivator with one blow never appeared again.

In this way, these magicians mistakenly think that it is some kind of treasure that cannot continue to be used, and this battle may not be as difficult as previously imagined.

Consume it now!Let's wait until the masters of the Devil's Cult come over. The longer the body preparation time, the farther the teleportation distance will be. I hope that today's plan will be successful.

To be honest, Chen Xinghe is not sure, there is a [-]% to [-]% chance to see hope, in his opinion, it is enough, and he can take a risk.

In order to obtain high returns, adventure is an essential element. Many monks sit in meditation and spend a lot of time to survive. Chen Xinghe does not approve of that kind of practice. He likes high efficiency and high speed, and life blooms for speed.

Not much to say, since he started to calculate, he felt a change in less than half an hour, and the murderous aura came across the sky, and he knew that there was a master coming without even looking.

Chen Xinghe immediately opened the body formation, his figure was enchanting, and quickly faded away. When the enemy came close, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and shouted loudly: "You bastards, you don't even know who the enemy is, so you ask for help indiscriminately. You bastards, yes! That young emperor of Qingtian Sect."

A question came from the side: "Why are you so sure? Is it the little guy who has escaped so much recently?"

The visitor looked at the master who came with him, glared and said: "I used my magic to chase and almost caught up with him before, and I felt the curse left on him by the demon. Speaking of which, this kid is quite good, and he has a way to get rid of the curse." Suppress to the lowest state, otherwise all magic monks will know where he is, as obvious as a lighthouse, and it is not easy to kill him?"

"Hmph, since it's him, it's easy to handle. Even if the manpower is limited now, the head teacher will find a way to get rid of the masters and arrest them."

"That's reasonable. Send a message immediately to buy us time. This kid is trying his best to divert the tiger away from the mountain. It seems that he wants to teach the wounded to attack me..."

They are planning how to capture Chen Xinghe. He himself has been teleported back to the vicinity of the Ruin Fortress, and his positioning is extremely accurate. Except for those who practice the Xingjun Commanding Divine Biao, it is difficult for other monks to do it.

Needless to say, time is running out, even if there are experts in Ruins Fort, they don't care so much, if they don't act now, they will definitely miss the opportunity.

Between lightning and flint, Chen Xinghe made great strides forward. With each step, a large number of cracks were stepped on. The speed became faster and faster. After ten steps, it was so fast that it was unimaginable. He only heard a "duh" and walked out, and reappeared that he had entered the ruins castle .

Those magic circles and restrictions outside couldn't react, which shows how terrifying the speed is.

Chen Xinghe raised his hand and slapped it.

The five people on the opposite side were taken aback. They were caught off guard and were about to gather magic power when they felt a terrifying aura spread.

After a few puffs, black palm prints appeared on the five people's bodies, and they yelled "very poisonous" in their hearts, and then fell unconscious and passed out.

Chen Xinghe nodded secretly, this was the toxin he had received from the immortal body before, and it was all sealed in the acupoints, waiting for the critical moment to explode.

This trick really works, but that's all there is to it. If you want to show off your power next, you have to rely on the toxicity of the grass leaves themselves.

Shaking his hands, he collected the belongings of the five people, and his body and the magic baby were not spared. They were all smashed up and made into fertilizer. I hope Master Zhenyu can adapt.

These five people have a good relationship and like to get together to recuperate. They have been anchored for a long time these days, and now they have come together and done a good job. I hope it will be so smooth in the future.

His figure faded away suddenly, and when Chen Xinghe reappeared, he had already entered a secret room.

He looked at the two demon cultivators on the opposite side, and his shots were a series of sword shadows.

These two demon cultivators are unlucky, they are a couple, they are retreating to heal their wounds, who would have thought that disaster would come from heaven, someone could easily pass through the arrangement and take their lives easily.

Chen Xinghe made a great effort to observe this ruin castle specially used to receive the wounded. These demon cultivators didn't know about it. The massive star power gathered in the past ten days almost swept this place into a sieve.

If you want to accomplish something, it is very important to do your homework in advance. If you don't have such deliberate efforts, you will not be successful today.

After killing the couple, Chen Xinghe hurriedly shifted his shape and ran to the next location that he had planned for a long time ago.

As long as the speed is fast enough, as many wounded as possible can be killed before the enemy forms a siege.

The good thing is that these magic monks don't trust each other. Except for those five guys and this couple, there are no more wounded who get together in pairs.

They are all recuperating alone, as long as they find the right place to sneak in at a high speed, is the result needless to say?
However, you must withdraw within two quarters of an hour. This is the iron law you set for yourself before you act, and you even have to retreat a little earlier, otherwise you will easily fall into a passive position, and it will be difficult to leave.

After fighting for about a quarter of an hour, Chen Xinghe has already killed 27 people without a sound. This speed is really amazing.

At this time, an alarm suddenly sounded, a master roared angrily, and the pressure rolled.

Chen Xinghe knew that he had been exposed, so he had to be quicker and more ruthless, if he couldn't do it, he had to retreat early, maybe within two quarters of an hour.

When he solved No.30, the resistance was much stronger than before. Before, he caught the opponent by surprise, but now he didn't have such an advantage. He became stumbling, and the success rate was greatly reduced.

At the critical moment, Chen Xinghe had to be able to afford it and let it go, so Chen Xinghe gritted his teeth and decided to abandon the fairy grass leaves.

You must know that these grass leaves are the current magic weapon for protecting yourself. Once used up, it will be difficult to resolve danger. However, in order to collect enough ingots to open the dragon vein at one time, you can only fight once.

Everywhere after that, the black palm prints raged across the air, killing these demonic monks screaming and screaming when they were dying.

Today is a one-shot deal, if you don't do it, you will regret it completely, Chen Xinghe exerted his speed to the extreme invisibly, so fast that he couldn't see his figure move, there were more than 70 wounded in total, 69 of them were slaughtered by him , it's about time now.

Let it go when you see it, Chen Xinghe left ten big cracked footprints on the ground, his figure has already shot out, even though those magic circles and restrictions have been activated, they still can't stop him with such a sky-defying speed.

Five demon cultivators appeared in the air, snorting coldly, each performing incredible magic skills, trying to pin down this Qingtian sect bastard.

However, Chen Xinghe turned into a beam of light and teleported away directly. The five people were slightly taken aback when they saw it, and immediately cursed and launched an all-out pursuit.

(End of this chapter)

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