Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 975 Restarting the Dragon Vein

Chapter 975 Restarting the Dragon Vein
Chen Xinghe ran away, why not stay for dinner?I believe those vicious demon monks can eat him.

This adventure was worth thousands of dollars, and it was not in vain for him to plan carefully and kill so many wounded in one go.

It is still unknown how much property these demonic monks have accumulated, but the quality cannot be compensated by the quantity. As long as each of them contributes seven or eight ingots, it is almost enough to restart the dragon vein.

As for how to open these storage rings, Chen Xinghe didn't bother with his current methods.

No matter how powerful those preset restrictions are, as long as the speed is fast enough and the positioning of star power is accurate enough, both hands will never be empty.

Right now, the Devil's Cult has gone mad, and there are experts coming from all directions. The life and death book's judgment on Chen Xinghe has been improved a lot, but it still becomes blurred frequently, indicating that the crisis is far beyond expectations.

As soon as he thought about it, he knew that these demons, big and small, wanted to poke the young emperor of Qingtianzong to the ground, smashing his bones to ashes.

If the monks in the fit stage were alarmed, he would not be able to escape here no matter how fast he was.

At this time, the extraordinary value of the book of birth and death comes. If you run in any direction, the handwriting will not be blurred, that is the way of life, otherwise it is a dead end.

In terms of escape ability, Chen Xinghe dares to be the second, and no one in the same rank dares to be the first. This is beyond doubt.

Mysterious and mysterious ripples appeared under my feet, and my figure turned into wisps of blue smoke without a trace. When I ran a hundred thousand miles away, I immediately started the teleportation and opened the distance again.

Judging from the response of the book of life and death, the crisis has always existed and has not been resolved.

Suddenly, Chen Xinghe paused, no longer moving towards the Zongmen camp, but ran sideways to the east, very decisive.

Because he found that this way of life was cut off, and he didn't know what method the Demon Cult had used to block it tightly.

God knows how many monks in the sect have defected to the enemy, it is really unexpected that fleeing in the direction of the camp has become more dangerous.

In this way, it will be doubly hard, and he must cross the theater at the fastest speed, and the penetration angle must be just right, so that no one can stop him.

As long as he stopped for more than [-] breaths, then his little life would be completely confessed. This time, the Demon Sect is prepared, and it will definitely not let the mind escape back to the body.

Ingots are precious, if you don't take such a risk and want to gather a certain amount, you don't even think about it.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe was not discouraged, instead he became full of energy when his life was hanging by a thread. He turned his star power to the extreme, and all the ditches and ridges in the distance appeared in his mind, and several dangerous places in the war zone appeared red and black. As long as you avoid these There is a high probability that the area will not encounter risks.

Time is running out, and the war zone is close at hand.

With all his strength, he pierced in, feeling a wave of madness like a flood sweeping the sky.Then he quickly took the golden pill out of his dantian, held it in his mouth and blew out a blue cloud, covering his body and continuing to walk.

Those magic thoughts turned a blind eye to him and did not make an emergency response.

While Chen Xinghe heaved a sigh of relief, he accelerated towards a safe direction. Today, no one could stop him from running towards the path of ingot ascension.

Now it was lively, the Demon Cult suddenly entered into a state of battle, and the Qingtian Sect and its subordinate sects sensed that something was wrong, and followed suit.


Why didn't they come to attack, but the mountains and tsunami chased in one direction?
At this moment, Chen Xinghe almost passed through the war zone, but he encountered a red light, and after a closer look, he found that it was a magic blood bat.

"It's so fast!"

Chen Xinghe screamed fast when he saw this bat at such a fast speed, which shows how fast it escapes.

"Chhhhhhh..." the bat yelled, Chen Xinghe's heart sank, he knew something was wrong.

Be very careful, Bai Mi Yi Shu failed to lock this bat, it seems that Xing Jun has not mastered the cultivation of God Biao, and he will definitely attract Xing power if he has the opportunity to strive for a small success.

Now that the crisis was soaring, Chen Xinghe slapped it, and used the last bit of poison from the Immortal Fu to destroy this beast.

Then he took out the storage rings and storage bracelets of those monks while fleeing, smashed them immediately without thinking too much, and only took the more important items inside, and didn't want the rest.

The plan couldn't keep up with the rapid changes, and the direction of escape became more and more remote, and even completely deviated from the territory of Chihuangtian. He had to do something as soon as possible to deal with it.

Before, I wanted to run back in a big circle, but now because this bat has been ruined, a master will come to kill it soon, and the immortal cover has been exhausted, so I can only pin my hope on the dragon's veins, maybe I have a chance to escape.

He is trying his best to collect the spoils here, and the old men of Qingtianzong sat together and sighed: "Didn't this kid just come back? Why is he causing trouble again?"

"Hey! I guess he is born with a hard life, and he can beat people everywhere, but fortunately it's the enemy."

"After all, he crawled out of the dead, and he should have just joined the sect to show some sharpness. I think back to the old man..."

"Stop! Stop! If you think about it any further, the boy is going to die."

"Cough, that's fine. In a few days, let's think back to the past. I, the fucking grass demon, taught his grandma to send out fit monks. What can I do?"

"Tell the phantom to move! Hmph, otherwise these members of the demon sect think they can represent the demon way, let them see how extraordinary the real monks of the demon way are."

"Phantom? Are you going to play for real this time?"

"Nonsense, it's not easy for us old guys to move. Is there any manpower besides the phantom?"

"That's right, I hope Xinghe will grow up soon, so that he can raise a banner all the way, and we old people won't have to be so troubled!"

"Hey! It's not slow anymore, just look at his good luck..."

Chen Xinghe didn't know that there was someone escorting him, but the book of life and death had indeed reduced most of the load, and the frequency of blurring the text was decreasing.

To his great surprise, he didn't know which benefactor of the Demon Cult was so rich that he actually saved more than 600 ingots.

This harvest alone is enough to open the dragon veins. Only twenty or so rings have been dismantled, and the latter ones can be slowed down. Let's restart the dragon veins first and then talk about others.

"Little Dragon!"

"I'm here, I'm ready."

"Restart immediately, I want to return to the Nascent Soul Stage as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Xiaolong has changed now, as long as Yuanbao is in place, he will be more powerful than before.


In a short while, Chen Xinghe's body shook, as if sinking into the sea of ​​dragon energy, and was instantly engulfed by the hair-growing energy.

The whole body bursts into hair immediately, and the old disease is gone. All the pores of the whole body breathe hard, eject impurities, wash the marrow and cut the hair.

This is the Scarlet Emperor Heavenly Dragon Vein piled up with more than 2000 ingots, and its function is naturally extraordinary.

Chen Xinghe immediately discovered that the foundation had become more stable. After [-] breaths of precipitation in the middle stage of Jindan, it showed a tendency to soar into the sky. As long as there is a buffer of more than ten days, it is believed that he can return to the Nascent Soul stage.

(End of this chapter)

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