Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 976 Magic Pot

Chapter 976 Magic Pot
Chen Xinghe charged with fire, resolutely and resolutely carried out a teleportation, shooting himself into the void.

Not long after he left, dozens of figures chased after him.

The group of demon monks searched carefully for their location, and the leader said angrily: "This little bastard can really run, and now he is running into the void. If he has the guts, he will not come back for the rest of his life."

"What do we do next, does it stop here?"

"Hmph, of course it won't stop here, but since he escaped into the void, we can save our effort."

"Yes, he is looking for death by escaping into the void." The eyes of other magic monks brightened, and their confidence suddenly became full.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe had already realized that something was wrong, the evil curse that he had suppressed deep in his mind emerged, a large number of black chickenpox protruded from his skin, and the terrible poison came one after another.

At the same time, the sense of crisis rose instead of falling, and it turned out to be more dangerous than being hunted down before.

"This is?"

He immediately cleared his mind, the Void Demon has many means of void, and now he can't help but escape into the void, which is equivalent to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Losing the shroud of heaven and earth, the curse of the magic way suddenly became a climate, and began to toss in different ways.

"We must find a place to rest and restore our cultivation!"

Thinking of this, Chen Xinghe quickly took out the green blanket and put it on his body. The magic curse was slightly disturbed, but it would be troublesome after a long time.

There is no aura in this void, and if you want to move quickly, you can only go out but not in, and the consumption is not small.

For the young emperor Qingtianzong who just made a fortune, this is nothing to worry about.

Not to mention, the main purpose is teleportation, and the destination is set in the hometown of Buddha Eye Li Qinyuan, a corner world called Tuhun.

According to the star power positioning, it is far away, but it will be much safer to move there than to stay nearby.

God knows when the Void Demons will kill them, there must be a lot of them, and before their own cultivation is restored, they will really suffer from a big battle.

In this way, after making his plans, Chen Xinghe began to travel long distances.

It is conservatively estimated that this journey will cost an ingot, and he must be able to locate it at any time like him, otherwise it is easy to get lost.

As a reserve Xingjun, escaping into the starry sky is equivalent to going home.

The Void Demon indeed sensed the location of the curse and was rushing towards him aggressively, but did he want to intercept Xingjun?Unless a big demon with extremely deep cultivation base is dispatched, it is impossible to succeed while playing.

After Chen Xinghe started this journey, he felt emotional, it is still more convenient to be in the void to cultivate the Xingjun God Watch!It is really fun to gather star power without interference from heaven and earth.

For example, it was a gurgling stream before, but now it is a nine-day waterfall.

In order to construct the star-leading concave surface in "Mu Cangtian", a large amount of spiritual stones needs to be invested, but compared with the past, this kind of consumption is thousands of times more cost-effective, which is not the same.

On the way, Chen Xinghe would often attract star power to come when he was preparing to teleport, and he felt that the star king's commanding god was rising, and it was increasing layer by layer. This feeling was really good.

After the changes in the book of life and death weakened, he was obsessed with these feelings and began to practice harder, so that he didn't know when he would return to the late stage of Jindan.

"Ah? How long has it been? There is no sun and moon in cultivation, and you can hardly feel the passage of time, so monks need a long lifespan, and they will practice hard for decades or even hundreds of years. This is a big test!"

"It's okay, I have dragon veins to support me, so I don't have to worry about it for the time being. But how many ingots will I need to enter the stage of transforming gods in the future?"

Chen Xinghe only felt a headache for a while, and then he patted his forehead and remembered that he was busy with training recently and forgot to clean up those spoils.

There is a saying that sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake, so you must quickly get out the ingots, so as to achieve the fastest training speed that can be loaded at present.

"Ah! The void is endless, it's really difficult to cross the star sea, now? It's only one-fifth of the way now, I hope it will be smooth in the future, and there will be no moths! The mere golden core can't stand the toss."

In the next ten days, he tried his best to crack the storage ring and storage bracelet, and the harvest was really impressive. In his heart, he kept criticizing the demon cultivators for burning, killing and looting, doing all kinds of evil, otherwise how could he save such Possessions?
What is it called?This is called cheap and good-looking.

Although it has been nearly twenty days, he has not even traveled half of the distance. The distance is too far away. Ten teleportations a day consumes a lot of energy. It is not impossible to go faster, but it is difficult to take into account the cultivation and cracking of the storage ring.

Another five days, just halfway through the journey, Chen Xinghe suddenly moved forward at full speed.

The book of life and death almost disappeared, oh my god!How big a crisis is brewing or approaching?
Don't do anything, hurry up!Run as fast as you can, put the matter of cultivation in the future.

Chen Xinghe ran away seriously, and immediately became different.

Not to mention his preparations all the time, he also used the dragon veins to rush forward during the preparations, and the speed of escape was unimaginable.

This is not enough, while running, he selected the talisman-making medium from the trophies, made hundreds of talismans, and pasted them on his body to enlarge the magic talisman in his heart, so that the speed of the heart-light escape method was increased by three or four times. The Zongmen are going to go to heaven.

However, running and breaking the waist is only a relief. It seems that this level is not easy.

Keep trying!
Chen Xinghe took out a low-grade magic treasure, which was the third treasure among the spoils. It looked like a demon refining pot, but it was used to refine plasma.

Demon cultivators have the habit of collecting blood and refining it into plasma, which is said to boost the cultivation of the demonic way.

The magic pot in front of him also drank blood, and he was happy without blood.

Magic tools usually have no morals. If you have milk, you are a mother. This magic pot is the same. Whoever provides blood plasma to Lao Tzu, I will do it with him.

It's that simple!

More than No. 60 demon cultivator, the most stored thing is blood plasma, and Chen Xinghe doesn't need it, so it is suitable for this magic pot.

"Gudu Gudu Gudu..." The magic pot has never drank so much blood in its life, and I was a little nervous when I was excited. After all, this young man in front of me has single-handedly slaughtered more than 60 demon cultivators, and the curse on his body is becoming more and more irresistible. , is really a character.

Chen Xinghe urged: "We have blood plasma, you can't be lazy, it's a magic treasure anyway, quickly show your skills."

"Ah! Tell me, my little one has only one ability, so why is he still a low-grade magic treasure?"

"Speed, I need speed. If I can't think of a way, I will keep you in the void, and we will see when you return to Chihuangtian."

"Don't! This... This trick is too bad."

Under pressure, what else can he do?I didn't have much moral integrity at first, so I naturally made suggestions like a dog's leg: "My lord wants to increase the speed to the extreme. I only have one trick here, and that is to condense the essence of the pool of blood. To open the door of the space, omitting the time spent during the teleportation."

"Oh? Bloody Essence? Very rare piercing fetish, can you gather it together?" Chen Xinghe was a little moved.

"Hey, that's what we're doing! You can condense all kinds of magical weapons, and the highest achievement is to condense the bloody marrow with a certain attribute of piercing through space."

(End of this chapter)

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