Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 977 The Land of Buddhism

Chapter 977 The Land of Buddhism
Bloody marrow is extremely precious, and it is not so easy to produce.

Chen Xinghe consumed all the blood plasma accumulated by so many demon cultivators throughout his life, and only then did he condense four bloody marrows, which shone dazzlingly in his hands. What he didn't expect was that his right hand suddenly reacted.

You must know that his right hand is an oddity in heaven and earth, and he can't find a more weird existence than this right hand. It usually doesn't move at all, like a ten thousand-year-old turtle lying still, making him think that this guy He has fallen asleep and will never wake up again.

The sun came out from the west today, and the right hand actually took the initiative to emit light, just like a hungry and strong man saw a piece of delicious beef, picked it up without asking, and it was "Kang Cang", and grandma's beef was gone! ! !

Chen Xinghe was so angry that this guy was too a jerk, he was waiting for his life to be rescued by a pool of blood, and he never expected to be cut off by this lazy man.

The right hand disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his right arm, and then he saw traces of blood running through it, forming bloody symbols one after another.

It's just that these sigils are too blunt and difficult to understand, with Chen Xinghe's attainment in talismans, he can only recognize a few trend-type sigils.

The so-called trend-type symbol is equivalent to the crossbow's aim, which has the function of reminding and locking.

"What does it mean?"

"Smashing empty?"

"Broken Star?"


Chen Xinghe clenched his fists tightly, tried to throw a punch, felt the changes in the aim of the three talismans, and suddenly his expression changed involuntarily.

"It turns out that you need the cooperation of the Qi Refiner level!"

"Sure enough, the guy on the right hand is very ancient. After swallowing the essence, he strengthened the ability of the ancient alchemist."

"Smashing the sky is the piercing attribute of the blood pool spirit, but the right hand divides the piercing attribute into two parts, smashing the sky belongs to the heavy hit part, and breaking the star belongs to the piercing part. Beam of light attack, and the consumption is not so great."

"As for Prajna, it's Sanskrit, which generally refers to all wisdom. In the arm, it means to increase all power. You can store Qi and bless your right arm, which will be very powerful."

Chen Xinghe decided to try the depth when teleporting, after all, it was something made by his right hand, so it is expected that the grade will not be too low.

In this way, he couldn't wait to try it just as soon as the body array met the transmission conditions.

There was only a soft "buzz", and the figure passed through without any pause, as if breaking a layer of paper.

"Great!" Chen Xinghe was very excited. Although he could do it with a bloody marrow, it was far from being able to do it himself.

Now he not only possesses the void-breaking attribute of the bloody marrow, but also can become even more powerful when combined with the level of a Qi refiner.Not to mention saving the time spent on the transmission, it also has a certain guarantee, and the life and death book quickly stabilized, not as ugly as before.

Chen Xinghe is like a child who finds a new toy, and begins to explore the beauty of his arms.

After trying it for two days, I only felt that the "weapon" equipped with his right hand was extraordinary, but no matter how strong he was, he couldn't lack the spirit of a pool of blood.

"Looks like we have to climb back as soon as possible to rob the Demon Cultists." Chen Xinghe had this very simple thought in his mind.

Goodness see you!They demon cultivators have always regarded themselves as hunters, when did they become prey?Why did the young emperor of Qingtianzong escape so much?Look at the other testers, aren't they still cultivating in Xinshou Village?

There is no way, who told someone to take extreme speed as the road and strive to be efficient in everything they do?For him, cultivation should be like a raging wind and fire, and he should find ways to add new materials before burning out the capital, so as to continuously help and form a virtuous circle.

Chen Xinghe deviated all the way to avoid those dangerous places.

The void star power is so abundant that it is often possible to see the crisis from a long distance. Xingjun is really at home in this environment.

It took only seven days to get there with such all-out efforts. Naturally, the consumption was not small, and at the same time, it was exhausting.

The moment his figure penetrated into the Tuhun Realm, he felt tired and relaxed one after another, and he let his figure fall in a straight line without wanting to move.

When there were still three hundred feet away from the ground, Chen Xinghe used the escape method to relieve the momentum, swinging two times and three times like falling leaves, falling into the mountains without making a sound.

From this day on, the beasts in the mountains often woke up, and it seemed that there were thousands of demons roaring in their minds, fighting back and forth with the heavenly soldiers and generals.

Chen Xinghe was trying to find a way to suppress the curse, and with the rapid improvement of his cultivation base, it was only a matter of time before he stepped on the curse one by one.

However, during this period, the beasts in the mountains suffered a lot, and they fled after being affected, and the scope of the impact was not small.

The twenty or so hills were silent, which naturally attracted the attention of some monsters, and a few little monsters drove over to check it out.

Chen Xinghe devoted himself to cultivating, he didn't know that the situation around him had attracted the attention of the demon clan.What's even more unexpected is that this is the territory of the Buddhist sect, and those monster races were incorporated by the Buddhist sect into Buddhist guardians, and patrolling this place is a "house guard".

These little monsters are used to being arrogant, they came towards Chen Xinghe's closed stone cave carelessly, dust and smoke rose from the ground to block them from cursing and ignoring good and bad, and released a few demon weapons to force their way in.

Chen Xinghe was at a critical moment in his cultivation, he had already given Gui Zangjian an order, but any obstacles were cleared immediately.

So the front of the mountain was stained with blood, and all the little demons died.

You must know that the Tuhun Realm was once the corner of the Chihuang's sky, and it is unknown when it collapsed and formed an enclave outside the sky.

The Tuhun people regarded themselves as Chihuangtian people, but the Chihuangtian monks never recognized them.

The residents of Tuhun Realm worry about gains and losses and don't want to be abandoned, so they need someone to guide them.

From the perspective of Buddhism, this place is very suitable for us to promote Buddhism!They are all lost lambs. Under the guidance of the radiance of Buddhism, all living beings are meritorious.

As a result, Buddhism became the first-class force in Tuhun, and other sects stood aside.

The mountain is my Buddha's mountain!

Water is my Buddha's water!

The demon is my Buddha's demon!

Who is so blind, actually wants to occupy the mountain here as the king?

As soon as these little demons died, the natal lanterns left in front of the Buddha statues cracked, and the Buddhist disciples knew at a glance that a team of patrolling little demons had died.

At first they didn't care about it, and then sent a team of more powerful little demons to see what was going on?
As a result, this team of little demons also died!
hey?Someone is making trouble!That's okay?

So the Buddhist monks who were in charge of taking care of this property gathered together the Dharma Guardian Buddhist soldiers, and charged at Chen Xinghe's location aggressively.

Regardless of whether it is a monster or a Buddha, the Guizang sword will be punished if it dares to disturb its master's restoration.

27 flying swords appeared in front of the mountain. Buddhist monks yelled for a long time, but no one answered, so they forced their way in due to the large number of people.

Can't it be lively now?Clank and clang.

Chen Xinghe is concentrating on checking for deficiencies and making up for omissions. He really can't take care of his side if he wants to build a solid foundation in the golden elixir stage!Anyway, the book of life and death has not changed, indicating that there is no need to care about risks in the short term.

There is no risk for him, who knows the risk of becoming a Buddhist invisibly.

The young ones were beaten, and the old ones came. The Buddhist sect is red-eyed, and the "tumor" guarding here must be cleaned up.

(End of this chapter)

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