Chapter 978
Chen Xinghe felt a strange movement.

Are you chanting outside?

Who is so unlucky?What kind of scriptures can you read here?It's all right to be cursed by the magic way, and even Buddhists come to join in the fun?

He stood up and stepped out of the cave, only to see blood flowing into rivers on the ground, and the 27 flying swords beeping, congratulating the master on his consummation of merit.

Chen Xinghe stared wide-eyed and asked: "What's going on here? You ran to the door and fiddled around, didn't you see someone practicing here?"

The two monks in cassocks stared angrily, and shouted: "Hey, traitor! This is a pure place of Buddhism. If you dare to invade, you will not be allowed to stay."

"Wait a minute? Isn't Buddhism merciful and compassionate to all sentient beings? Why can't I sit here for a second time? I often hear monks say that the door of convenience is opened. This is the door of convenience for you?"

"Don't talk about those useless things. You not only invaded this place, but also drove away wild beasts to disturb the surrounding area, and killed so many Dharma protectors and Buddhist soldiers in our Yunfeng Temple. Your crime is unforgivable. Even the Buddha himself will slap you to death. to reduce evil in the world."

When Chen Xinghe saw the faces of these monks, he knew that this place was not a real Buddhist temple.Look at these fat pigs, the back of the head is full of meat shells, they eat oily noodles and noodles, and their intestines are full of fat, which is richer than a fat pig with cubs.

Although he has a connection with Buddhism, he was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said with a wave of his hand: "I advise everyone to leave quickly, my Nascent Soul Tribulation is coming soon."

"Oh? Crossing the Tribulation? It turned out to be just a Golden Core cultivator. I thought it was so powerful. We have already invited Master Uncle to Shangyun Temple, and soon Master Uncle and his old man will be everywhere! Hey, how can we use it against monks like you? Let the uncle go out?"

Another great monk picked up a convenient serial shovel and said with a sneer: "If it is not for the protection of a powerful flying sword, this body of flesh and blood would have become the fertilizer of the back garden of the family."

Chen Xinghe was angry and funny when he heard this.

You must know that he is doing similar things, using the monks of the sorcerer's path as fertilizer. Unexpectedly, this fat pig likes to use people as fertilizer.

"I have done my best to tell everyone to leave as soon as possible, don't say it was unexpected."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, you still want to cross the tribulation? Kill him and get rid of him."

"Yes, shoulder to shoulder, be careful of his flying sword."

Chen Xinghe scratched his head, shoulder to shoulder?This is a group of monks?Or a bunch of bandits?Is it too arrogant?

He raised his hand and pointed towards the sky, and shouted: "Kill it!"


"Boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

Just a wave of thunder shadows blasted all the monster guardians and bearded and staring Buddhist soldiers in front of them into coke, and the casualties were more than heavy?The whole army was almost wiped out!

"Ah? Is this Nascent Soul Tribulation?"

"Run! This bastard is definitely not a Golden Core cultivator."

"Why isn't Master Master coming?"

Just at this moment, a brilliant Buddha's light shrouded down, transferred the two great monks to the surrounding mountain peaks, and a loud sound resounded between heaven and earth.

"Fellow Daoist has done too much, what kind of skill is bullying the younger generation? There is a way to target the old monk."

Chen Xinghe looked up, and saw five monks, big and small, standing on the ornate jade chariot, grieving.

One of them, Tutuo with a red face and a beard, shouted: "Brother, what are you talking about with him? How dare you come to our territory to act wildly, who cares what he's up to? Destroy his spirit first."

Before he finished speaking, the red beard rushed towards Chen Xinghe.

Chen Xinghe raised his hand and said, "Here comes the robbery!"

"Kacha..." Lei Ying arrived in an instant, bombarding the top of the red beard's head with incomparable precision.

"Ahhh, it hurts so much! What's going on? What kind of magic is this?" The red beard grinned and looked Chen Xinghe up and down, obviously a little apprehensive.

"As I said just now, I am going through a catastrophe, and I will become a baby after the catastrophe. To be honest, I still have some small expectations."

"Who are you lying to? Think I'm a fool?" The red-bearded man flashed off his monk's clothes to reveal his bronze-colored skin, and he looked like a monk who had cultivated his body and become a Buddhist monk.

Most of the body-training cultivators tortured themselves behind their backs, just for the glory of others!

This Toutuo was no exception. The muscles on his chest trembled, and a red dragon was tattooed on the back of his chest. Every movement of his muscles seemed to be like a dragon flying in the sky.

Chen Xinghe smiled, stretched out his arm and said: "Look, I also have a dragon on this arm, but he is not tattooed, but created by God, and transformed into a form of calamity. Yuanying Jie has not fallen for a long time, it is Because I am afraid that this black dragon will swallow the power of the catastrophe, and the chicken will fly to the egg, and the gain will not be worth the loss. God thinks it will be difficult for me, so I want to skip this pass and take back the catastrophe! Alas! It is rare for me to encounter a catastrophe now, why not Leave after saying hello? Counting with your fingers, there will only be so many catastrophes in the future, which is too precious."

"Are you crazy?" The red beard looked at Chen Xinghe like a fool, but he pointed at the sky and raised his voice: "This catastrophe has not been approved by me, so how can it just go away? All catastrophes follow my heart , billions of trillions of calamity thunders shine on the road ahead, calamity is coming!"

Chen Xinghe could have directly crossed the catastrophe and returned to the Nascent Soul stage, but he is different now, and urgently needs to increase his calamity power to improve the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue.

There is also a black dragon who is so hungry and thirsty that he doesn't eat anything else but the Jie power evolved from him, so Yuanying Jie could be omitted before, but now it cannot be omitted.

In addition, Chen Xinghe wanted to use the Heavenly Tribulation to weaken the curse of the Demonic Dao. The voices from the Demonic Realm were too annoying, and he didn't know when it would come out from the bottom of his heart.

In this way, every catastrophe becomes extremely precious to him.

You must know that breaking through the speed limit can trigger a catastrophe against the sky, and it is only one time to advance to a higher level after the completion of meritorious deeds. There are only two times for a level. In addition, you may be able to participate in some magical thunder disasters, but the level is not high enough. , the use is negligible, so now Chen Xinghe really has a rare chance to cross the catastrophe.

"To rob, to rob, to rob..."

Voices echoed between the sky and the earth, the golden lightning directly hit the ground, it was naturally not Chen Xinghe who was struck by it, and he couldn't control it just now.

Of course it was the red beard!

Take yourself off so naked, since you like to show off your figure, then show it to God.

Redbeard billowed black smoke in the lightning.

I have to admit that this guy's body training is really not weak, a few gold mines are not enough, and he has to be attracted in pieces.


The vast golden thunder arrived.

All the monks on the jade chariot were moved, and the head old monk clasped his hands together and said: "The almsgiver is wise, but the attack is too vicious."

Chen Xinghe raised his eyebrows, he was too lazy to argue with this kind of monk, and raised his hand to attract more robbery.

"Om..." The sky shook!
Tiandao really wants to get rid of this big problem, but the Nascent Soul Stage Heavenly Tribulation is the Nascent Soul Stage Heavenly Tribulation, even if it reaches the upper limit, it cannot reach the realm of the Transformation God stage.

This is the boundary of heaven and cannot be crossed.

It is precisely because Chen Xinghe's realm is too much now, so not only is he not afraid, but he can also use Jieli to attack, so these monks are unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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