Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 979 Heavenly Tribulation Mixed With Water?

Chapter 979 Heavenly Tribulation Mixed With Water?
God Thunder appeared.

Have you seen the ancient Tiangong?
Intertwined by thunder and lightning, it outlines every detail of the ancient Tiangong. It fell from the air to the ground, trying to suppress and kill the monks who crossed the catastrophe.

As soon as these visions appeared, the mountains near and far were wiped out. The monks, big and small, were near the head, except for the old monk who let out a loud cry and released Buddha treasures to resist, and managed to hold on.

Chen Xinghe had quick hands and quick eyes, and rescued several ingots.

You must know that every ingot is very precious. Unexpectedly, these monks, who are rich in wealth, actually saved a few in this place where nothing shit happens. They immediately became happy and handed over the ingots to Xiaolong for "treasure".

The old monk clasped his hands together, his eyes were full of misery, and he spit blood from his mouth, trembling all over, he said: "Well, you traitor, how dare you lay such a poisonous hand on me and other monks, today the poor monk will risk his life and kill you on the spot Fa-rectification."

Chen Xinghe shook his head and said: "Don't speak harshly, I'm crossing the catastrophe, who can you blame for running over here? I have warned you before, but you don't listen! You still have time to escape, if you don't leave this place, even if Your skill is not weak, and you can't survive thirty breaths."

" wait for the old monk..."

After uttering harsh words, the old monk fled.

Chen Xinghe was amused to watch, but he didn't take this trivial matter to heart.

At this moment, he looked up at Shen Xiao Lei Jie, shook his arm and asked, "How much power can you swallow?"

"Ang..." The black dragon responded with a dragon cry.

Soon, the shadow of the dark dragon fluctuated up and down, and the picture of the ancient heavenly palace outlined by thunder suddenly swayed, and many details became blurred.

Jieli is hidden in these delicate places. Just imagine if there is no great power to maintain it, how could Lei Ting become like this?
Chen Xinghe hastily circulated his profound kung fu, eight slender rings appeared between his brows, and under the mutual disturbance, there were eight "crack, thud, thud" sounds.

Shen Xiao Lei Jie immediately dimmed, and he didn't seem to have the slightest prestige.

The Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Jue is very difficult to practice, but once it is practiced, it will be invincible in the world, and it is already honorable to survive the seventh and eighth calamities. It is hard for Chen Xinghe to imagine how far he will reach after passing the ninth calamity...

"Boom..." Gu Tiangong flashed, and figures walked out, presenting the scene of a great battle back then.

The murderous aura is awe-inspiring, and the lightning is piercing.

Chen Xinghe stretched out his arm and struck hard, there was a loud buzzing sound, his whole body was forcibly pulled into the "painting", and he became a monster to be beheaded by heavenly soldiers and generals.

"Okay!" Not only was he not afraid, but he was extremely happy. He hurriedly relaxed his mind and unfolded the curse cast on him by the magic way, colliding with a brilliant thunder and lightning.

Chen Xinghe sat down cross-legged and cultivated with heart, taking advantage of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals attacking the Demon Dao and cursing, it was the best time to devour the Tribulation Power and boost the Xuan Gong.

This Nascent Soul Tribulation seemed to be a big meal, not only the black dragon feasted on it, but also the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue benefited a lot from it, it can be called the greatest help in the world.

You must know that the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Spring Jue incorporates the Jinzun Immortal Yuan Gong, which has a strong effect of body training. At this moment, with the advancement of the power layer by layer, Chen Xinghe took out a large amount of metal in his mind, and saw the thunder and lightning exploded around the metal, destroying it. The skeleton gold was not exhausted, it continued to be destroyed into black purple powder, and then it was inhaled into the body little by little.

"Huh? There are Xeon metals on top of the skull gold?" This was something Chen Xinghe didn't think of, but it's just that it only costs half a penny to destroy so much metal, which is too rare.

Rareness means precious, so he hurriedly took out all the metals he could find on his body, put them in together with the metal instruments, and tried his best to "forge" the black purple profound gold.

It's also very little, and the income from such hard work is only a penny, but it has raised the root bone to a higher level.

"Boom..." Gutian Palace collapsed at this moment.

Cultivation consumes too much, especially when Chen Xinghe refines this black-purple metal powder with the help of Thunder Tribulation, the consumption is not usually huge, which makes the Heaven Tribulation end early, and the black dragon is only half full.

"This?" Chen Xinghe always felt that the way of heaven mixed water into this catastrophe, and it was not like this when he crossed the golden alchemy catastrophe for the first time.

Before he could complain, the profound energy from the heaven and the earth gathered together, and the dragon veins immediately gave blessings, and the clouds and mist swirled around, and the dragon and the tiger were indistinctly fighting each other, and a baby was born.

This baby disappeared instantly and was extremely mysterious, giving Chen Xinghe a strange aura, as if he was not in the Three Realms and Five Elements, and his figure would fade away with the breeze at any time.

"It's watered, it's definitely watered!"

"The curse of the magic way is still there, but it has just worn away a layer of skin. I thought this catastrophe would be very powerful, but it turned out that there was loud thunder and little rain."

This is exactly why people compare themselves to others, and people are so angry. Other monks hope that Tian Jie will be weaker, while Chen Xinghe hopes that Tian Jie will be stronger.

Different needs, different goals, and different attitudes towards Heavenly Tribulation.

Now that he has returned to the early stage of the Nascent Soul, he suddenly feels that the powerful protection has returned.

After this ups and downs, the foundation has become more stable, and the Yuanbao has accumulated to over four thousand, and after entering the Yuanying stage, the cultivation speed can be maintained at 56 times.

The upper limit is 81 times. After reaching [-] ingots, the accumulation effect will become extremely slow, and the upper limit cannot be reached until the [-] ingot mark is broken.

Chen Xinghe nodded, feeling quite satisfied.

Just as he was about to leave, he noticed that Buddha lights suddenly rose from the front, back, left, and right sides, and a big "卍" character appeared in the sky, swishing and printing downwards.

Such a situation is no small matter, it made Chen Xinghe's heart tremble, knowing that the Buddhist sect came with an unimaginable master.

Regardless of whether there is any dirt in the Buddhist sect here, there is a reason for this person to be able to cultivate to this level.

Chen Xinghe took a light step.

With just one step, the years and flowers bloom, and the youth is in an instant, far away and boundless, just like the magic of Buddhism.

Buddhism respects six kinds of supernatural powers, namely, the eye of the sky, the ear of the sky, the heart of others, the foot of the god, the fate, and the leak.

Shenzutong is listed among them, which means that you can go wherever you want, without any space constraints.

Chen Xinghe started with the mind light escape method, and broke through the limit speed delineated by the heaven several times, and his realm and performance are approaching supernatural powers.

"Huh?" The visitor found it incredible that someone could escape his Buddha light blockade, and the other party had just passed the Nascent Soul Tribulation.

After crossing the tribulation, it should be very weak. It will take a while to stabilize the cultivation base. Why does it not exist in this little guy?
Just when the Buddhist masters were curious, Chen Xinghe had already changed his appearance and fled into Dugu's mansion in a hurry.

Here is the lady of the Yang family whom Li Qinyuan, the Buddha's eye, is thinking of, and the second wife of the Yang family, Dugu Jingyao. Chen Xinghe intends to join in the fun with these two couples, mainly to cut off the breath and avoid the entanglement of Buddhist masters.

He pushed the door open with a "squeak" and entered, but he didn't expect that Yang Qianchan was taking a bath.

The servant girl stared blankly at the door, her expression was changing, she might blurt out a scream immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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